The Irony is fantastic.

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I think I love you. jk. Your sarcasm, resonates with me. I am so bitter that it is a struggle to remember that my daughter is a victim of this and I cannot fault her for her cruelty towards me, her mother. She is/was sad. She is/was hurting. She is young. She is naive. She can't know better. Thank you.

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There is no pill that will cure this ill...

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And decent insurance and a healthy income.

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This is complete horse shit. It’s no wonder you smooth brains voted for Trump.

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Helllllooooooo. Your brain will become more smooth as you take the opposite hormones to your true sex.

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I dunno. I'm a Trump hater. But I'm a medical sociologist whose specialty has been fraud. Much more of this is bullshit than the very few cases that really exist. On the order of 1/20,000. It's the usual debate by name calling with you, isn't it. Really keep this stuff out of the schools. Europe is radically desisting from trans now.

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Then clearly you don’t actually know trans people, as I do. They aren’t out to hurt anyone, or convert anyone, they just want to exist without being hated, beaten, lose their jobs, or be kicked out of their housing.

If you’re afraid that your children will become trans because they learned about it in school, then you have already failed as a parent and as a researcher. Be better.

Look at the assholes you’re aligning yourself with: Fox News? Ron DeSantis? Do you really think that they base their rhetoric on science or statistics? No, they base it on whatever makes the poorly educated masses froth at the mouth. Nothing has changed there.

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You obviously believe what the mainstream media spoon feeds you.

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Spoken like a true Trumper, right on cue. Show us on this doll where the transgender people hurt you?

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It's not personal. The problem is that much of this is medical hucksterism. Poor Dutch research led to profit and prestige seeking counselors and docs inappropriately pawning puberty blockers off on kids. Later other hormones and even surgery. We know a thousand-fold increase in cases isn't real. My dissertation and later book were on the trumped-up mass psychiatric hospitalization of teens and others in the 1980s. Same sort of thing. This why people go to Trump. They think we've lost our minds.

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Thanks, but this has nothing to do with why people go to Trump. Transgender people have always existed, but fear of discovery and fear of being considered insane have almost always kept people from discussing this in public.

Of course this affects only a tiny segment of the population, and numbers matter.

Medical science is not perfect but diagnosis and testing have improved a thousandfold since the days when you wrote your dissertation. Today, patients can be genetically tested for aberrations in their DNA, which sometimes confirms that they simply don’t have all of the characteristics that are shared with 95% of the population. Some people adapt to this and are able to go on with their lives with minimal disruption. For other people it is impossible for them to go forward with the gender that was assigned on their birth certificate. Since you have studied this, you are aware that approximately 1 in 2000 babies born have some type of genital anomaly, which in the past was almost automatically referred for surgery. Please understand I am NOT advocating for unnecessary surgery: I am simply pointing out that if 1 in 2000 people walking our streets have what is considered less than normal genitalia, how hard is it to believe that a number of people are also not assigned their proper gender at birth? This assignment is accomplished by simple physical inspection, not by genetic or mental testing.

If all you ever do is cite the cases where doctors have gotten this wrong, then you also dismiss the cases where doctors , and especially patients, have gotten it right. This leads to discrediting the existence of trans people entirely, and has now become a wedge issue for politicians and the uneducated.

Demonizing minority groups has been a go to tactic for authoritarians for hundreds (thousands) of years. The fact that modern authoritarians like Trump, and now DeSantis, are pushing this with the aid of Fox News style organizations, is a huge red flag as to its legitimacy. Don’t admit that trans people exist. Don’t say gay. Don’t study Black History. Don’t make my children feel uncomfortable by showing them the facts about history. Don’t allow college students to study Black History.

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Why are you here? To troll? This is a place for families who have been affected by the insanity of what is being done to children and our youth. There are liberal women here, apolitical families - this is not a trump site. People here are hurting so your grating comments are inappropriate. Find someplace else to troll.

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Thank you! I would be very interested to hear your personal experience about how your family is being hurt by anyone being transgender, or gay, or whatever thing you are being told is some huge problem.

When you have to cherry pick and struggle to find “science “ that agrees with the narrow minded fear driven news you choose to digest, you might not be doing yourself or society any favors.

If you attempt to use the Bible for justification for your prejudice, be prepared to be laughed at. Jesus said to love everyone: God does not make mistakes. Right?

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So you agree with the author of the piece on the myriad benefits of transitioning? Excellent. Just enjoy it then. No need to invoke Trump.

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Thank you! There is a very direct relationship between the narrow minded, anti science rhetoric surrounding this subject, and the narrow minded anti science people who are ignorant enough to continue their support for Trump despite his obvious incompetence and crimes. The possibility that you are not a Trump supporter is refreshing, but not an excuse for intolerance.

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1. I am an atheist. 2. I have been a liberal my entire life. 3. I'm part of the LBG community. 4. This forum is ALL about families who have been impacted. If you were anything other than a troll, you would know that. 5. It is the nonsensical gender movement that is reaching for pseudoscience to justify this 'movement'. The science is the science. There are TWO biological sexes - that is so throughout the mammal species. It is immutable. It is not the gender critical folks who are making up shit words like ze/za/tsi and the rest of the nonsensical terms, or delegating the infinite range of personalities (approx 8 billion at last count) into 84 ridiculous genders. Gender = personality. 5. As a woman, yes, I am directly impacted by men dressing as women, claiming to be women, and invading women's personal and private spaces. And finally, 6. As a human being, I am gravely concerned about the sterilization and mutilation of children's bodies, and teaching them they are wrong bodied. Children's and young people's minds are being profoundly damaged with this insane cult mentality. They are being lied to - they are being told they are a mistake and that taking lifelong, damaging medications and performing irreversible radical surgeries on healthy bodies will make them whole. I don't know why you're busy trolling around here but I repeat - this is not a space for political debate. This is a space for families and concerned people to come together - so bugger off. And I'm not interested in engaging with you so don't waste your time continuing to bait me. There are so many mistakes the left is making right now, one of which is thinking the push back against this insanity is a right wing effort. It's not. Feminists started speaking out about this crap a decade ago. Done with you troll. You are on the wrong side in this fight. The entire left is.

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You’re wrong, and it’s just that simple. Men are not dressing as women and invading your spaces, that is some made up fear mongering bullshit.

Your knowledge of science is selective or weak, or both.

Pretending that this issue is not being pushed very hard by the right, and especially by conservative Christians, is silly. It’s nice that you claim to be a part of these groups that might normally align with science and logic, but surely you already know that you’re a tiny minority if you’re being honest in any way here. Stick around.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 This is gold.

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Well written but frankly I don’t know wether to laugh at the obvious witty sarcasm or to cry at the obvious absurdity and insanity of this current madness afflicting our society. How we ever got to this point and why Government, Corporations and some Woke people believe it is their right to “educate “ kids as

young as 5 in kindergarten with this insanity is beyond me. I weep for this generation of kids and fear for my grandkids. 💔

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Leftists want to turn every boy into a castrated ‘girl’, and every girl into a spayed ‘boy’, with all the expensive irreversible surgeries and a lifetime of expensive accompanying drugs.

Then in the next generation... oops, there won’t be any “next generation”!

If the Leftists can’t kill them in the womb by abortion, then they will kill any possibility of their future parenthood!

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This is where it's intended to be headed - "Freedom of form". Abolition of "sexual apartheid". Merging human with machine. Really. With no informed consent, of course.

This is Martine Rothblatt's 2011 book, "From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form". " . . . transhumanism arises from the groins of transgenderism. As reasoning beings, we must welcome this further transcendence of arbitrary biology, and embrace in solidarity all conscious life." (This also means including machine consciousness).



They want to change humanity itself -

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism - "Postgenderism is a social, political and cultural movement which arose from the eroding of the cultural, psychological, and social role of gender, and an argument for why the erosion of binary gender will be liberatory.[1] "

More info here -

https://www.the11thhourblog.com/ https://jbilek.substack.com/ https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc082-trans-humanism/

And there's the opportunity for technocrats to intervene in the birth process. Rothblatt's reasoning considers it "sexual apartheid" that only women can carry babies. While so much infertility comes from this, they want to tinker with humanity and fix that thru tech.

And, does your child have an affinity for animals? Do they communicate well with dogs, cats, horses, birds, and enjoy their company? Do they resonate with fantasy creatures, with wings and tails? They may have Species Dysphoria, which means they're in need of "Species Identify Affirmation Treatments." https://freedomofform.org/

New tech and progress can be good. But this shit is ridiculous, and those who think it may be ultimately good for humanity, have no moral ground to stand on, because they're ramming it through with no informed consent. Not only is there lack of awareness of physical, mental, sexual damage after medical transitions, there's lack of awareness of the bigger picture of what this is meant to be part of, as far as deconstructing what it means to be human.

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Ever read: "Brave New World"? Very similar in concept, those books were a warning, not a Handbook!

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I haven't yet read Brave New World. I did recently read (and had watched, the 1984 version), 1984, and the parallels are so clear. A difference between the movie and book (1984) is the book goes into more detail of how fully some characters believe what they're told to believe. Even as one is brought to jail, (aptly named the Ministry of Love, because everything is the opposite of what it claims to be, like Ministry of Truth) - he is still a true believer, and proud of his children for reporting him.

Making children agents of Big Brother, suspicious of their parents.

And speaking of "Freedom of Form", I just found this. The Furries want to lead the future of humanity, by gene editing. In such complex systems as the human body when they can't even get mRNA tech done without massive disaster in its wake, what could go wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWUFc4krp-w

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Brave New World

The novel opens in the World State city of London in AF (After Ford) 632 (AD 2540 in the Gregorian calendar), where citizens are engineered through artificial wombs and childhood indoctrination programmes into predetermined classes (or castes) based on intelligence and labour. Lenina Crowne, a hatchery worker, is popular and sexually desirable, but Bernard Marx, a psychologist, is not. He is shorter in stature than the average member of his high caste, which gives him an inferiority complex. His work with sleep-learning allows him to understand, and disapprove of, his society's methods of keeping its citizens peaceful, which includes their constant consumption of a soothing, happiness-producing drug called "soma". Courting disaster, Bernard is vocal and arrogant about his criticisms, and his boss contemplates exiling him to Iceland because of his nonconformity. His only friend is Helmholtz Watson, a gifted writer who finds it difficult to use his talents creatively in their pain-free society.

Bernard takes a holiday with Lenina outside the World State to a Savage Reservation in New Mexico, in which the two observe natural-born people, disease, the ageing process, other languages, and religious lifestyles for the first time. The culture of the village folk resembles the contemporary Native American groups of the region, descendants of the Anasazi, including the Puebloan peoples of Hopi and Zuni.[25] Bernard and Lenina witness a violent public ritual and then encounter Linda, a woman originally from the World State who is living on the reservation with her son John, now a young man. She, too, visited the reservation on a holiday many years ago, but became separated from her group and was left behind. She had meanwhile become pregnant by a fellow holidaymaker (who is revealed to be Bernard's boss, the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning). She did not try to return to the World State, because of her shame at her pregnancy. Despite spending his whole life in the reservation, John has never been accepted by the villagers, and his and Linda's lives have been hard and unpleasant. Linda has taught John to read, although from the only book in her possession—a scientific manual—and another book John found: the complete works of Shakespeare. Ostracized by the villagers, John is able to articulate his feelings only in terms of Shakespearean drama, quoting often from The Tempest, King Lear, Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. Linda now wants to return to London, and John, too, wants to see this "brave new world". Bernard sees an opportunity to thwart plans to exile him, and gets permission to take Linda and John back. On their return to London, John meets the Director and calls him his "father", a vulgarity which causes a roar of laughter. The humiliated Director resigns in shame before he can follow through with exiling Bernard.

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Is it ok for us to share outside of PITT?

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Absolutely. I share PITT newsletters now and then with friends and family that find it helpful.

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Thank you!

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I am so glad that I found you guys. I don't know how I would be making it through this without you!!! xxx

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Like but don’t like. You know what I mean.

You nailed it.

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Love the sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek. It really shows how lame trans ideology really is! I'm sharing this; thanks for writing such and informative piece in such an awesome manner!

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Some TRUTH at last from the " gender affirmation clinic " ? Quelle surprise !! Nice parody but we live in hope they will actually be honest and even offer some proper therapy to these kids !!

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Bravo 👏👏👏 Well done!!

At first I thought this was a real letter, an actual apology from a Gender Affirming Clinic…when I suddenly picked up on the sarcasm and then the horrible, sad and painful truth. How has this trans-cult continued to exist and steal our children? How can teachers, doctors, surgeons, therapists and politicians all ignore what is really happening? Is there any way to get this sent to newspapers across the globe to publish on the front page? Brilliantly written and powerfully heartbreaking.

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No there isn’t because the mainstream media is one of the biggest supporters of the transanity. 😡

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So much cognitive dissonance .. this is not a justification in ANY way, just attempt to peel back a few layers .. the intent at the root of this is to change humanity itself, and true believers - if they even have any clue of this part, which many may not - tell themselves they are at the forefront of liberation, abolition, as on the right side of history as those who fought for integration during racial apartheid.

This is where it's intended to be headed - "Freedom of form". Abolition of "sexual apartheid". Merging human with machine. Really. With no informed consent, of course.

This is Martine Rothblatt's 2011 book, "From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form". " . . . transhumanism arises from the groins of transgenderism. As reasoning beings, we must welcome this further transcendence of arbitrary biology, and embrace in solidarity all conscious life." (This also means including machine consciousness).



They want to change humanity itself -

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism - "Postgenderism is a social, political and cultural movement which arose from the eroding of the cultural, psychological, and social role of gender, and an argument for why the erosion of binary gender will be liberatory.[1] "

(Just sharing for info. I'm not OK with any of this. I could see why some may think transcending all physical boundaries including basic biology may be good, from their perspective, but I can't forgive it being done with no informed consent, and experimenting on children.)

And they've captured the newspapers too, at least all the liberal ones, which have been so dishonest for so long. Perhaps news outlets who still have integrity would publish this, it's brilliant ...

See this "style guide" for trans "journalists" - https://www.transjournalists.org/style-guide/

They're basically saying, - "This (captured) organization says this is safe. Therefore anyone who disagrees is fringe, far right, and should not be given a platform. Don't debate them, be very careful when mentioning any of their arguments. Avoid taking detransitioners / (vaccine injured) seriously. (as the media was so diligent about dismissing and mocking the vaccine injured). Do. Not. Spread. Wrongthink."

Newsguard serves pharma in controlling the narrative about the trans cult, and also the covid narrative ...


( Stay human ... )

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I sarcastically hit the like button. Great letter, wish this was a real thing.

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