The real ‘tell’ in the whole trans discussion is how many comorbiities these teens who say they are trans have. Tne ‘trans identity’ is a symptom. It’s not a diagnosis.

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This is very well written and to the point, thank you.

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I wanted to shake this Mrs. Reeves! What nonsense, lies and absurdity she is proclaiming to be truth. She is not an expert. She is misleading and twisting normal and innocent behavior. Any therapist who follows her advice is going to cause such harm and tear apart families. God help us…

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"When a pre-verbal girl is pulling out her hair barrettes, this is a “gender message” ... the same for a young boy in a onesie; if he unsnaps it, he is communicating that he ... wants to be a girl."

Seriously?! if this is the level most therapists carry an IQ at then every parent needs to look long and hard at who they're sending their child to before they do it, because there's a good chance of delivering their son or daughter into the arms of nothing more than a preprogrammed robot whose only knowledge resides within their academic field while possessing none from the social world where the reality for what it means to be human actually resides.

They are a transformer, programmed only to parrot their instructions like a good leaning lefty.

The other takeaway here is how stupid parents can be for not realizing their kid may be going through the same changing phases they themselves must have went through as a kid, when the peer and internal pressure to fit in is at its peak, causing them to say whatever they need to in order to achieve some greater level of social acceptance amongst their group. This is exactly how suicide clubs form at their extremes, with friends in despair agreeing with each other to end their lives in solidarity to one another rather than seek alternate help outside their immediate social groupings.

It's absolutely insideous, but now we see adults being willing participants in the chicanery of the trans-medical machine, and many lovingly so because of the recognition it brings them from other people who think alike. By unquestioningly embracing their child's potential delusional without even exploring the other alternatives to their position, like mental illness, depression, or even a conflict of sexuality that their kid may be simply homosexual, they pursue the role of being an Attention Whore in order to get those social likes amongst that minority population of trans-affirming aficionados.

The solution to all this, and clearly this will be a controversial stance, is to positively affirm for these kids that they should pursue a path of Revenge against their enablers, because I fully believe it will be the only thing powerful enough to stop this trend ---

When one of these kids grows up, if they conclude for themselves that they were abused into accepting this belief that they were trans, whether that's instigated and pushed by parents, family members, counselors, teachers, therapists, doctors, or whoever, the kid needs to find a way to get their revenge against those who mentally abused them so.

Because it's only when the maker begins to live in fear of their own creation that the other "creators" who inhabit their world will stop their relentless effort to convince everyone that there is a single answer to their body dysmorphia as opposed to many, and they'll only quit their pursuit out of a personal fear to their own selves. Only once they're made to realize what their prey could potentially turn around and do to them in retaliation will they learn to stop their race for 100% positive affirmation, and begin again to work as mere guides for those who personally choose to pursue this lifestyle change through their own willing cognition.

It's the classic Frankenstein story, where the monster's inventor is finally faced with destruction at the hands of their own creation. That's why only if these Pushers learn to fear what they may have done to harm someone who layer decides to return the favor is such a valuable lesson for them. Cause for some it may be the perfect therapy for someone who got misdiagnosed and was given the wrong treatment for a completely different disease than the one they had. And if there are to be such consequences for that mistake, the pushers of the trans cult will be forced to reexamine every path they set a child down more carefully.

And it only takes one --- one detransitioner taking their revenge to burst open the dam for potential copycats to follow. Like the spread of a suicide club in a school, a backlash by detransitioners against their abusers who were meant to care for them could resonate across an entire nation in a rethink of what they've been allowing to happen.

I truly think that it's only the detransitioners with the power to finally stop this explosive trend in our society, which is why I hope more of them will come forward to actively take part in beginning this new chapter to the story. Because once they do, the chapter they're writing could very well turn out to also be its Conclusion.

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i work at a nonprofit arts organization as a music teacher. i have been invited to participate in an online meeting regarding proper use of pronouns and transgender etiquette, including a Q and A session. I am a music instructor with a highly distressed, gender questioning teen daughter. I wasn’t going to attend the session, not wanting to give it more attention, but realized that I must attend to hear the garbage they are pushing, and to possibly offer an opposing viewpoint that might cost me my job. I am ready for this. I am so ready for this. I realize I must choose my words carefully for maximum impact, and to maybe change the heart of even one person on this zoom meeting. Do any of you have any words of encouragement, or advice on key points that I can make with this echo chamber full of liberal virtue signalers with no dog in this fight. I plan on having a cheat sheet so that I can hit key points quickly and succinctly. Yes, I will die on this hill and if I lose my job so be it. I can get a job down the street at the brewery as a server if I need to.

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You might start by pointing out that what others call gender ideology is actually an elaborate system of falsehoods intended to encourage a few truly illegitimate ideas, foremost of which is the idea that people can change sex. We ("our organization") should not be in business of promoting falsehoods, in particular ones that lead directly toward harm. Using capriciously chosen pronouns is the first step along a path that leads to irreversible surgery and a lifelong status as a patient.

Second, the pronouns in question are used when people are not around to hear them, so what is the point of adopting them? The pronoun we use talking to people who are physically present is "you," which in English is not gendered.

Third, there is a strong correlation that gender ideology is most prevalent among teens who have psychological problems, sometimes severe ones, and even social transitioning, relatively benign compared to hormones and surgery, is harmful, and our organization should not be doing harm.

Finally, pose the question: why are we even having this meeting? Is there a problem we need to address? Because it sounds more as though we are seeking to create a problem, and complicate our teaching.


Good luck. I applaud your conviction. If you get calls of "transphobia," roll your eyes lugubriously and say "quit that."

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thanks Chris. good stuff here

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Are your music students children, adults, both?

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Both. More children and teens

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Maybe, "I disagree with this approach as it doesn't align with my values. My faith (in religion or reality) tells me that no child is born in the wrong body. I don't believe we should be lying to kids and we certainly should not be affirming a cognitive distortion as that is incredibly harmful to their development." Good luck to you, know that you have the support of thousands of parents and thank you for taking this chance.

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Thanks Jane. I’m going to be thinking about all of my sisters and brothers in this while my heart is jumping out of my throat. I hope i don’t pass out. I plan on starting with something like “ I am not a therapist, I am a music teacher and mom. Social transition is a POWERFUL psychotherapeutic intervention and I absolutely will not be a part of that, especially since so many of these kids have pre-existing mental health concerns. Considering we don’t fully understand the long-term consequences of such actions on this ever-growing population of kids, I can’t believe this organization expects us to take this on, especially since it involves other people’s families. No thank you. Many of us don’t adhere to this belief system”

I especially liked your thoughts on lying to kids and cognitive distortion.

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It's now August 25th how did it go?

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There appears to be a massive lack of willing from adults who appear easily persuaded not to question what is stuffed down their throats with this trans nightmare. ---eg, their child's sex is a lived biological reality, with a presence of absoluteness, no question.

I just do not savvy one bit of this dark denial.

How world tilting it all is----

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"They believe they are are good by teaching parents how to be virtuous by affirming their questioning child’s chosen gender identity."

I'm past the point about caring for their "good intentions" (we know where that road leads, after all.)

Let's stop pretending that it matters that people mean well when they sexualize elementary schoolers and make eunuchs out of teens. It doesn't. They're EVIL. Full stop.

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There is no such thing as a "gender identity." There is the biological sex, and there is the personality. "Gender" is as meaningless as "soul."

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I’m beginning to think that these so called “professionals” have all gone mad! How can any reasonably intelligent person sit there and listen to this drivel about BABIES

trying to communicate their chosen GENDER to their parents or other adults around them. LUNACY! The really scary part is that y these are the nut bars that the Government is listening to to develop curriculum for kids as young as 5 in kindergarten! 🤬

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It's blatantly obvious that this is a cult/religion. The tactics they are using to groom and recruit people are IDENTICAL to how cults operate. By giving it any validity at all, even using pronouns is keeping it going. Give an inch they'll take 10 miles. Unfortunately it's going to take professionals risking their jobs to end this nightmare.

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This woman is a groomer. Nothing more, nothing less. How is she supporting her gay son by buying into the agenda the Trans community has of "transing the gay away"? Looney tunes.

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Wow. Unbelievable really. But it also makes sense because the transgender activists are engaged, influencing everyone they can. My personal therapist is a practicing Catholic which I sought out to ensure that I would be affirmed in my beliefs that what my son is doing by claiming he is a woman is plain wrong - wrong on a natural level as well as a moral level. We parents who are holding onto the truth are the ones who need support in this society that is so anti-truth.

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The truly terrifying thought is that school counselors are trained in the same manner. In many states you don't have a choice about whether your child can see them or not

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The US is something else.

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What puzzles me is where are all the women's rights and feminist organisations voices on this?! Where are the usual protests and the media activists seeking to protect women's rights? The only group of women that are visible and speaking up are lesbians.

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I know! I can’t figure that out either. For example: Every man who “identifies” as a woman takes the place of a woman in sport disenfranchises a woman from competing. Why “women’s groups are not supporting real women and fighting back in support of us is a betrayal of women. It sickens me that so called women’s groups are publicly funded to promote males as “women.” Real women need to stand together and refuse to compete with males.

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Absolutely! Not just stopping women from competing but being able to win and take home the prize! 🏆 As women, on behalf of women.

How whole institutions have allowed this to happen is beyond my comprehension eg the sporting bodies. Sports is a science based on human biology and the capacity of the male and female body. For sporting regulatory bodies, of all bodies, to allow a Man (Lia Thomas) to compete in Women's sports and walk away with the prize (obviously!) was beyond unreal and blatant misogyny.

Women have been so badly betrayed and are the clear and targetted victims, in this gender ideology MESS.

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We are here, but we are outnumbered by people with rainbows and a superficially "attractive" new jargon. The majority of people just think it is "fashion" and don't realise that some unhappy and lonely people, especially the young, lap up any and all "explanation" for their unhappiness.... and these are the ones who are easy to lead into the the cult of trans. The rebellion against the indoctrination will come eventually.

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I hope so because I'm so disappointed that the women's rights & feminist groups have remained completely silent and completely invisible in regards to the trans issues ie men who ideate as women and the audacious and entitled infringement on women and their rights. If ever there was a time for them to stand up for women's rights in post modern times, it's now.

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This is not the case in the UK - we are "TERF Island".

Women's rights and feminist groups in the UK have been using all available means (main stream media like the Daily Mail newspaper, Posie Parker's "Let Women Speak" town square meetings, specialist campaign groups like Sex Matters, Transgender Trend, A Woman's Place UK, Fair Play for Women, We Are Fair Cop (I could go on!), Gender-critical Twitter groups, nationwide group Women's Rights Network for leaflet distribution), books galore: "Trans - where ideology meets reality" by Helen Joyce and "Material Girls" by Prof Kathleen Stock. And we have men who really, really support us in generally (but not exclusively) right-wing publications. The Daily Mail is the important one as it is Britain's biggest circulation newspaper.

Don't underplay the activists in the US: Women Declaration International (Kara Dansky), Independent Women's Voice, bloggers like Jennifer Bilek (who "follows the money"), Matt Walsh "What is a Woman?".

The problem is that most men do not understand how ALL women see stranger men initially as a potential threat. The concept of being smaller and weaker is of course foreign to them. This is how you can get decent men onside and then "peak them" with the insane behaviour of the Trans cultists.

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Yes, I am not talking about individuals but actual 'Women's Groups & Feminist organisations' whose reason for existing is to stand up for Women's rights (yes, I agree women like Posie Parker, Helen Joyce, Kathleen Stock, Stella O'Malley, Julie Bindel, etc. are literally the faces in the UK constantly on social media everywhere challenging, pushing back and waking everybody up to the true impact of what has been going on).

And yes, I agree, Matt Walsh as an individual Man has been absolutely huge and incredibly significant in pushing back and bringing international awareness on this cult. In fact, it's his major efforts that made me think at the time, where are the representatives of Women's Rights/Feminist organisations speaking out, like Matt, ferociously defending Women's spaces? I certainly haven't come across any.

Remember, as groups, there is valuable power and presence in numbers. That's the advantage of groups and multiple groups 'uniting' on a common cause as compared to individual voices. It just seems so strange to me.

But I completely agree with you, on both the UK and the US side, there are amazing individual activists that have been relentlessly profiling, raising awareness and challenging the pernicious nature of trans ideology.

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This is infuriating. To the extent there may be some truth here, maybe babies / toddlers know they have more of a feminine or masculine essence. Maybe they do. In no sane universe would that equate with throwing them on a treadmill of bodily destruction. That's why LGB people are especially horrified, plenty of gay boys liked dresses and non-feminine girls hated barrettes. None of us wish we'd had the chance to chop ourselves up.

It's amazing what medical professionals believe. New genetic platform injection - safe and effective, inject the entire world ASAP. Puberty blockers, just a pause button. Not like bone marrow or anything else is connected to puberty.

So so sad ..

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Your stronger than me for staying and hearing this .

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Thank you. I am a sociologist whose field is medical fraud. Very nice analysis. When I read that gender medicine is a 1.5 Billion dollar industry, it made more sense to me how this ideology filters down. I was an MFCC intern in the mid-80s and remember how everyone was looking for "Satanic Ritual Abuse." I thought it was nonsense, but kept quiet. I did my doctoral dissertation on the psychiatric hospital scandal of the mid-80s - 90s.

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