* A person is born, in the vast majority of cases, male or female, physically. 

* A young female is called a girl. 

* An adult female is called a woman. 

* A young male is called a boy. 

* An adult male is called a man. 

* Primarily, gender refers to male or female. 

* Secondarily, gender can refer to girl, boy, woman or man. 

* Context determines if gender is meant in the primary or secondary cases. 

* LGBTQ+ are not genders. They are variations of persona, aka identity. 

* Gender identities, and other identities, are not genders, but  personas. 

* An identity, or other persona, neither denies or defines a gender. 

* Persona can be influenced by nature and nurture, biology and choice. 

* There is very little scientific evidence, if any, that DNA determines persona, as per above definition. 

* New definitions of gender issues, especially those that disconnect gender from physicality, are based on pseudoscience. 

* The new gender pseudoscience is partially based on a form of Golden Age Thinking that is trying to force old stereotypes of gender oriented  personas on society. It is closely related to neofascist ideology. These stereotypes are the same ones that my generation and others sought to eradicate for decades.

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This describes exactly how I feel. Angry!

I will speak up without fear.

We must stop hiding and being anonymous.

No punishment is too much for a mother who loves her child. Already I have been labelled as transgender phobic. I am already a criminal. I have nothing more to lose.

Already my daughter has been medicalised. She thinks she is a man because the state wants her sterile. Legally she is a man. She has the unwanted autism genes. I have lost all respect for laws which declare women are men, wrong is right. My integrity is all that matters to me. I believe I gave birth to a girl, a very feminine, beautiful, timid child. There was absolutely no need to declare she was a boy. Such an obvious lie and I am supposed to stay quiet?

Livid is the word for how we feel when we have to stand back while our vulnerable children are deceived into self sterilisation. This is simply state controlled eugenics in disguise.

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Aside from time consuming law suits, isn’t there anything else that could be done to raise awareness of this issue and save more children (and young adults)?

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