Edwards-Leeper's mission is aided and abetted by an organization called GLSEN.org which operates in coordination with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), with Randy Weingarten at the helm. GLSEN originally functioned as a gay rights support organization in the schools. Today, their mandate is to indoctrinate (i.e. "support") children in trans ideology.


Because these links are long, I encourage readers to click them and read the descriptions yourselves. Note their extensive reach (43 chapters in 30 states):

"As GLSEN was founded by a group of teachers in 1990, we knew that educators play key roles in creating affirming learning environments for LGBTQ+ youth. But as well as activating supportive educators, we believe in centering and uplifting student-led movements, which have powered initiatives like the Day of Silence, Ally Week, and more.

“We conduct extensive and original research to inform our evidence-based solutions for K-12 education.

"We author developmentally appropriate resources for educators to use throughout their school community.

“We advise on, advocate for, and research comprehensive policies designed to protect LGBTQ+ students as well as students of marginalized identities. We’ve brought record support to the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act and fought discriminatory legislation in over 15 states.”

GLSEN's website advertises print materials created for the grade school classroom market, describing itself as being for "LGBTQ+ Affirming K-12.” https://rainbowlibrary.org/

Finally, a description of their purpose: https://www.glsen.org/our-work

It pains me to say this, but I'd be remiss if I didn't. Randi Weingarten, long-time President of the AFT, is a lesbian. And so am I. I was unfortunately introduced to trans ideology in the 1970s, when heterosexual male transvestites decided they were lesbians and demanded a place at our table (and in our beds...no thank you).

Today's conflation of "LGB" with "TQetc." was unfortunately embraced by some of us gays and lesbians out of a sense of empathy and, in some cases, internalized homophobia of their own, especially among butch lesbians who were sick of being treated like freaks.

But against our will -- and certainly against mine -- lesbians and gays have been made honorary members of the Alphabet people although we have little in common with people who believe they were “born in the wrong body.”

Over the decades, college students have been indoctrinated in Queer Theory and the bogus "medicine" of transgenderism. The result is thousands of activist teachers who happily teach and support the transitioning of young students behind their parents' backs.

Social media is a huge problem. But the roots of this epidemic are old and deep. And I haven't even mentioned the billion dollar trans-industrial complex.

(See: https://jbilek.substack.com/)

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Children can no more "consent" to have their healthy breasts and genitalia removed or take puberty blockers than they can "consent" to have sex with an adult.

Similarly, parents and doctors can no more approve such permanent mutilation simply because a minor child desires it than they can approve their participation in pedophilia.

Ultimately society will see the truth and ban the practice as we have banned female genital mutilation. Do people support that practice if the parents consent? I truly hope not

It is monstrous to believe otherwise and those who do will ultimately be held to account for their actions. The obscene bureaucrat Rachel (Richard) Levine among those in the dock.

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I have referred to Dr. Laura Edwards-Leeper and Dr. Erica Anderson many times in my conversations with trans rights crusaders. They may be seriously flawed, but they have helped the gender critical cause gain some traction, and given it credibility. Having personally gone through transitioning and working with gender dysphoric youth, providing "care" that we may not approve of, does give a perspective most people lack. Their insights have really been useful to me. I can understand how any parent so angry and disgusted with the status quo may find it difficult to see these doctors as anything but foes, but they've actually helped our side.

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"He no longer contacts me, likely because I am disrespectful for refusing to use feminine pronouns for him. I respect females too much to capitulate." Respect needs to be earned and encouraging the transition of anyone particularly a child doesn't earn any respect. Respect needs to be earned and asking someone to join them in a delusion to believe that a boy can become a girl or a girl can become a boy is plainly delusional. He is asking us to believe a lie, and asking us to put to one side any form of safeguarding. He is asking us to ignore what we see and hear. He is asking us to put his feelings ahead of other people's feelings. This man should not expect respect from anyone.

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We should also be trying to find the cause of this surge in gender issues instead of just arguing over treatments. If it's the schools, then that needs to be stopped. If it's social media, then that also needs to be stopped. The point being, this will keep happening at greater and greater rates until the cause is dealt with.

As for the good, bad, and the ugly I don't believe there can be any good while doing the bad and the ugly. If one has any doubts, look at it from God's point of view. If these doctors' records

were given on judgement day, how do you think God would judge?

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I can remember that transgenders were approx. 0.5% of the population. Now, in secondary schools, there can be 1 per class (3.33%). And I have read that whole friendship groups can transition. This is a social contagion. This is social media pushing gender ideology. This is political parties pushing the ideology.

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True. Nothing about this is organic.

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Do you have a source for medicalized youths needing canes and wheelchairs?

I need all the ammunition I can get my hands on to convince my child not to go on testosterone.

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I don’t have a source. I just have been observing it in females on T.

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Some causes of testosterone levels in women include:

PCOS, Tumors in the ovaries or adrenal glands, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Estrogen declining more quickly than testosterone, Obesity, Ovary disorders, Medications and supplements, including steroids, Endocrine disorders such as Cushing's syndrome

I could go on

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I can tell you that this is another social contagion. Many of these young people just want attention and street cred. They start with POTS, move onto gluten, then it's mast cell syndrome and then onto Ehler's Danlos syndrome. They start using canes, walkers, wheel chairs etc. I have a niece doing this exact thing....while my own daughter has taken on the non-binary garbage.

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It sure is a weird social contagion. My daughter asked me (more like demanded) a cane when she was in 9th grade claiming to be in too much physical pain due to either (non-existing) disability. I refused, she was mad for quite a while and then - it's a miracle - cured of her disability.

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My daughter has mentioned two school friends who say they have POTS. Many with seemingly undiagnoseable but significant back pain, I can only assume they have good insurance given the social cache that now comes with missing an afternoon for an MRI. Having someone else carry your backpack and leave class early to avoid the crush is the ultimate status symbol.

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Nov 27Edited

I have to ask - what is your intent here? To further polarize and break community? How does this help? These are two professionals who after recognizing the trend and the need to put the brakes on the medical free-for -all have literally risked their careers (and arguably personal safety as well) to sound the alarm and question the "affirmative only" approach. They have become the target of trans radical activists simply for advocating a much more cautious and nuanced approach, especially with teens and young adults whose prefrontal cortexes and corresponding impulse control have not yet developed. They have taken note of the alarming increase in numbers for this cohort

My own child saw Dr. Erica just about a year after the op-ed (that prompted me to contact her) that she and Edwards-Leeper published. (It should be noted that the NYT refused to run it.) I truly believe that she did her best to keep my kid from medicalizing while acknowledging my kid's very real feelings. It was tricky.

Dr. Erica acted according to her what her professional background indicated, then radically changed her approach when she noticed the both the character and number of adolescents changing and growing. She has been outspoken about the need for nuance, and specifically spoken to the need to listen to parents. That being said, I am also horrified at the experience of NorCal to EU mom (below) as it was so different from my family's. This mess hit our family late in the game enough to know not to go to a gender clinic.

I have no doubt that this will elicit an avalanche of anger, but I really do need to ask how targeting these people who may not be completely aligned with all here, but have been outspoken allies with particularly important voices, is productive. Especially in this polarized political climate where our kids are virtual footballs, I think we need to work on building bridges with people who see as we do, as imperfect as the agreement may be. Not burning them.

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this is not about targeting anyone. it is about revealing the truth that in this pivotal moment in history, U.S. vs. skermetti, both Anderson and Leaper decided to affirm a delusional reality that there is such a thing as a "trans" child and that this abhorrent care should be continued. How did that part of the article escape you?

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It did not. In the current climate, however, the outright bans that are being issued in red states are continuing to be met by knee jerk availability and blanket affirmation in blue states. Many blue states are sanctuary states - kids are literally running away from home to get the "care". I advocate for a more nuanced approach. I have transgender friends (gasp!) who agree - the whole situation is has been politicized to the point that those screaming the loudest on each side are not paying attention to the kids themselves. We need bridge building. The fact that a 15 year old in Oregon can go access cross sex hormones with no parental involvement is horrific. The "informed consent" model at clinics across the country is equally problematic, especially for those whose brains are not fully developed. I cannot, however, make that judgement for every parent/kid/family, and I believe that we cannot continue the path of polarization and alienation. I may personally not want anything to do with medicalization, but people for whom this has helped do actually exist. I think the number is extremely small, a tiny fraction of the current wave, but they are there.

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Yes, it’s turned into a political football. It would have been better if the medical profession had stopped all this in its tracks 10 years ago. But they failed, now it’s time for the government to step in and shove the ball into the end zone. This whole thing is CRAZY. Everyone who pushed it should be canceled. Erica Anderson shoulda known better before transitioning hundreds of kids.

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It's tough, if not impossible, for some people to accept that a tiny percentage of gender dysphoric youths will grow up to be trans, and they may actually benefit from medical intervention as minors. At least I'm not in a position to decide what's right for everyone. And I know trans people have always existed, and we can't wish them away. It's important to treat them with respect.

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and who possesses this magical divining rod? As a society we should affirming reality. No one is born in the wrong body. There are only two sexes and infinite personalities. And no one should be subjected to medical harm regardless of their feelings of self.

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I appreciate the points made in this piece. I also had an experience with a gender clinic during which my child was offered cross sex hormones after a brief appointment.

However, I observe myself finding it disrespectful that the author of this essay refers to a transitioned, adult professional by he/him, when that person has requested she/her. I wonder if this kind of action will only serve to de-legitimize PITT as an organization when it undertakes important work, such as the recent signing of the amicus brief to the Supreme Court.

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Affirmation helps nobody and is a lie. It is also disrespectful to women.

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It is important to ground ourselves in reality. That is the respectful and kind thing to do for our society.

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Well said.

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I have skin in the game here as Dr. Anderson was the one who in an initial meeting with my 16 year old daughter approved her for testosterone. We were encouraged by everyone to take her to the gender clinic (including her pediatrician) where I naively thought they would offer psychological counseling for her struggles. I wasn’t allowed to attend the meeting (covid restrictions), only my husband, this was just before the WaPo OpEd came out written by Anderson and Edwards-Leeper. I’m guessing that the OpEd had been written and submitted by then. He knew. I still have so many questions. As soon as I heard that she was not going to get counseling and that an endocrinologist also attended the meeting (WTF?!), I dug through the meeting paperwork, and discovered, to my horror, that our daughter had lost so much weight after her previous visit to her pediatrician. She had hidden it with baggy clothing. When I called our pediatrician about it, she was alarmed and warned me that she should be hospitalized immediately. Yet when I demanded answers from the gender clinic, they just said monitoring her weight at her next three month checkup would be fine and she clearly needed T. When I asked to speak to Dr. Anderson, they told me she had left the practice. We later learned our daughter has autism and ARFID, things the gender clinic completely missed or ignored. My daughter was just one of many. So when people tell you it’s not really happening, they are naive. Just as naive as we were three years ago. We couldn’t even find an eating clinic that wasn’t captured. UCSF wanted to give her T as a treatment. Seriously. They told us it would help her gain weight?? We treated our daughter ourselves at home. We also left the U.S. We couldn’t trust any doctor there anymore, nor the schools, nor society.

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I am going to send your comment to Anderson if you are ok with that. He needs to know.

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I am horrified to read this account, and am so sorry you experienced this. I hope your daughter is better - healthy and whole, and that your relationship with her is strong.

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‘He knew’ to clarify, refers to Dr. Anderson …

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Children, adolescents and young adults (adults too) need to be protected from both, and from all of their ilk, and from everything they represent, and from everything they do (like my son, but for him it's too late)

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I remember in the 90’s, groups of friends would meet in bars. Inevitably, as the night wore on cigarettes would come out. Everyone knew they were bad, but we had a ton of excuses such as “social smoking.” Finally in the late 90’s California basically made it illegal to smoke almost anywhere. There was a big outcry, but ultimately it worked and spread to other states. How many people do you know who socially smoke today?

Continuing to treat youth gender transition as if it has any place in society is a mistake. Snuff it out root and stem. The people who complain the loudest today (the confused youth) will thank us in ten years for saving them.

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Is there such a thing as a qualified foe? If so, that is where these two belong. They have done much damage, and continue to do so. They are insidiously spreading the false idea that "some" children WILL benefit from these "treatments." They are certainly trying to curtail the number of children whose lives they limit and whose bodies they harm, which is better than people like Joanna Olson-Kennedy, and counts for the "qualification." Acknowledging that this isn't for everyone is a step in the right direction.

However, unless and until they acknowledge that this whole idea - that some children or teens or vulnerable young adults are "really" the opposite sex and must chemically and surgically alter their bodies to appear that way to ever have any semblance of happiness - is false, they remain in the category of foe.

If mentally healthy adults want to have extreme cosmetic procedures to appear the opposite sex and change their names and attire, that is their choice. However, this is not a medical treatment for anything, it is not "life-saving," and these people don't magically become the opposite sex. They cannot suddenly be welcomed into the opposite sex's spaces or sports. The only concession I make is that I would not render such cosmetic procedures illegal for mentally healthy adults . However, these procedures must never be described by the practitioners who provide them as "medical treatments," but must instead be sold as cosmetic alterations not unlike a facelift, breast enlargment, etc. Further, the practitioners must warn the customers (not patients) about all of the many dangers of these procedures - which it must be clear are infinitely greater than the dangers of most other cosmetic procedures - and these practitioners must make sure the customers understand those warnings.

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Absurd sex "change" surgery is not akin to other cosmetic surgery. Doctors are not permitted to amputate healthy limbs because a disturbed person identifies as disabled. Mutilating surgeries and cross sex hormones should be illegal for any medical provider to inflict on anyone at any age.

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Obviously to me they are foes. Good people do not allow these things to happen to children, let alone try to make these things happen to children.

All "moderation" on their part is simply to cover their asses so they can continue finding *at least some* child victims.

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Here is a good question: "Is it really dangerous to permit a child to go through natural puberty, a development stage that has been occurring as long as humans have been on earth?"

And more people need to understand "The Ugly" part. It is truly beyond ugly.

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Puberty is a human right.

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Yep. It is a human need.

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Very helpful, thanks!

When I looked into Edwards-Leeper I found her to be a foe, especially to gay kids


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