Incredible story and you were incredibly brave.

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You are one of the lucky ones, to have had an escape path for your daughter, and that you caught onto it so early. It was wonderful you had a family living in different country that is still whole and sane to run to. Our modern American school systems are totally inadequate to raise healthy kids today. It's very hard to be living in any American city today and raising kids, unless at least one parent is stay at home.... am surprised that you are still allowing your kids to attend an American public school, or any American school at this point. The schools here, most are infiltrated by Woke administrators and believers. As are the medical professions. The schools must comply if they want Federal money. Thus, not only elementary and highschools, but all the Universities, Entertainment Companies, and many companies as well. They all must abide by these new policies of "affirmation and accommodation" rules created by unelected officials in our city, state, and Federal departments, that are implementing this Global Population Re-Formation, Trans-Formation and De-Population program. It's really a time to set up firm boundaries and to talk openly with our growing kids about this entire Trans /Gender movement, so that they are better able to resist this crushing, body changing, total mind-control and psychic take over overt and covert assault contantly aimed at them, in every direction.

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Well done, Mum. I salute you

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“Useful idiots”- perfectly stated!

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I too have family in the former Eastern Bloc. I visited there during the dark years of tyranny. Even young children knew which things not to discuss in public, and which jokes were only safe to tell at home. When we were out in public, it was obvious that many people hid their emotions and even vocal inflection, lest they give away too much information about their opinions. This dulling of society is a terrible loss, as is the tyranny of fearing one's neighbors - and sometimes even relatives. My parents sacrificed all their material possession and the comfort of extended family to get to the 'free west'. They didn't want us to live like that. My mother is in her 90's, but she is very aware of what is going on in the world today. She recognizes way too much of what she experienced in her younger years. It's much easier to fall into tyranny than it is to get back out of it.

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You are strong and brave! Well done!

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Indeed a question I ask myself again and again: incredibly stupid or evil? Probably cowardly first and foremost. The vast majority know this is a lie, BS, an ego trip, profit, exploitation. But people are quaint, worry about their jobs. They want to please, family, colleagues, social services, the police.

There has never been much of a difference between the USSR system and the US-Western world. I am disgusted.

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I'm glad you were able to bring your daughter back. I don't know if I'd suggest falling on praising beauty. One of the problems I've had as a woman is the fact that women tend to be only valued for beauty rather than for our more important qualities. I struggled with very low self-esteem and with allowing abusive men to harm me for literal decades because I didn't believe I deserved better since I am not a pretty girl.

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I am from Croatia. My country has fallen. From 2016. we have law that force doctors and therapist to use only affirmative care. They can not question. I didn't know thin until last month.

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oh that's horrible! you can so see that it is a world-wide agenda! we are resisting it in Russia.

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Marijana, I am sorry to hear and very shocked and surprised. I sincerely apologize ahead of time for my blatant ignorance about Croatia but I thought it was a relatively religious country and also had war on its territory in the 90s. With such history it blows my mind that transgender ideology would take hold. Are they pandering to America or is it something else at work? How widespread is transgender cult in your country?

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90% catholics, it spread via social network. Our kids learn english from first grade, so there is no language barrier to stop infection from US

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OhMarijana, thank you for this word. "infection." It is perfect to describe what this is. And I hadn't think that this thing had spread so quickly because every country teaches their children the "international language." It is very interesting observation.

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Thank you for this wonderful essay, and your testament to the importance and strength of families. Your courage, resilience, and commitment to your daughter is inspirational. Sincerely, Frederick

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"My daughter picked the smallest, a Catholic school. I spoke freely and very directly to the principal about our story and my fears. He assured me that they didn’t focus on gender ideology at the school. However, if my daughter came out and asked to be called “he”, the school and teachers (this is California) would have to comply."

This is so crazy and I do not see how it can hold up in the US. Don't parents have constitutional rights to protect their own children? How can the state's wish to "trans" be higher? If a 14 year old girl asked a nun to call her he/Stanley, son of Satan, would the nun be forced to comply even against the wishes of parents - when it is not her name but made up out of thin air? It gives children an unhealthy amount of power, like handing a toddler a saw. Also, it just takes one kid to get groomed online to start grooming other kids.

Maybe this law and the one about CA being a "sanctuary state" for confused runaway minor children need to be fought up to the Supreme Court.

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Wow, that is a powerful article! These doctors, governments, psychologists, teachers, etc. who promote transgenderism are afraid, complicit, money hungry, lacking in a moral code, are gods unto themselves and yes, stopid. I'm so glad that you worked it out the way you did. In Australia & Canada if you say no to your child you will either be arrested, fined and/or have your children taken away and yes, medicalized & surgicalized. Another note about many doctors, they do not realize they've made the Hippocratic oath a joke. It's a tragedy but there are a lot of detransitioners telling their horror stories, countries backing up and lawsuits.

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Your experience is such an affirmation of the social contagion factor in the U.S. (and Canada). Bravo to you for taking your family back to Eastern Europe and showering your daughter with family and love. That is most definitely what saved her from the trans cult. Keep talking to both your kids and hopefully your son will not go down the trans road. I agree that the siblings of trans-identified kids also suffer immensely. No doubt your love for both your kids will help you down the adolescent path. Best to all of you. :)

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It's horrific to look at the main stream coverage of trans identity kids deny that there's any chance of social contagion for it. Sure, you can get body dysmorphia, or an eating disorder, or start eating tide pods, or diagnose yourself as narcissistic through social contagion.

But all the trans ID people are just their genuine, uninfluenced selves.

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Another devastating read

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Why? This is actually positive and hopeful.

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Because they have returned to the US & as the author says, she is not ready to let down her guard. The potential indoctrination is not over. My 26 year high old has convinced himself he is a girl, & along with him, his two brothers. Their school’s & colleges have reinforced this ideology. It has destroyed my family.

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I am so sorry for your pain Anon, how awful. I hope your sons wake up and come back to you. Of course the author can't let her guard down. None of us can let our guard down until the cult is destroyed. I just find some comfort in desistance and detransition stories, they give me hope for my daughter.

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Yes, my heart goes out with joy for all the PITT parents who are able to reclaim their children. I wish you all the best.

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Hola from Mexico!

Good vibes and hugs to all the parents here who did not give up the fight and who continue to support and love their children.

I am planning to get my mental health coaching profile on GETA next week. I am self-employed and currently in Mexico. I know that parents are looking for therapists/coaches like me because I am not forced to affirm by any of the so-called 'professional governing bodies.' I have few spots available this week. If you are a parent looking for support/consultation on this issue - get in touch with me. I have a few sliding scale spots available (37 -57 $ USD for 1 hour on-line consultation) E-mail: nvolanberg@gmail.com

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Best of luck in your new role as consultant for parents in need. What a wonderful goal.

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thank you so much! I want to be there for the people who need me!

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"I trained my son to talk to me if anyone at school or outside of the family discusses religion, sex, health, family or political beliefs with him. I told him that these are very dangerous subjects that can be used against our family. This is what my parents taught me while I was growing up in Eastern Europe. They were scientists and anti-communists; we children were not allowed to speak to strangers or teachers about these topics because, if our family was deemed to have problematic beliefs, my parents could be taken away by the KGB"

This is an amazing statement! This mother is equating what's going on in America today with the communist secret police.

I often quote Solzhenitsyn here, and I've said before that the trans-cult's behavior bears a striking similarity to early communism. When I say this, people look at me like I'm nuts. Here you have a mother that grew up under communism telling you the same thing. I've also heard the same story from my dentist (Romanian) and 2 families at by church (Uzbek). My dentist described training by his parents that mirrors that which this author received from her own.

These people have lived through the worst totalitarian hell of the 20th century, and they're seeing echoes of it today in America. These are your canaries! Are you listening?

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Oyyyy veyyyyy, the goy are waking up!

Yes we are listening! Thank you! Solzhenitsyn is the man.

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Gender/Queer theory is Neo-Marxian. It is right up there with race theory, fat theory, etc. A hundred ways for commies to split ppl. They have to destroy old customs, values, ideas, etc. They break up the family, the ppl, etc.

It has been in the making for a very long time.

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Excellent point.

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The tautologies are Orwellian. "transwomen are women" is darn close to 2+2=5 in manner of thought.

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that's the whole point!

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