Check out the YouTube podcast Terf Talk Down Under for the full mess from Australia :-(

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What a powerful story, about you and the women in your family, and the power of Kellie Jae Keen's work. Thank you, and my best wishes for your daughter to come out of this. She's lucky to have a clear-thinking Mom.

And thank you to KJK for all you do for women worldwide.

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Thank you for writing this and thank you KJK for all you do for all women.

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Women are powerful beings. It is their emotion that is their force and fuel. Never step away from that. Thank you for your voice.

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Excellent article.

Have you come across https://www.the11thhourblog.com/ by Jennifer Bilek?

It's worth looking at and it isn't organic. The articles and videos are worth a read/watch to understand why this is happeneing and particularly why against women. There's some big money behind it.

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A wonderful, heart rendering account.

I was at a meeting recently and a female social worker at my child 'school mouthed the "They, them, themself" pronouns at me in a manner which she clearly meant as provocating. So there are women who embrace lies and enforce them on others. Not only that, but those very professionals who are responsible for children safeguarding are making themselves complicit in maiming these same children.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

You said it, sister. We all feel so gas-lit - especially by the medical establishment and the teachers .'I knew someone who knew a person and the mom and adult kid wound up being all happy after a struggle so your kid "is trans" and you should celebrate!' Also, 'Get some support so that you accept'.

I am not even sure I think there was ever a such thing as "gender dysphoria" even as the TRA establishment now tries to remove it as a mental disorder and assert it's all about positive identity. These are psychological and social pathologies now weaponized into Cult, and for profit and for politics. What better targets than naive young people and their brutalized parents?

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It's awesome that you spoke. It may mean nothing, since I'm an anonymous commenter on the internet, but I'm proud of you. I'm also waiting for my daughter to remember who she is and Something good from her childhood.

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It’s been reported both ways. Last night here in BC they said male to female. I just watched video and it clearly is a male, so yes female to male trans.

More mentally ill people able to purchase high powered weapons. Wonder how all the testosterone she was taking factored into this. Absolutely tragic for the victims but what is being done to young people with mutilation of their bodies and hormones is tragic too.

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It is a fact testosterone can increase the tendency to commit violent acts.

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Stop nodding and start wearing the proud woman shirt now. Being trans is not the road to happiness and no support group would ever convince me that it is. You do not have to accept it or listen to idiots who say you should. Good luck with your daughter.

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Thank you for your thoughtful, inspirational essay.

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Thank you for your story. It is ALWAYS those who do not have children brainwashed by this cult that are the ones telling you that you should support your child. Their knowledge is always second or third hand and they have done absolutely no research. They are too lazy to look for facts, they just go along with the narrative blindly. I too am awaiting the return of my daughter. I pray for wisdom to triumph over propaganda in her life. It is okay to change your mind, life will not end if you walk away from this path that you are on. FDP, I miss you and love you more than you can ever know. Dad

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I'm glad you're finding your voice. It's so hard for us as women to learn the lesson that we are allowed to speak. I resonated with what you said about fearing guilt by association. I have seen at least three women I know IRL get doxxed. One lost her job.

Witnessing women I know getting doxxed has made me fear to comment on articles like this one, even though this account is anonymous. The concept of guilt by association is not a good one, and it's a classic tactic that authoritarian movements have used. We should be, and are entitled, to associate with anyone we'd like, no matter how much we may agree or disagree with them.

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Excellent. It is liberating to speak the truth.

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I was at the LWS rally in Melbourne. The insane misogyny of the "trans rights" protesters was like nothing I'd ever seen before. These were porn addicted, mentally ill, very dangerous people. It was a baying mob, barely held back by the police. The lies that were told by politicians and media afterwards made me feel physically ill as they showed me conclusively that those in power are on the side of the mob. But it also galvanised me and other women there. I've been speaking up more and more and I know I'm not the only one.

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#metoo It was utterly terrifying to see that encroaching mob, baying for the blood of women who dared to speak. Awful, vile language, placards and actions by them.

The "trans love and TERF hate" signs were pulled into perspective when they started punching (!!) the police horses so they could get closer to us. No police were needed to manage us... only keep us below the first step of parliament as per the permit. Interesting how they allowed the Nazis up higher on the steps for the media photo opportunity #setup.

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I was actually more upset and furious at the media and politicians' lies afterwards than by the event itself. (The LWS speakers were all brilliant, I should acknowledge!) Yesterday the Victorian govt, not content with flying the trans flag at parliament house to show those uppity women who's in charge, also announced nearly 1 mill in extra funding to trans organisations to help them deal with "their" trauma from the event! Along with gushing public statements about "standing with our gender diverse community" in the face of the women's "hurtful" behaviour. I mean. It's like Andrews is hoping to steal Trudeau's crown as king of the woke misogynists. I've had a gutful.

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Absolutely agree. It's been devastating. Orwellian.

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That's awful, the government doubling down on these delusional bullies. Thank you for telling us.

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Thank you for sharing - another mum here who has failed to travel the road of acceptance. And another one who has ordered some KJK that I hope to wear, even if just to bed, when I’m away on academic conference and my daughter cannot see!

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