Thanks for this article! “Gender identity” (which is malleable) and “gender” (which is not malleable) are getting conflated and/or confused by gender transitioning radicals. A lot of Dave’s act was offensive upon delivery, intentionally, but made valid points. One takeaway is that every relationship needs to be two way. My two trans children have canceled me and blame me for that because I insist on being honest and not pretending to support their opinions about gender. I am not canceling them. I want to dialog. They enjoy playing victim.

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There is a difference between gender and sex. Sex is immutable, there is a very small % of humans born inter-sexed. Sex is predominantly binary. Male, Female Man and Women. Gender was used as a replacement word for sex, because sex was confused with the act of copulation and gender sounded less vulgar for the ones with easily offended sensibilities. Gender is a social construct that is changeable depending on feeling. The Gender ideology is a fallacy that is used in the suppression of free speech and by the look of it the formation of a world where reality is replaced by bold face lies. Lies that transgenders insist we support them in.

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And what is the motivation of the Gender Fluidity advocates? I can’t think of a good one.

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It is a multi prong approach. The suppression of the sex based rights of women and girls, and at the same time remove homosexuality. By telling a feminine boy or masculine girls that he,she is born in the wrong body and should be a woman, man trans ideology is reinforcing stereotypical sex roles, although they claim it is gender based. The other part is to recruit children and young people by removing sex and replace it with gender that is fluid thereby confusing them. Convincing these children to use puberty blockers for their now newly created gender dysphoria that often leads to use of cross sex hormones that guarantee big pharmaceutical companies patients for life. The ones that go further and have body altering operations is an additional income stream. The real kicker comes in the pursuit of transplanting of wombs into transgender women that wants children. Uterine transplantation and donation in transgender individuals; proof of concept https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2021.1915635 if you are interested in this article. Bear in mind if girls trans after puberty and their sex organs are removed perfect uterus and fully formed ovaries available for transplant. This is more experimental and is part of the trans humanity movement of which Martine Rothblatt is a huge advocate and is also very very influential as a trans women.The Autogynephilias form part of the trans movement there is some very influential men in there. This is my personal opinion of where we are heading and what their role would be in society.

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You are so right!!! Nothing in that Dave Chapelle comedy special was hateful or in any way advocated for, or implied the desire for, any sort of violence against people who have transitioned or are considering transitioning. Nothing in that special asked to, or implied that it would be good to, take away rights or protections of people who have transitioned or are considering transitioning. To the contrary, Dave Chapelle clearly indicated that he was saddened and disappointed by the harassment his transgender friend had been the victim of, and implicitly warned against such negative behaviors that drove his vulnerable friend to suicide. That Dave Chapelle acknowledged biological reality does not make his special in any way hateful. Just as with J.K. Rowling, those who proclaim that Dave Chapelle's speech was hateful never quote or describe what Dave Chapelle said that was actually harmful - because there was nothing harmful in his words.

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"Most people would probably agree that fast tracking children and young adults into permanent and irreversible medical treatments without even careful assessment is much more harmful that a comedy special on Netflix." Nailed it. I keep trying to imagine how the people shouting for "Trans Rights" are going to feel as the next several years reveal the harm that has been done to many vulnerable young people who got caught up in Gendergeddon.

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They don’t care. They are mouth pieces for big pharma and trans humanism that is using children as experiments and the upside for big pharma is patients for life.

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