I love this account of the Genspect conference and I shared the same experience as you in the lobby on Friday night! I'm so glad we got to meet each other there!

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Thank you for caring I appreciate it I really do.❤️

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I hope we met. Maybe I already know you. I hope we talked. I hope you have my number in your phone. It really was freeing to be there. It took me weeks to come back to reality of my life. I got really sick so it helped to be quiet and just take it all in. I sobbed when it got over shadowed by the Blue dress dude. Sending you love. Maybe one day not to far in the future we can plan a PIIT parents conference so we can be free again to talk about our daily nightmare.

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I think I subscribe to your Substack Lydia. How do I get in touch?

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Found you on Twitter and just followed you, but can’t DM you. Maybe you need to follow me back?

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I am so glad you went. I wanted to go so badly but had other kid duties. One day I hope. I love what you wrote.

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I had no idea this existed! So encouraging. Thank you for sharing.

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Your story so parallels mine, but I am in Italy and couldn't dream of going to the GenSpect conference. I was with you in spirit, though!

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Fierce Mamas and Papas,

For what it’s worth, you all are the brave warriors. My kids are normal heterosexual kids. I come here to root for you all, and to build the certain words in my mouth to spill out to whoever will listen that this cult is not normal or “kind”. You all are my heroes.

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You did an amazing job telling your story, you captured the heart and soul of what it is like being stuck in this evil-trans world because of our loved one. I am so happy that you went to the conference in Denver. All those people who attended are in the same boat you are, feel the same way, and understand. You did indeed make friends. Being able to share my feelings on this sub stack has helped me cope. We are all here for each other...do not give up hope. This insanity cannot continue, God help us please.

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Could you please elaborate on the part about the man losing custody of his two-year-old son? Who would try to transition a child that young? I can't believe it!

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The story is heartbreaking and unbelievable. I spoke with him briefly. He seemed upfront and genuine in telling his story, which has yet to be reported in mainstream media.


There are also lots of interviews with him online.

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Thank you. Yes, it's heartbreaking and unbelievable.

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I will let the author elaborate, but it's a horrible story. I will never forget hearing that man speak.

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I have already decided to attend the next conference and can't wait.

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Is another already scheduled?

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I agree! How can we be in this situation? What, why, how?? I thought Aussies were so much more down to earth but our kids have been captured Louby! We have to find a way to save them. But how??? Omg my head hurts!! HELP!!!

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Beautifully written. Loved your rendition of hushed convos in bathrooms with running water and inside your car. I am proud to share this community with you, a beautiful writer & courageous person. And I'm hopeful that the nightmare will resolve.

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I wish I had heeded my husband’s advice as you did yours. My husband and I were in Denver one month prior to the conference and he lovingly told me, “You need to come back for the conference.” I’m regretting that I didn’t make the trip but thankful for you and happy to read of your lovely account.

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I’m so happy you have some humanity in your corner. I feel so sad for the children, the youth, and the parents for this assault and hateful wave of dishonesty and destruction. You sound like you are in a pressure cooker, …I’d like to share a possible remedy for your mother. I wish I knew this when my mother was around and had dementia. There are proven studies that taking MCT, (medium chain triglycerides) stops the progression of Alzheimer’s and other brain dementia. If you don’t have the funds to buy the MCT you can take two tablespoons of coconut oil a day and voila…you can use in food or drink, .I make a healthy chocolate bar to get my coconut oil daily. I melt the coconut oil , and powdered cocoa, pour in a parchment paper pan, add nuts and chia seeds, even raisin or whatever spice you like. Oh yes and the sweetener, you can use sugar but I use mink fruit in guarantee form..you like, …I wish you welll sister

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Monk fruit sweetener, Hahaha….omgosh I would never eat mink food sweetener

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Haha thank you!

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Oh I then put the pan in the freezer until it hardens, the. I break it up put it in a container and put in the refrigerator 💜

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Thankyou for your essay! I wish I could’ve been there! Alas I live in Australia and my daughter started Reandron (male androgen) “therapy” 3 weeks ago after “coming out” to us 14 months ago. She’s 18 and has total bodily autonomy!? I have good days when I kind of cope ok. Then there’s the days where it’s all I can do to restrain myself from shaking her and slapping her. The even sadder thing for me is that she is so pleased she has taken this step because she told me “I just know it’s going to solve all my problems!” What problems?? She’s a pampered young woman who lives at home on the North Shore of Sydney, went to a private girl’s school where she was Performing Arts Captain - so no not bullied, admired by her teachers and peers, applauded long before deciding she is “trans”, never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend but jumps on every bandwagon of oppressed people she can find. I read in Dr Miriam Grossman’s excellent book that these types of “unopressed” white girls are “ashamed of themselves for being “privileged!” They can’t change their skin colour or their financially secure circumstances (because who would want to do that?), but they can change their “gender” and destroy their lives! Great!! Let’s all applaud!!!

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Hi Robyn, fellow Australian and similar story - although not quite North Shore and private school, but my daughter grew up in a very privileged middle class bubble, selective high school and everything we could afford to give her (and more, considering my VISA bills). There was an article published in the Good Weekend section of the Sydney Morning Herald 2 weeks ago where a 15 or 16 year old girl who was toying with trans said something along the lines of, to be straight, cis, white, was boring. You needed a reason to be oppressed. So our privileged girls, benefiting from the sacrifices we've made (I grew up poor, my parents could not afford the stuff my children have - I never resented that, they worked their guts out to give us what we had and I appreciate them for it), now need a reason to feel picked on, targeted, that they belong to a cause.

If it wasn't so tragic, it would be bloody hilarious. What a bunch of indulged little arseholes. Except they will pay for their ridiculous rebellion for the rest of their - and our - lives.

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And we the mothers and fathers will be the ones picking up the pieces of our broken children. Paying for the medical destruction of our babies for the rest of our lives. Will the doctors and therapists ever pay for the catastrophic harm they inflicted? How many younger adults will look in the mirror one day and say “what did I do?” And can’t live with it? A whole generation destroyed by medicalized gender activism.

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Hey I’ll check out that SMH article. Tell me has your daughter called you CIS? I lost my shit when my daughter called me that. I try not to overreact now but it’s excruciating isn’t it? Same I grew up with a sense of responsibility and common sense bestowed on me by my parents who also worked hard to give us the best I can’t work out what we’ve done wrong either. But you’re right about them and us paying for their utter stupidity. Strength and patience to you I think we’re gonna need it!

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I hate that “cis” label, I would’ve lost my mind . My daughter told me she was a boy and left in the middle of the night to live with her glitter family 5 months ago. She hasn’t spoken to me since.

Remember, you did NOT do anything wrong, it is them. The predators on the internet, the schools, the media, the doctors, and the delusional activists.

Bless you and your family. God always has a plan, find peace in him. I’m trying everyday!

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Another thing to consider is how the social contagion of trans seems to be almost exclusively a Western first world country issue. It's simply not happening in poorer, less developed nations. I guess when you're busy trying to survive, you don't have the time or money to disappear down internet rabbit holes, spending hours obsessing over gender and pronouns.

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Yes, I get 'cis' and have had 'TERF' screamed in my face more times than I care to count. It is astounding how intolerant she has become, whilst simultaneously demanding total acceptance of her every thought and action. Disagree with her, and I'm a TERF, bigot, transphobe etc.

In that same article, a transwoman actor from Home and Away was asked a question along the lines of 'What would you say to those who question the current rates of trans youth?' and her response was 'Stop trying to kill us.' Such drama! Who exactly is trying to kill them? And yet it's a line repeated ad nauseam on social media, along with 'Better a live daughter/son than a dead son/daughter, as though there is no other option.

The truly fascinating thing about that article was it the lack of response. Zero. I knew it would be controversial and strongly believe they decided not to publish any letters sent to the editor so as not to further enrage the trans lobby. I considered writing one myself, but am now planning on contacting the journalist instead. I am so over the one sided conversation about transgender youth.

Yes, we will certainly need all the strength and patience we can muster. Good luck, let's hope in the years to come this is just a horrible memory.

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Robyn I have not been called CIS myself but have been on the recieving end of the whole "straight being boring ". My "daughter" told my son that seeing his band perform was the "straightist thing ever" as if that was a bad thing, then he put her down for making such comments. They used to have a good relationship but "she" has broken it.

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oh Robyn - I feel for you so much, I also have a privileged daughter i (on the trans road) in Australia- the affirmaton these "girls" get for being trans is unbelievable. I am fearful that while the rest of th world is starting to see some harm, we are full steam ahead on transitioning young people here in Aus !

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Yes, the affirmation is toxic and only goes one way - I'm a teacher, and I've seen girls go through this 'trans phase' starting as early as Year 7. By Year 9-10, most have come out the other side, reverted to their female status and birth names - I never use preferred names or pronouns without checking with parents. But the girls that go back to being girls (and the majority do - we have one trans male in Year 12 compared to 20 or more in Years 7-9) get ostracised by the 'queer' group, kicked out by their so-called friends who only want their friendship if they are trans. It's not even good enough to be gay, bi or non-binary - once you've declared you're trans, apparently there's no going back for these ideologues.

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My husband and I also believe that her current friends will tire of her “transness” and all go off and do their own things and she will be left to deal with her identity without her “cheer squad”. Let’s see how this unfolds. I must sound so mean but I adore my baby girl and she was always such a cool, cruisy, talented, smart girl and I still can’t get my head around her naive gullible and guilt-ridden descent into this bullshit, lying ideology. Frustrated, sad, hopeless, helpless, angry, powerless, scared! That’s me!

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