I sometimes feel there aren't words big enough to express the rage, disgust, terror and devastation that comes from the evil that is gender ideology.

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You need to make a plan as long as she’s with you. You must get her out of this but you must also be clever. You must do this before she turns 18. My daughter was being groomed through her school and social media so she hid it from me and announced it after her 18th birthday. I played along with the clothes and shortening her name for a bit but it got worse fast and it got out of control when I sent her to college. This is a social contagion for girls who seem to exhibit some autistic traits, suffer from depression, and feel or are rejected by a friend group or a boy--all of which happened to her. I’m sure you know a lot of this. I just want you to know this so you try to take action before 18 but also be very careful and think clever. Take small steps and test the waters, never plunge into anything. And ask questions. Questions that make her think. Intrude into her thoughts with sane questions. I speak from deep, sometimes frightening sadness, full of mistakes and hindsight, a lot of hindsight. At first I cursed God, now I’m learning to bear my cross. Listen to Joe Rogan’s interview with RFK Jr. and listen to Jordan Peterson’s interview with Dr. Grossman. My love and prayers to you. We all need to meet each other one day. If only to put a face and perhaps an embrace to the pain we endure.

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Love the defiance! Helen Reddy sang it well in the women’s anthem I Am Woman. Hear me roar. Far too little roaring except for millions of women cheering on men claiming to be women to again dominate women and keep them off the bus.

Those seeking rational help might go to paradoxinstitute.com. And more videos on the way. A teen can imagine themselves as anything. But, they will be one of two sexes.

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My sentiment exactly. Pride has nothing to do with the LGB crowd. It's all about perverts, pedophiles and fetishists and of course a line of confused and brainwashed young people and woke adults. The first time I really paid attention to this atrocious flag, I wanted the gag. The colors chosen for transgenders reminded me of the lovely baby hats given to my child at the hospital where she was born 17 years ago. I'm sure every baby in America received a similar hat with thin white, pink and blue stripes. Do hospitals still give a hat to the newborn babies today? I wonder what color the hat is now. Are the parents still allowed to name their child and write their biological sex on their birth certificates? So I agree with you, fuck off Pride and the nightmare it represents. That flag represents shame not pride.

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You are right! It’s the hospital colors. Part of my family is Irish Catholic but not rigid or even religious anymore. We’ve been Americans since the 1800s and I used to complain because my grandmother and her mother wouldn’t stop talking about the past but I remember what they said. They said don’t trust doctors or hospitals, but we had to live. We needed the doctors and hospitals. We eventually had many family members who became nurses and doctors. We forgot. But, now, I remember and we all need to remember or find out the truth. I think that’s what’s happening. The monsters are trying to crush us.

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I found this, Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index:


Not surprisingly, REI scored a perfect 100 in 2022. More surprisingly, there is no charge to participate, according to the FAQ. It's possible, though, that there is a charge for consulting services to help a company ace "wokeness." I've e-mailed HRC to ask about charges.

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I love your words. How in the world are there so many of us parents and daughters WITH THE EXACT SAME STORY??????? I cannot even comprehend. It's the invisible demon called social media, I guess.

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Wow. Short and POWERFUL! And you know, I see signs that even people whose kids are not snared with the tunas are getting fed up to their eyeballs with this steady diet of Pride. Ugggghhhhh!

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I felt every word you wrote here. I have never felt the presence of evil like I did when my daughter was caught up in the trans movement. There is seemingly no other explanation for the complete and utter devastation. This is why you are turning towards God. It is the logical and natural thing to do in the face of evil. Keep turning to God, He is the answer. My daughter desisted a couple years ago and has completely turned away from the trans cult. I have vowed to never forget the pain and the evil and to continue praying for and supporting the families that are going through this.

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this is so good for your family, I am genuinely releaved for you. My god I sooooo wish I knew how to get my daughter to desist !!!! she is just so convinced she is trans - I'm so sad watching her ruin her life at 20

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It is good to hear you say, “evil”. Just recently I thought: this whole “trans care for minors” is pure evil. It’s demonic.

And I was then taken aback by my own thoughts because I’m quite agnostic. I never believed in the dichotomy of “good & evil” being manifested in society. But, this surely is demonic, if anything in this realm is….

You confirm the thought I had. Thank you.

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I feel your anger- take care❤️💐

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Right on Mom. Not enough expletives in the world ...

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I agree.

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I'm so sorry! Our story is similar. Our oldest walked away from us just a little over a year ago. She is identifying as non-binary, quit college with only one semester left to receive her bachelor's degree, and as far as I can tell is in an abusive lesbian relationship.

Our youngest is identifying as a male, but thankfully hasnt done anything drastic and continues to have a relationship with us.

It's like living in a nightmare. I cannot believe how many families have been destroyed by this cult. I pray everyday that the tide changes and we all get our children back.

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This is all horrifying to hear. I’m so sorry.

I lived through the 1970s in Manhattan. I was very young, but many neighbors lost their children to cults. The parents eventually found psychologists who did “de-programming”. Is anything like that springing up?

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Not really. It's almost impossible to find any help in general. Most of the medical establishment affirms these kids. It's like the emperor's new clothes. This is a cult. And almost everyone has been indoctrinated

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I agree! And when you have men like Dylan muvaney flouncing around and making a mockery of what it is to be be a girl, and being praised for it, why are we surprised by that? Thanks! I will check it out.

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We mom's from the Gen X generation see right through this poser gender trap! Thank for you writing. I love my LGB friends and hate this month now and the corporate campaign being shoved down everyone's throat! Wheres our month of celebrating being moms?The humans that bring all these ungrateful assholes into the world.

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Worse than the corporate pandering which I fight by refusing to do business with all these WOKE companies is the Government’s Role in all this BS. How do you fight the Government shoving this indoctrination done our kids throats

Starting in KINDERGARTEN? Why do 5 and 6 year olds need sexual orientation and gender identification “education?”

It is a non-stop barrage of daily of rainbows, trans ideologies etc. It is NOT just teaching TOLERANCE, KINDNESS and ACCEPTANCE of all types of périple. It is the portrayal of trans as the new cool, what everyone wants to celebrate. It is the lie that if you’re a girl that wants to be a boy (or vice versa) that hormones and the removal of your healthy offending body parts are a panacea for all your emotional problems. Confusing Emotional problems that began to be foisted on you at the tender age of 5 by the Government and “ Educators.”

The relatively rare condition of true gender dysphoria is now a social contagion with a cult like following.

They are destroying the relationships between parents and their children which is exactly what cults do. Isolate your victim from anyone who does not affirm your new, cool identity.

How this tragedy has happened right under our noses is baffling and tragic.

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I was a kid in NYC in the 70s. Neighbors who ran off with cults had all this in common:

1) The cult required they change their name.

2) The cult required/recommended they either convert/convince their family members to become cult members, or they should become estranged from family.

3) The cult needed money to maintain, and cult members often milked/fundraised their relatives/friends for money. They always needed money for “the next thing” the cult was requiring/recommending.

None of this about the trans cult surprises me. I’ve seen it all before in the 70s. It is a cult and from now on I will call it a cult. The trans cult.

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I made a few typos there. Disregard.

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That made me laugh out loud for real. Beyond a mere lol

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