Much has been said about the pain, confusion, and struggle of being trans. Here’s what it’s all about in the words and minds of many of their parents: It’s about seeing things one way and hearing the world tell you it’s another. It’s about not knowing who you can trust.
I am not in this situation but my heart really goes out to those of you who are. My daughters are 14 and 12, I thought I might share a bit of hope for you; they were all about the pronoun thing but something has changed recently. They seem to be doing an “eye roll rejection” of the whole concept. I am beginning to believe the veil is being lifted with them and their peers. We are smack in the middle of America and I wonder if that is why, even when I was young the coastal states hit trends harder. Either way, I continue to share your stories with other parents any chance I get, as I truly think many people are still not aware of how far this has gone and how much pain parents have been subjected to. Sending love and solidarity because I know you need allies too.
Thank you so much for your post. II have experienced every one of these. I am sorry for the pain of parents and family of individuals who have decided to transition. but I am so glad I found this community. My 27 year old son has decided that he is supposed to be a woman and had begun the process of transitioning. He is taking medications and is scheduled for facial cosmetic surgery in Mexico in May. My handsome son is going to let a doctor take a scalpel to his face and change it forever. I'm not sure I'm going to live through this. My husband and I are sad, confused, angry, heartbroken, fearful, horrified, but most of all, we feel so alone. NO ONE in our circle of friends, family, acquaintances have faced anything like this. So, although they a sympathetic, they are as lost as we are. We are seeing a therapist to help us cope, but even he not sure what to say sometimes. (We intentionally sought out a therapist whose views align with ours.) I see a great deal of pain in these posts, but I am so glad to have found people who understand.
Find a support group that knows what your going through. I have been to numerous counselors and they just don’t get it if they haven’t been through it. I’m tired and angry of counselors for me just listening and not really helping. Counselors for my son says I need to change my thinking to allow him to change his name and let him wear female clothes. I’m weary and sometimes need my support system to help me know I’m on the right track. Going against the grain is not easy.
Wow, that sums up the horror. I would not want to be a parent today. Kids are missing out on life of being themselves and trying new thingos; now everything today's kids do is labelled as are they. These poor kids & teens will never know the innocence or enjoyment of being themselves, only torment, medicalization, slice n' dice, life-long medical problems and doctor visits. They will never know who they really are or could be, and what a joy life can be. It's tragic that greedy, selfish, people in this world seem to hate kids; governments pass laws against parents, bow the knee to the trans god and medical professionals who are supposed to do no harm are right behind them! We have to keep exposing this evil as many detrainsitioners are doing by speaking and suing. One day this will be a large black blot in history. I pray it's sooner than later.
Don't give up. Don't give up!! I spent a year having conversations with my sister before she could see this movement for what it is. A year where there were tears and miscommunication, where I had to deal with her thinking I hated gay people and had become a brainwashed right-wing bigot. Yesterday, she watched a Matt Walsh video about Dylan Mulvaney and called me to vent about how fully insane things have gotten. All we have to do is stand firm in the truth, withstand the name calling and let the TRAs speak for themselves.
Make no mistake, this battle is one of good vs evil. The devil is throughout this ideology. Read the Word, it speaks truth to this. My children have been taken by the transgender church. I am tired and weary. Jesus is the only way out. I pray now every day for my kids to be saved from the cult and to see HIS light. This is what happens when you take God out of everything....the return to a secular, pagan lifestyle that does not care for human life, but cares only for human sacrifice and idolization of the self. May God have mercy on us all.
Well, what happened is that I wrote something very intelligent into the comments and I was attacked. did you look for the original event? So, I really did not know what to do when I was attacked like that. There are some good thing on PITT. I had never really spent time on it. I was a big fan, basically. Having now read more (I often speak rather quickly on these forums) I can see that there are all sorts of articles being written here. Some have the sorts of flaws that my first comment was about. Yes, I am an independent scholar, so I am used to evaluating writing. I am good at it, thank you for noticing. It is so easy to get nasty. I have to continuously repress the need to do it myself. Some people are absolutely horrible. I guess it is a pretty horrible world we live in. The whole thing got mucked up, I know. Thanks for trying to salvage something if that is what you were doing.
All of what was said is true. Each time my son says one of these things, my heart breaks more. Hardest thing - when he said I don't really love him.
I whisper my daughter's name to myself everyday. And hope that someday, she will answer to it again.
So true, every point!!
the education system is doing this to our kids in some sort of genocidal evil . it's not random , nor a fad. this is one possible reason.
I am not in this situation but my heart really goes out to those of you who are. My daughters are 14 and 12, I thought I might share a bit of hope for you; they were all about the pronoun thing but something has changed recently. They seem to be doing an “eye roll rejection” of the whole concept. I am beginning to believe the veil is being lifted with them and their peers. We are smack in the middle of America and I wonder if that is why, even when I was young the coastal states hit trends harder. Either way, I continue to share your stories with other parents any chance I get, as I truly think many people are still not aware of how far this has gone and how much pain parents have been subjected to. Sending love and solidarity because I know you need allies too.
Thank you for the encouraging words and sharing ours!
That is exactly what it is about...sad but true.
Thank you
Thank you.
I don’t believe in the devil or thought I didn’t but this is truly the work of the devil
🙌🏼 Captured in a nutshell.
Thank you so much for your post. II have experienced every one of these. I am sorry for the pain of parents and family of individuals who have decided to transition. but I am so glad I found this community. My 27 year old son has decided that he is supposed to be a woman and had begun the process of transitioning. He is taking medications and is scheduled for facial cosmetic surgery in Mexico in May. My handsome son is going to let a doctor take a scalpel to his face and change it forever. I'm not sure I'm going to live through this. My husband and I are sad, confused, angry, heartbroken, fearful, horrified, but most of all, we feel so alone. NO ONE in our circle of friends, family, acquaintances have faced anything like this. So, although they a sympathetic, they are as lost as we are. We are seeing a therapist to help us cope, but even he not sure what to say sometimes. (We intentionally sought out a therapist whose views align with ours.) I see a great deal of pain in these posts, but I am so glad to have found people who understand.
Find a support group that knows what your going through. I have been to numerous counselors and they just don’t get it if they haven’t been through it. I’m tired and angry of counselors for me just listening and not really helping. Counselors for my son says I need to change my thinking to allow him to change his name and let him wear female clothes. I’m weary and sometimes need my support system to help me know I’m on the right track. Going against the grain is not easy.
If the delusion was true, it would be less painful to watch. This hole our kids are trying to fill can't be filled by surgery or drugs.
Wow, that sums up the horror. I would not want to be a parent today. Kids are missing out on life of being themselves and trying new thingos; now everything today's kids do is labelled as are they. These poor kids & teens will never know the innocence or enjoyment of being themselves, only torment, medicalization, slice n' dice, life-long medical problems and doctor visits. They will never know who they really are or could be, and what a joy life can be. It's tragic that greedy, selfish, people in this world seem to hate kids; governments pass laws against parents, bow the knee to the trans god and medical professionals who are supposed to do no harm are right behind them! We have to keep exposing this evil as many detrainsitioners are doing by speaking and suing. One day this will be a large black blot in history. I pray it's sooner than later.
Worn down parent here. I just take it one day at a time. And pray a lot!
Don't give up. Don't give up!! I spent a year having conversations with my sister before she could see this movement for what it is. A year where there were tears and miscommunication, where I had to deal with her thinking I hated gay people and had become a brainwashed right-wing bigot. Yesterday, she watched a Matt Walsh video about Dylan Mulvaney and called me to vent about how fully insane things have gotten. All we have to do is stand firm in the truth, withstand the name calling and let the TRAs speak for themselves.
Make no mistake, this battle is one of good vs evil. The devil is throughout this ideology. Read the Word, it speaks truth to this. My children have been taken by the transgender church. I am tired and weary. Jesus is the only way out. I pray now every day for my kids to be saved from the cult and to see HIS light. This is what happens when you take God out of everything....the return to a secular, pagan lifestyle that does not care for human life, but cares only for human sacrifice and idolization of the self. May God have mercy on us all.
Well, what happened is that I wrote something very intelligent into the comments and I was attacked. did you look for the original event? So, I really did not know what to do when I was attacked like that. There are some good thing on PITT. I had never really spent time on it. I was a big fan, basically. Having now read more (I often speak rather quickly on these forums) I can see that there are all sorts of articles being written here. Some have the sorts of flaws that my first comment was about. Yes, I am an independent scholar, so I am used to evaluating writing. I am good at it, thank you for noticing. It is so easy to get nasty. I have to continuously repress the need to do it myself. Some people are absolutely horrible. I guess it is a pretty horrible world we live in. The whole thing got mucked up, I know. Thanks for trying to salvage something if that is what you were doing.