It took me four tries before I could read through your entire essay. Horrified does not even come close to how I truly feel. You did an amazing and thorough job with your research and writing - so good yet so terrifying. What is happening in CA alone is unbelievable and tragic. History does indeed repeat itself but this is shocking and so unethical. Whatever is next on CA’s agenda is also cause for alarm. Evil. Pure Evil. The term “Child Catcher” now causes me to shudder and the thought that they are free to live among us in plain sight is worse than any horror story I have ever read. God help us…the trans-cult support world wide is beyond comprehension and the outcome, I fear, is going to be far worse than anyone can imagine if it is not stopped.

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Thank you for this. I have not had time to dig into it yet, but adding a few quick comments instead.

On medical consent laws, do not just be thankful for not being in CA if you are not. Fight for CA but know your own state. Here you can search your state for all sorts of state statutes. I have only looked at the document under "CONSENT LAWS" titled "Medical Consent to Medical Treatment Laws" but for example many states (red ones too) allow mental health access by children without consent. This of course puts them in the hands of those that will abuse them with their 'gender' lies.

When 'medical treatment,' 'abuse' and 'bullying' and the like are redefined to include 'gender' we can see how this explodes throughout law. While that list has not been updated in some time, when I clicked on bills it brought up the recent state info for that bill - additional addendums. New bills would not likely be here.


On pedophilia, parents should be wary too. Do we really think it could possibly be limited to the psychologists of days yore? Listened to this 2008 link of Megyn Kelly speaking with a Mass Resistance member talking about Norman Spack and his involvement in a leather group.


Should this man ever have been allowed around children? And to think - there was 1 children's gender clinic then!

Plenty of transgender social media influencers are involved in porn in some way. It is hard to believe the industry itself is not aware. On top of influencers, the explosion of social media aps that are technically not healthcare yet funnel kids into the transgender medical system also crosses state lines.

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Correction, I found the notes it is Actually 50.6 million....in excess that The Killeen Unified School District does not know how to spend it....more WOKE ASS JUNK

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I absolutely love that you mentioned the Comprachicos.

I first heard of it from the The Reason We Learn Youtube channel. She has a read along of The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand.


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It is estimated that between 1947-1948, 7% of Puerto Rican women were sterilized. By the mid 1950s, one out of three women had suffered the same fate. US doctors carried out sterilizations in "mobile units", because the US federal government decided that the best way to eliminate extreme poverty in Puerto Rico was to eliminate the number of poor Puerto Ricans by having fewer of them born... My mom and most of my aunts were sterilized. So the US federal government absolutely surpassed Nazi Germany when it came to its Caribbean colony.

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Governor Newsom cemented his place in the evil pantheon with his recent trip to China where he kissed the CCP’s butt. He has no heart just hunger for more power.

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This is shocking.

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Wow! California sterilized people in the 20th century and now they're at it again! Hitler loved Eugenics and so did his surgeons! The Netherlands brought this evil into the 21st century as well and Germany, Spain, Canada, Australia and many states in the USA bow to the trans god. However, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, The UK and Finland have backtracked in favour of a more holistic approach like counselling. More and more de-transitioners are now giving their testimonies of how their Autism, depression, child abuse, rape and other issues were either ignored or were told puberty blockers, wrong-sex hormones and sterilizing surgical procedures would be a cure-all. Transitioning ruins the normal lives these kids and young adults will never know, because puberty is a normal rite of passage to adulthood maturing the brain and body. It's the emotional/mental issues that need help, not body parts.

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STUNNING and POWERFUL piece. Thank you so very much for posting it. This information is vital to those of us who are battling this evil dragon.

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Thank you, Lou!

I think that in our fight it’s important to get behind enemy lines and disrupt their alliances. Right now the child-butchers know that they have friends in high places. If this issue becomes embarrassing enough, those friends may abandon them.

I think Newsom and Bonta and Thurmond and Wiener are slime, but they are self-interested slime. If they think this issue threatens their careers, then they may “do the right thing” despite being slime.

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Of course, massively declining birth rates and increased miscarriages post COVID shots, and the fact that assisted suicide in Canada now accounts for 4.3% of deaths must just be coincidences, because eugenics is that ugly word we don’t use any more.





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If it's OK I will add a link to my video which joins the dots between the covid shots, the huge drop in fertility/ birth rates since 2021, transhumanism and modern trans ideology.

I've tried to make the video series as watchable and 'entertaining' as possible, given the harrowing subject matter. The world doesn't need any more ranty, 'fear porn' style documentaries!

The section on fertility/ trans / transhumanism begins around the 2 hr mark for those who don't want to watch the whole thing.


(There's more gender stuff in Episode 4 too).

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"Governor Newsom laughed as he dismissed parent concerns, saying trans-identified kids are so few in number..."

OK, we know you're lying about the numbers, but just for fun, tell me, Governor Newsom, how many mutilated children would be a large enough number for you to care about what's happening to them?

And if a family has only one child, and that child has been mutilated behind the parents' backs by the state butchers, then that's not "so few," it's 100% of the children that that family cares about.

Just saying.

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Thank you this is powerful stuff and absolutely vital to be made public right now!!

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Believing in gender ideology is no different to believing in any other cult belief. And self-harming cults are the worst, because there is no real escape from them, once you've mutilated your body. Even for those who manage to escape the mind control aspects of "gender affirming care", you can't restore amputated body parts or undo the damage that wrong sex hormones have created. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever

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Crap , I thought it was bad here in Scotland !!!

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Petal, I’m sure you’re right!

The butchers don’t like to publish hard data (I wonder why?) but for the US I found enough data to reconstruct an estimate. I bet Scots could find comparable data. I bet many countries could. All you need is the number of minors starting GAC per year. Some fraction of them will end up sterile from it: choose a plausible upper and lower bound for that fraction. Divide by the population in that age group, and there’s your sterilization rate (or range of plausible rates).

For instance, Reuters reports at least 5,063 US children started on puberty-blockers or hormones in 2021. Williams reports that 16.4% of all US trans-identified kids live in California. Combining, we estimate 5,063 x 16.4% = 830 children started drugs in CA in 2021. With 2.34M children age 13-17 in CA, that’s 35.5 per 100K.

What fraction of children will become sterile from the treatment they started? Hard to say, but if the plausible range is 1/4 to 1/2, then the sterilization rate in CA is 9 to 18 per 100K due to drug-based GAC. Because they’re minors, each is nonconsensual.

That’s it: CA today is replicating the nonconsensual sterilization policy that caused so much harm a century ago, when we hit 13. Scotland, your turn. Because the UK never practiced eugenic sterilization on a large scale, Scotland is not “replicating” anything, it’s breaking new ground in sterilizing minors (and adults). Your comps would be Nazi Germany, 20C USA, 21C USA, and 20C Scandinavia.

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Thank you for pulling all of this research together!!

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Reuters report from Komodo’s data, (because of privacy laws) was only able to access data on numbers of Medicaid patients who transitioned? So even those numbers are likely much lower than reality?

I might have my research reports mixed up.

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I think that’s another study.

All Reuters says about Medicaid is “Today, more than half of states pay for gender-transition treatment through Medicaid … Nine states exclude youth gender care from Medicaid coverage.”

Reuters did acknowledge undercounting: “Reuters asked … Komodo Health Inc to analyze its database of U.S. insurance claims and other medical records on about 330 million Americans. ... These numbers are probably a significant undercount since they don’t include children whose records did not specify a gender dysphoria diagnosis or whose treatment wasn’t covered by insurance.”

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It’s very difficult to get any accurate stats here , the govt, police and courts are corrupted beyond belief , any requests for info are highly redacted , half truths and often just downright lies

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Reuters says that “Reliable [US] data on how many children receive care for gender dysphoria … have long been unavailable.” They had to enlist Komodo Health to go hunting for it. With its national health-care system, the UK must have the data, but I believe you when you say it’s well-hidden.

Reuters also has a 2022 report “England’s trans teens, lost in limbo, face mounting barriers to care.” [1] It mentions “at least 8,000 young people in England and Wales waiting to receive gender care from the NHS.”

Assuming those kids get it, assuming the 2-3 year wait time continues, and assuming ¼ to ½ end up sterilized from it, that works out to a rate of (8,000 child patients / 3 years / 3.5M children ages 13-17) x ¼ to ½ = 19 to 38 child sterilizations per 100K.

Congratulations! England is up there with California! If the wait time drops to 2 years, the high-end of the estimate rises to 57. Who will be the first to catch Nazi Germany (75-80)?

[1] https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/britain-transyouth/

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It’s just insane , my previous next door neighbours daughter decided to trans , was more feminine afterwards than she’d ever been , got a cock ( complete with a half tattoo as the skin came from her forearm ) then decided she wanted a baby

My mind was blown , her mother was a psychiatric nurse

You couldn’t make this shit up

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For people doing such wonderful and important work, they don't divulge any details. When I googled in the NGICNS I found

"Over recent years the number of people referred to NHS gender identity clinics (GICs) in Scotland has increased."

But they don't say how many. Their FAQ teases

"How many people are referred to Gender Identity Clinics each year? Click here for patients added to the waiting list per quarter, 2019-2021"

You click and you get

"404 Not Found"

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I’m a mere onlooker , none of this is happening to me yet , but my little petal is almost 7 , and you bet you’re arse I’m fighting it with all my being , not just for her

Scottish govt is shit

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Sending you love and luck from California

We're all in this together

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Your ! Lol

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Really? “Scotland the Brave” has gone down this insane path too?? Why?? What is there to gain? Do you HATE yourselves and your future that much?? WAKE UP!!

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You wouldn’t believe what it’s like here , it’s insane

If you don’t already subscribe to the glinner update , he’s amazing

Scotland is very parochial but the snp is fucking nuts

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May I share this ?

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Please do! Please shout it from the rooftop.

I had absolutely no idea things were so bad until ironically one of the A.G.'s newsletters made me ask the simple question: how many kids are being sterilized today with the approval of the CA government, and how does that compare to the eugenics era a century ago?

Turns out, the answer is horrifying.

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Thank you , I’ve done my best but my internet skills are poor and that’s being generous !

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I said there would be hell to pay. I told them. They heard me.

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