There is an almost infinite variety of ideologies and goals found in cults, but all of them must spend vast amounts of energy on the management and control of relationships, because any 'success' depends first on this. They must manage and control attachments, or they will inevitably 'fail'.

It is our love and connection that provides the antidote to that control, and the escape hatch. It's about the hardest, most confusing way of loving we will ever be called to do. It's terrifying and exhausting and often unimaginable, Sometimes it's un-doable. The measure is every tiny moment of love and connection we manage, because it doesn't meet the cult anywhere. It blindsides it.

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Thank you for this. It is beautiful and I feel like you wrote it just for me. It has been a tough week with my daughter and picking fights with us. I feel like she is begging us to let her go and let her descend into hell. But I will carry on.

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From my heart to yours.

Collect beauty. It helps carry us through.

My best to your daughter and you.

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Fabulously written! Your statement “what a real fight for justice may feel like” is how we all feel. Trans ideology is a cult and society does not want to see it that way or admit that they were wrong. Too many powerful and trusted people put their stamp of approval on the “T” and turning this around will not be easy but it will happen. We are fighting this cult war together and the truth will prevail. Just like any war - there are and will be casualties, unfortunately many of our children will suffer the consequence. We must not give up!

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To whoever wrote this: the Obama electoral strategy of corralling marginal people had absolutely nothing to do with "compassion" or whatever election year nonsense you bought hook, line, and sinker. The Obama coalition was a coalition of the fringes, to borrow Steve Sailer's term, and the animating principle of it was a rapacious hunger for new clients to bring into the fold. The process was simple: identify a discrete group, give voice to their petty grievances, create a problem where none existed, then take advantage of the schism to recruit voters and politically engaged "activists."

Also, YOU INVITED THIS DEMON INTO YOUR HOUSE! Don't indoctrinate your kids into shitlib-ery and then act surprised when they turn out to be little Bolsheviks.

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I don’t mean to be negative, but don’t fool yourself, President Obama is still very much in the political arena, albeit in a more behind the scenes way. And I seriously doubt he would do or say anything against the current situation regarding transgender indoctrination. I hope I’m wrong but it doesn’t feel that way.

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There are no brakes on the DNC train.

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The proponents of affirmation treat cross-sex hormones and surgery like they are magical cures with no potential for harm. Every medication has a potential for negative side effects and every surgery has a potential to go awry.

I have been diabetic for nine years, insulin-dependent for seven of those. I am well-versed in how much insulin I need to counteract a rise in blood glucose, but sometimes I still get it wrong and end up in the hole, so to speak. It happened today. I woke from a nap feeling like hot garbage. When I got up to check my blood sugar, it was low. I ate a small container of mixed fruit and started feeling better.

I need insulin injections to stay alive, but they have the potential for harmful side effects even so.

When I went into menopause, my doctor at the time prescribed me progesterone. I am a female. Progesterone is a female hormone. Nonetheless, I had to stop taking it because of the negative side effects, one of which was an increase in episodes of sleep paralysis. No thank you.

I will be having selective laser trabeculoplasty performed on my left eye on March 7 to lower my optic nerve pressure. I have glaucoma. This is a low-risk procedure, but there is still potential for things to go awry. My specialist helped me make an informed decision.

I really wish doctors confronted with unhappy, confused young people would take all factors into consideration rather than encouraging these kids to believe they can become someone else and then everything will be all right. That simply isn't the case.

As far as suicide statistics are concerned, I read today that LGB kids have a far higher likelihood than straight kids of experiencing suicide ideation. Of course they would. We still have not fully dealt with homophobia. All too often, affirmation is a method of transing the gay away. These kids were not "born in the wrong body."

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A helpful reminder of the medical issues that often arise as we age, of which these kids and young folks mostly have zero experience and can hardly imagine. Likewise for so many of the relatively immature young 'counselors' and clinicians pushing trans ideology. Such irresponsibility -- it's their job to be educated about potential complications, and to actually care about patient outcomes.

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Just to clarify for all of us who fell for Obama’s promises. We were blindsided because we believed that the mainstream media was reporting the truth. We, therefore, believed a lot of other lies they told us. But, even more sinister, was realizing that all of the social media platforms including and especially Google still manipulate us and control what we search. So, forgive us for not realizing that we are being used and abused through psychological warfare by a government full of cowardly parasites. We are clawing our way through this mess. Most of us know Obama doesn’t give a second thought to our problems, but man, let us hope for a moment. I am grateful for your honesty though. It’s painful and true. I’ll take the pain over the horrors of the lies we’ve been told and are being told. But, we also need hope. What if the parents here never started PITT? I am able to breathe sometimes because of all of you sharing your stories and I’m grateful for that.

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A good idea, contacting Obama (and Michele), yes, and well written.

Thank you for taking the trouble to write.

It's good we try to connect with anyone we think could help.

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You’re not alone, Mom. This mother stands with you in a pool of tears. I continue to hope and pray that someday with power hears us!

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Rather than extract them from hopeless slumber and propel them into blossom, the trans advert entrenched our vulnerable young population into a lie to others and themselves. Trans becomes the ego they never need attempt reaching out to, the blinding and opaque splash of colour at the end of a much stunted stem on a spring that never ever comes.

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Thank you for writing this essay. I share many of the same feelings and feel terribly let down by those people and institutions lacking the courage and integrity to speak out against what many of them surely know is utter 'trans' lunacy. All of the legacy LGB advocacy orgs--and even women's orgs--sold out women and LGBs in favor of the big 'trans' money. Funding and promotion largely by male, heterosexual cross-dressers w/ a sexual fetish, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. Some insufferable male homosexuals involved but the 'trans' movement mostly driven by the male, heterosexual sexual fetishists. As I have said, the T was forced-teamed onto the LGB to gain greater acceptance of the T but as we all know by now they are two different things. The LGB a sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex and the T based on the invented and incoherent 'gender identity' and no material reality that merely reifies old stereotypes. T is not the next civil right, it is legalization and normalization of public male sexual fetishism and paraphilias. Men already have rights as men and women as women. But 'gender identity' supplants women's sex-based rights and steals women's/girls' opportunities and their safeguarding, privacy, and dignity in single-sex spaces. In addition, 'trans' ideology indoctrination is a danger to children, teens, and young adults most of whom--if they, in fact, have any gender distress--will grow out of it. No child or young person should have any medical intervention other than 'watchful waiting' and support from an unbiased (not 'trans' indoctrinated) therapist if need be. I recommend the just released documentary at the link herewith. Scroll down at the site to full docu. https://affirmationgenerationmovie.com/

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100% -- so glad you're publicizing this documentary.

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You say that a "large portion of society" labels you with many nasty names. Perhaps it seems that way since the only part of society you appear to have associated with is the progressive Left. There is a HUGE part of the real world here outside the progressive bubble that does indeed agree completely with you that the trans craze is dangerous and wrong, and needs to be stopped. I am part of that real world and support you completely. I hope you can persuade others inside the bubble that much of what the insiders believe is wrong, dangerous, and harmful. As a resident of the real world, I think that everything the progressives believe is wrong, dangerous, and harmful,, but that's another discussion altogether.

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A majority of people agree that trans nonsense is a bridge too far, but they didn't vote for Obama. If she's looking for support among the crazies, she has another thing coming. The "people" that locked kids in their rooms over a nursing home disease are not going to come to their senses regarding this or any other au currant liberal cause.

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It's tragic when a parent loses a daughter or son to this deranged trans cult. It's also ironic how un self-aware leftists can be, until the people and policies they vote for result in disasters that come back to bite them in the ass. Obama will not help you. Your best bet, if you want to help rid the country and the world of transgenderist totalitarianism and other woke lunacy, is to move away from the dark side--wake up and wean yourself from progressivism.

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When he reaches out to you, can you also thank him for starting and fomenting the biggest racial divide this country has ever seen? Would you also ask him why he purchased TWO ocean front, island properties if rising sea levels are a concern? Could you also query him as to why he would fly private jets with his hysterical concern about “global climate change?” Thanks so much!

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I was just a 1x supporter of Mr. Obama. His administration opened up the donor gates of his political party to Big Pharma, and in my opinion, set the stage not just for profiteering off kids’ insecurities with the trans agenda, but also set the stage for Nuremberg-type laws against people who refused an experimental mRNA concoction which was know at the time of the laws not to prevent transmission or spread of the virus. I’m not blaming Obama himself...he’s a smart and reasonable person. But I forever abandoned his political party that I had belonged to for 23 years.

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I blame him. He either was fully on board with the policies he foisted on society or sold himself to those who were. Both are reprehensible when consider the long term impacts of these policies. Every time a girl gets her breasts lopped off, we can thank him for pushing this snowball down the hill. Sadly it was not the only detrimental snowball he pushed.

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Incredible letter, so powerful. Thank you for your honesty and wisdom.

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Obama will not help you. What has happened to your child is exactly the outcome he and the rest of the Marxists wanted to help achieve the destruction of our republic in order to usher in a socialist utopian hell on earth. They have worked very hard to destroy every lower and middle class family as that is the foundation of any free nation.

I'm not sure why you allow your adult child to continue using your health insurance. Her almost free supply of testosterone is being enabled by you. She may find another way to pay for it but why you would want to financially contribute to support her mental illness is beyond me. Make a phone call and drop her, it's that easy. You can drop her off of your auto policy if she is on it as well. Quit any and all financial support you are giving to her.

If she wants to be a male she can man up and start paying her own bills.

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It’s not that simple. Cutting them off risks estrangement. We were firm with our son and I thought that is what it would take. But he moved out with a text. We have not heard from him in 6 months. Losing your child is very difficult. I never imagined he would do this. The cult is very strong. You need to keep an attachment.

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Im sorry your son chose to abandon the only people who truly love him. I hope he sees his mistake and returns to you.

Wether or not he sees the madness for what it is is entirely up to him. If he does, he will remember his parents who did not descend into madness with him. You will be an island in a sea of insanity he can return to. Always be prepared to forgive if he repents but he must repent and reject the cult if he ever has any chance of growing as a person.

You did the right thing. It is now up to your son to do the same.

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Indeed. As cult experts agree, the best way to keep open the possibility of extracting a loved one from a cult is to maintain attachment, and as loving a relationship as possible. This is much harder for the cult to use against us. Withdrawal, tough love, separation, distancing, as tactics used by family to extract someone, can all be used by the cult as evidence that family cannot be trusted and prove they don't love the cult member. When the truth is, based on our unalterable love for them, we are the ones who can be trusted the most. This has to be the through line. It's not easy. Every single decision is an agonisingly difficult, heart breaking, process. All strength to you and your child. I trust they will find their way home to love.

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You cannot defeat the cult by meeting them halfway. You cannot defeat mental illness by participating in a person's delusions, even a little bit, just so they know you love them. It doesn't work.

The cult will only be defeated by renouncing all leftist ideologies. Leftism gave birth to this monster and leftism must be expunged from

polite society and left on the trash heap of history along with other horrible ideas like slavery, monarchy, and Marxism.

Some people's children have become lost to the cult and are now part of it. They must be defeated as well. We must be willing to sacrifice them in order to save those who have a chance of being saved and to prevent other children from ever falling under sway of the cult.

You must reject Obama, Bernie, Biden, and the rest of those wealthy socialist hypocrites who preach equity while growing fat off of the labors of the common man. If these last two years have not done enough to convince you that politicians of their ilk are at best incompetent and at worst guilty of deliberately running this train off it's rails, I don't know what to tell you.

You must reject all forms of sexual deviancy. If you can't understand how 20 years of people tripping over themselves to congratulate homosexuals on their choice to live their sin openly has led to children ingesting harmful amounts of hormones and lopping off body parts, I don't know what to tell you.

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And yet sometimes the young adults define 'attachment' as 'you better buy in and celebrate me or else.' I have been estranged for a year; I am in disbelief, as well. I decided, however, that I cannot play along with this dangerous game. Every family is different, and it is indeed complicated.

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You did the right thing. I hope your child finds their way back to you.

Would it have been worth it to sell out your principles in exchange for the disfigured shell of a child you used to know? How much worse would it be when you finally realized you had helped your child destroy themselves by supporting them financially and emotionally down that path of self destruction. You cannot control your children forever, only set a good example and hope they follow.

"You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.". ― Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Thank you for this.❤

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Colleges require students to have health insurance, so no insurance means no school. My kiddo's off to college next year, and if I discover she's started on T, I plan to pull her out and keep her out until she's mature enough to care for herself properly, or at least agree to no more trans medicalization. I'd require her to work to support herself too. I hope very much it won't come to that and instead she'll move forward with her studies and her life.

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Colleges requiring students to carry health insurance is ridiculous. I'm guessing that was introduced with Obamacare as that seems to be the time it became acceptable to force formerly free people to buy a product wether they need it or not.

Remember when that liar told us his magical plan would cut monthly premiums in half? How did that work out? Exactly as they planned it. Now you and the rest of us get to pay double what we paid before they "fixed" it. Keep in mind, that champion of equity became 40 million richer while the rest of us at best treaded water financially due to the horrible legislation he pushed through. Do you understand why I think the author of this piece is crazy for believing Obama is going to do anything to help the gender confused community? It reminds me of the people rotting away in the Soviet gulags who mourned the death of Stalin.

I doubt every college requires that, especially community colleges. I would find a college that doesn't sell their own health insurance policies and you will most likely find they do not have that requirement. You may be looking at colleges in leftist run states that have passed legislation forcing a requirement. Simple solution: leave the leftist state. (Unless you are a leftist in which case please stay and keep your vote there. You will continue to reap what you sow while somehow finding a way to blame it on the Bad Orange Man inside your muddled brain.)

The best option is not to send your kid to college at all. Most of them are just Marxists indoctrination centers designed to turn adult children against their parents while bilking said parents out of thousands of dollars in the process. You get the bill, they get the child, society goes down the toilet.

Many career paths do not require a college degree. Many college degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. You don't have to participate in a bad system if you don't want to. They probably didn't teach you that in college.

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