We are all in the same page here, you are among friends who understand that this diabolical in nature because the ultimate goal is to destroy a human being.

Who wants less human beings in the planet or the end of humankind? All agendas that go in detriment of humankind are diabolical. We think that we decide what to do but it is not that way. We decide some but others are complex mechanisms of forces working together to the elimination of life.

"Our fight is not against the flesh but against the principalities and against the powers of the underworld.."

You, as a catholic, understand this plenty.

Praying and fasting and do masses for your son. We can do masses for people who is alive not only the ones who passed before us. Do not give up! They are losers but the society gives them power and lately demons are full troths. We work in different levels, of course that the spiritual part is the most important but the change of laws and the demand of medical health providers also must be part of the solution and I would suggest no entertainment of any kind because Hollywood was created as a tool of social control telling people how to live and what is "normal".

We all had enough!

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So well said. May God open deaf ears and blind eyes and be the Healer of their hearts.

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Yes, my son acts like I have to accept his "equality" at the expense of mine.

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Jan 11Edited

Thank you for your piece. I too lost a loving, brilliant, Ivy League educated (indoctrinated) son to this insane cult. He is an adult now so I have no say and It is heartbreaking. I wish you all peace.

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Let our eyes, ears and hearts be opened, and that of our leaders and mentors.

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I am perplexed by the Transgender ideology. I seriously can’t understand how anyone can believe anyone who states it is a good thing!!

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I am so sorry.

If only our stories were covered in MSM.

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I read this space every day. Thanks for sharing, and God bless.

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Once again another story I could have written about my own son. Almost word for word.

Something I am also noticing. Whether you are a person of faith or not, whether you are strongly affiliated with either political party, R or D, it is more and more apparent neither of these things have any importance in this cult belief. Yes, the liberals support it much more, but even that is waning.

An observation I have seen on social media is the LGBTQ movement is also making statements about the "trans mafia" and how they are ruining it for them, and are now calling themselves the LGB movement.

So many of our kids have had an uneventful, no trauma, loving family, normal upbringing. Yet they have experienced some trigger, something that set them off to go down this path.

My point, this cult has taken everything from these people, it has become their religion, their politics and their "family" for so many of them. It is isolating, making them hate, and giving them the false security that this is who they truly are. They no longer have the capability to reason or to understand that to defy biological truth is truly insanity. They are brainwashed by the medical community making millions off of the lie, and the psychiatric community doing the same. They are literally killing our kids.

As previously pointed out, look at the most recent several mass shootings details and who has been behind them - facts are there were several that were transgender. They are angry, filled with hate, and acting out.

There is a darkness and very evil presence in our society, actually globally, and I can only hope that people can come to grips with the fact it exists, where it comes from, and support those that are trying to rid it from our world.

We will never give up trying to save our kids from this, actually all who are afflicted, and we love them with every fiber of our being, even from afar. My hope and my prayers are that one day they all realize we are not giving up on them and never will.

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I could have written most of this. Our son became captured 3 years ago. His communication dwindled now stopped altogether. He didn't really care when his father had a heart attack. He has become a person I do not like. We have been hurt so deeply I have become numb, I will fight against this cult and call it out but will no longer hold onto hope for my son. I fear he will go to every extreme to convince himself he is a woman only to regret his choices when it can't be undone.

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I so very much agree with this article as sadly this is our exact experience for our daughter 😢

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Thank you for writing this. Yes, our society is so very sick. I didn't even know how sick it was until my daughter was swept up in this.

Appreciate you sharing this Bible passage. The one I am holding onto these days is Mark 21:43, where Jesus goes to the house of Jairus, who fears his 12 year-old daughter has died.

When he had entered, he said to them, “Why do you make a commotion and weep? The child is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him. Then he put them all outside, and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha cum,” which means, “Little girl, get up!” And immediately the girl got up and began to walk about (she was twelve years of age).

Our children are not dead. They are sleeping. I pray every day that God wakes them up. Talitha cum.

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The loss of your son, and his becoming a hostage of the Trans Cult, is yet another horrible example of the effectiveness of this complex system of capture -- that is taking on many of our brightest, best and most talented young adults. May God send his holy spirit and grace into your life and keep you from the abyss of grief. I know many of those captured in this Agenda seem to be neuro-divergent, or on the Autistic spectrum, but I'm beginning to question that also. I think it's capturing many more kids who are simply responding to the confusion of what is expected of a man or woman, in a society that is rampant with an ongoing bias towards living out of Egalitarian ideals (the notion that there is No difference between the sexes) and a society which has been confused about Gender roles since 1960.

As for me, I've had enough and had enough several years ago.

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Parents silenced. Kids manipulated. Doctors profiting. 'Identity Crisis' tells the stories the mainstream media won’t.

Watch 'Identity Crisis' for FREE on X for 72 hours.


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Wow, thanks for sharing this. 🙏🏻

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