This is good parenting! I feel HOPE❣️

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Wow, thank you for sharing your story. Your daughter was very lucky to have a great mother who was truly in her corner, fighting for her. 🙏🏻

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Adoptees have 4x the % trans identified youth, compared to population at large.

I think there can be somatic effects of the shock trauma that put you 'at odds with yourself' somatically, via bracing/ dissociation.

Surrender is a trauma, even when the adoptive family is excellent.

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This is a lot of my daughter's story. She's a freshman in college and seems to be digging in further. I'm praying for the same result this author had. Praying for the day we're all freed from this nightmare.

If the author is reading, what happened that led to her desistance?

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Bravo quel courage … Que d’amour et de souffrance … Je vais prier aussi pour que mon fils revienne à la raison … il 31 ans et je n’ai plus de nouvelles de lui mais votre histoire me redonne confiance … Je vous souhaite le meilleur …

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Sto nella stessa situazione mia figlia ha 15 anni ma io sto resistendo anche se lei ora so che mi odia.... magari un giorno riuscirà ad apprezzare quello che sto facendo e tutto il dolore che mi porto dentro

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Non posso escrivare bene in Italiano, ma capsico un pocino. Mi dispiache lo que Lei e lei suffre. Abrazzos por i due. Anche io ho una figlia. 12 anni e con amicas ‘non-binary’. io ho paura que lei fara la stessa

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I love this. It feels so hopeful to read it, at a time when everything can feel so challenging and overwhelming. My daughter has followed the EXACT same pattern (anxiety, cutting, trans train), and is just turning 15. We are holding on. Thank you for sharing!

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My daughter followed that pattern too. She has transitioned medically. I pray she will desist.

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