I was the Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scout leader for my daughters troop starting in 1996-2000 frankly because no other parent wanted to volunteer. I loved being a Brownie and Girl Scout when I was young so I wanted my daughter to experience what I had: making new friends, earning badges, and going to the Girl Scout camp that I attended. I am heartbroken that this wonderful organization has changed and become influenced in the trans ideology way of thinking. This is wrong! Girl Scouts is for Girls and was established to help young ladies find their voice, to feel good about being a female and to learn how to contribute to society. A girl identifying as a boy should NOT be allowed to join a Girl Scout Troop and visa-versa for Boy Scouts. The trans poisoning has gone too far! I am appalled. Our sweet innocent children are not safe anywhere… now the Girl Scouts have been tainted. Perhaps the trans-movement needs to establish their own Rainbow Troop and leave the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts alone!!! My granddaughter is three years old - am I to believe that she will not be able to join a troop in a few years out of fear of the other kids and the influence they may have on her because society is accepting this lie that kids are born in the wrong body and that they have the right to act on their beliefs? I do not want my granddaughter to ever be put into a situation whereas she joins a group or a team where a girl wants to be called a “he” or a boy wants to be called a “she” and she has to accept it. It goes against everything I believe in. This brainwashing must stop and we need to use our voices to be heard. Do not continue to go along with this trans ideology thinking! Start your own troop or keep searching until you find a troop that is for girls only and supports the girls as girls. I was proud to be a Girl Scout and even prouder to be my daughter’s Troop leader. Keep fighting!! We need to win this war!

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Well, first is no biological males should be members.

However, Neither should females who identify as boys be members.

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How terrible. I would have loved support as a young Lesbian girl (from my earliest memories), but this trans mess is the opposite of caring for any girls. My biggest fear at grade school and after was being harassed, taunted, bullied, hit, knocked down, etc. by boys. (They even broke my arm.) High school was a relief because no boys. But now, girls are forced to be around not only boys, but the narcissists who insist they are girls. It's a horrible status game. Some of the most stereotypically feminine girls and women is know insist they are male. And the real males are dangerous on so many levels. (The man who stalked me when I was 17, demanding I be heterosexual with him, (I refused) later stalked me into the Lesbian community where at the last public "women's" event, he put my name on his name tag. And my fake "woke" friends said nothing. I can only imagine how much more terrifying this is for girls.

Of course girls should have the right to be safe to be with other girls, but this cult does not want any girl or woman to have anything. They erase us and take what we have worked for for 50 plus years.

I hate that L/Lesbians are included with this female-hating cult.

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This is a frustrating situation for many of us. We're very involved with BSA - first with our sons, and now with a girl troop. Because of the policies handed down from national leadership, we cannot exclude a girl who identifies as a boy or a boy who identifies as a girl. It is complicated on many levels. We deal with anger and outbursts by adolescents who get offended when someone uses the wrong pronouns or 'dead names'. There are private conversations that don't belong in scouting, as the organization goes to great lengths to avoid being about sexuality. Beyond education about personal safety, this is not a subject meant to be discussed, but it creeps into private conversations among the youth. I consider it grooming when any youth gets into these personal matters among other youth members, especially the younger ones. We educate our youth about grooming behavior, but this variety isn't in the Scout manual. Everyone is just trying to find their way through these drastic changes.

Fortunately, national leadership has restricted who can tent together. Youth cannot tent with a parent (either sex) after Cub Scouting. This side-steps the whole issue of which parent is 'same-sex'. Youth may tent only with those who are within 2 years of age. Trans youth tent alone unless both identify the same and parents consent to the arrangement. There are requirements for adult supervision at all times, and it is what we call 2-deep. No adult is allowed to be alone with youth unless it's their own parent.

We are walking a minefield as youth leaders. We never saw this coming, but we are doing our best to create an environment that keeps us out of legal jeopardy while supporting all the youth in our group through their personal development. I choose to focus on non-gender accomplishments and do my best to help youth develop all those other wonderful talents and qualities that make them people of good character with leadership skills. To the extent possible I avoid the gender politics entirely by focusing elsewhere. As the new scouting year begins, our leadership team will need to have some conversations about some of these issues. As you might imagine though, we are not all looking at it through the same lens and even those conversations will be challenging.

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The Girl Scouts have long-ago, gone over to the “Darkside”

See: “100 Questions for the Girl Scouts”


The moral replacement for the GSUSA:

American Heritage Girls


The BSA has now likewise followed suit: Going over to the Darkside…

See: “Denouncing the Boy Scouts”


The moral replacement for the BSA:

Trail Life USA


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Start you own Girl Scout group or chapter.

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It is really sad that young girls, who usually all have enough problems of their own in their teens (what am I? lesbian, hetsex, bi etc.) plus there are no longer loving hetsex intercourses online only choke porn!

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This is what drives me nuts about the ascendancy of transgenderism, an utter disregard for ANY of the blood, tears and misery of childhood sexual abuse survivors and the things we have put in place to prevent it happening in community and institutional settings.

I’m Catholic and in Australia we’ve been dealing with the fall out from the terrible behaviour of priests, bishops and their lay enablers (including State police forces) since the mid-1990s. The sanctification of trans individuals mirrors some of the worst excesses of clericalism that gave cover to predators to access children, especially the most vulnerable ones from poor and abusive backgrounds. Transgenderism seems to have done one better and generates the vulnerable children for any predatory individual who is looking for a hunting ground.

Child safeguarding comes first and foremost.

Also the Italian Scouts went Coed in the 1940s (not exactly Italy’s most progressive time) if you’re looking for an alternative model of scouting.

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Transgenderism is such an insidious cult, isn't it? I'm convinced that one of it's primary objectives is to ensure that all safeguarding around women and children is scrapped or rendered pointless. Makes me feel so, so furious.

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Absolutely ridiculous and wrong on EVERY level! What in the world?! This is a no brainer!! GIRL scouts or BOY scouts. Girls are NOT boys and vice versa. And these adults can’t figure that out! Come on! Wake up people!! You’re promoting horrible consequences that will be coming out of the woodwork by the thousands. This is no joke! Please wake up! Our children need us to use our heads! It’s common sense! Ugh! I can’t stand it.

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Look into American Heritage Girls, it's very traditional and interestingly I find not as "girly" as Girl Scouts. I have a gender non-conforming daughter, and she was not into the girly things many Girl Scout troops focused on. AHG is more towards patriotism, volunteer / serving, camping / survival skills, etc., it's also VERY traditional / conservative so you won't find these ideologies there.

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This is where I get very frustrated with the “well, it doesn’t affect YOU” line; even if we agreed social contagion was irrelevant (I don’t), sex-segregation for dignity and safety is being demolished by this. I had summer overnight camps explain that biological males (children or adults) could be sleeping in the girls cabin (though of course they used much more confusing language). NOPE. That ain’t happening with my daughters, and not because I’m consumed by a moral panic. Sex segregation is an incredibly important safeguard against sexual abuse and I’m absolutely unwilling to sacrifice it to spare someone’s feelings or validate someone.

These aren’t hypotheticals. And the non-coverage of cases where these changes have already led to abuse does not give me confidence that this is being approached in a careful way with the potential for backtracking if things go badly. This is pell-mell change without feedback.

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I guess you might be surprised how many mums will be glad to have their daughters join female only groups. This is one of the ways of growing strength towards challenging the falsehoods of trans stuff. You have an absolute human right to be confident on facing down this social deception and take up what you know to be right and true .

Good fortune and keep going--

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This is how so-called "inclusion" is really exclusion: your daughter possibly not being able to participate because of these girls wanting to be called boys and bringing their toxic gender ideology with them.

All parents need to prepare their children for this, so that they can recognize it, and debunk it for themselves and others when they're around it, and not fall prey to it.

My atheist parents knew, in the early 1970s, that my brother and I would be exposed to religion and religious peer pressure when we entered kindergarten and beyond. Even after school prayer was banned. Their worst nightmare was that we'd be peer-pressured into believing in a god or other religious b.s.

So every night at the dinner table, they'd tell us about all the lies and illogical, anti-scientific nonsense in the bible and christianity (and a bit about Judaism, which they were less familiar with, having been raised catholic and protestant, themselves.)

And it worked. By the time I was in kindergarten, no one could have pulled the wool over my eyes regarding religion. My parents kept this up all through my high-school years, coaching me about peer pressure and independent, critical thinking and debunking religion, cults, groups of all kinds, etc.

So it really is possible to teach and drill kids about dangerous nonsense and about peer pressure, so they can recognize it and not fall prey to it, because they have the critical thinking skills, and also direct, specific arguments against religion, ritual, drugs, smoking, bullying, etc. It's possible to do this.

There will be no way to avoid this gender ideology, the same as there was no way to prevent me from being exposed to religious stupidity.

The key is to give kids the knowledge to be able to see through the nonsense and not fall for it. And to be able to stand up to it, if someone or the in-group is pressuring your child to do or think something.

My wonderful, smart Mom used to tell me, if you're ever in a group of kids or adults who are making a decision about something, or deciding to do something, always physically leave the group, even if it's just to go use the restroom, to think about it by yourself, outside of the presence of the others, and see if you agree with it or not. Then you can decide whether to rejoin the group or not. That has been one of the best pieces of advice she gave me. It helped me to think independently and not be so susceptible to peer pressure.

And she drilled me to never be afraid to stand up to or disagree with anyone on anything. She said it doesn't matter if they don't like you, you can always find better, wiser friends. It's more important to do the right thing, and to act on one's principles and logic, than to go along with the herd.

Speaking of which, I was in girl scouts for a couple of years, but my parents hated the uniaform and badges and rituals. Uniforms teach people to not be individuals, and pressure them to think as part of the group rather than individually. They are a form of brainwashing people into group-think. And going along with that herd. I wanted to have some group activities and to make friends. But the whole thing really emphasized inanity over critical thinking, reason, and independence. There are so many ways to have opportunities to good around with other girls and to go camping, etc. My father raced catamaran sailboats. So we went to different california lakes to sail and camp each weekend for regattas. No planned rituals or uniforms. Just racing. camping, and impromptu singing around the campfire with the crowd of sailing families in the evenings.

I would encourage you to maybe start a group for independent thinking girls, maybe call it the critical thinking girls club. And then take them camping and teach them about critical thinking.

Maybe you could find a chapter of gender-critical parents, and start your own girl group with them!

I encourage you to look around for other girl groups that are less ritualistic and emphasize criticalthinking, or create one that's specifically gender-critical and includes camping and nature/environmental and science activities.

Any chance you could find a gender-critical families chapter in your area, or start one at your school, via a website?

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I grew up in a TINY town, which didn't have enough kids of either sex to support scouts at all. We had 4-H, which was not sex-based. I'm laughing at myself now, remembering how down-trodden and less-than I felt in our 4-H chapter as a non-farming member, lol. We townies were at a disadvantage in the livestock exhibiting, but the chapter worked hard to provide plenty of other areas to explore: history, cooking/food preservation, fiber arts, pet care in general, building/carpentry, etc. Sigh. Those were the days. 4-H is still around, and still has a broad agricultural focus, but perhaps another avenue to explore? Some hands-on farm learning might not be the worst thing anyway...

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[Weird. I tried to edit a comment and it got duplicated. Deleted ONE and they both disappeared. Will do again here.]

Funny you mention 4-H. Was just thinking about it. I was town-kid rural (also tiny town) as well, and many farm/ranch pals did 4-H. I wonder if BigAg is now in 4-H the way BigPharma/WEF is now in Girl Guides/Boy Scouts?

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deletedSep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022
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I wonder if 4-H has been captured by the cult. Probably not as likely as the girl or boy sprouts. I'm hoping!

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I live across country from where I grew up now, but when I checked online, 4-H is here, too, and run as part of the state's cooperative extension program. Looks like they get to use the state university platform for online resources, which makes me slightly nervous and leery, but still, they list chapters all over the state, so that's not necessarily significant. Lots of family farms are listed as supporters... Interesting.

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I think they have a little bit, but not necessarily at their consent bc the 4-H demographic is not one that is very receptive to woke/trans ideology. There was a big lawsuit over “LGBT inclusion” a few years ago after the organization sided with some concerned parents when a director sought to implement a new policy.


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Thank you. I wonder which way the trans "inclusion" part was settled. This is an example of a 4-H man supporting males in female spaces as inclusion, so-called. Thanks again.

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We tried Girl Scouts but Covid hit and it fell apart. We tried a girls BSA troop. Trans central. We didn’t continue, I think my daughters interest had waned and this was all pre trans. The world has gone mad.

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Oh, let me count the problems we had with Girl Scouts. My first experience was at a mom and me camp, with a counselor who identified as a male, and was constantly trying to interact with my then 4th grade daughter out of my earshot. Yes, she was dressed as a male and probably the first trans identifying female I ever met, talking happily about her and her partner. She was very hairy, lots of leg hair and looked like a man. They will do what they want and if you try to fight it, they will take it out on your daughter. I would suggest family camping. American Heritage Girls is religious, but they are very into the outdoors, offering outdoor badges. Girl Scouts was captured a long time ago. If you really want what's best for your daughter, avoid them at all costs. Boy Scouts is now accepting girls. I think that's a mistake too because if we really want these kids to flourish, they should be allowed to have fun within their own sex categories. Sadly, this is no longer the case as the Boy Scouts also accept transgender kids. It's not worth it. Save your money, teach her to shoot, fish cook as a family.

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Looking like a natural girl or women with natural body hair is NOT being male. Dressing comfortably instead of exposed and pornified is NOT "dressed as a male." Better girls should be taught to shave and put caustic chemicals on their bodies, and then plastic surgery? These attitudes is part of what is driving girls to think they are "trans" and not really girls. Please stop feeding this cult. There are NO "transgender" kids or adults.

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From what I’ve seen posted on here -- the Cub Scouts accepts both sexes, but then once they get to their location, they’ll separate into separate single-sex spaces and do their activities. The trans population needs to do a better job of empowering themselves to make their own spaces instead of infringing on others. And I wonder why this man-identifying female signed up with Girl Scouts anyway when there are plenty of boy/man supporting organizations. Does s/he not think she could relate to or meet the standards of men in a male-specific space?

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You refer to the "trans population" needing to make their own spaces. The problem is that "cis/trans" is an ideology which spreads like wildfire among the young. So, the trans identified are a rapidly growing population, not a tiny minority that needs to find it's own space. Many girls in the troupe are likely to "go trans" over time - small step by small step. Years ago I thought my girl would be able to be around all this and remain unaffected but that is not how it goes.

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I agree. But Idk of any other solution that would allow them to exist without having as much of an impact on others. This is very much a social contagion but it’s not going to stop anytime soon, so may as well just do the next best thing and limit the avenues for impact.

I think this issue is one that adds credibility to the argument for school choice.

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Yes, I used to not pay any attention to school choice and now I think education money must follow the child. But, should a family who is not clued in enough to try to move schools and dodge Radical Gender Theory - which is everywhere - have their child psychologically harmed at school? NO. This must be defeated.

Everyone should be allowed to "exist" but we are not required to agree to another's mental illness or social contagion or fetish. I think that once this wave is turned around we will be back to having very few people identified with this sort of problem. Maybe we will draw distinctions between the fetished and those with dysphorias. And, it is a sad problem, not something to be celebrated.

I think it may end sometime soon as it's gone so crazy far we are due for a course correct via lawsuits of detransitioners, angry parents, etc. There is no reason at all this "cis/trans" cult stuff should be taught/promoted at school like it's science.

And, we need doctors to speak up like they are beginning to in the UK:

"Tavistock to face possible clinical negligence claims over gender identity service BMJ 2022; 378 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o2016 (Published 12 August 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;378:o2016" "We would advise that the NHS proactively set up clinical services to support detransitioners, and that the NHS Litigation Authority and Medical Defence Organisations prepare. The government should look closely at materials provided by advocacy groups (such as Stonewall, Mermaids, Gendered Intelligence, and others) that teach children and clinicians (e.g. GPs, nurses, medical students and mental health professionals) gender identity theory as if it is fact, without referencing the concerns and uncertainties in the evidence. Until this is addressed young people will be at increased risk of misinterpreting their complex difficulties as proof they are ‘trans’ and believing there are simple and medical solutions to their distress." https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o2016/rr

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She's probably a closet lesbian. She was quite the flirt, and again, this is predatory behavior.

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She probably thinks she'd like to be a man more than she'd like to be around them. Who wouldn't prefer hanging out with women?

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Straight ladies? :)

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Haha. :) I figured someone would say that. And you did, first!

But in my experience, that was true for awhile in early adulthood, around age 18-19, until I started realizing how much society and religion teaches females (and males) to hate ourselves and other females, and to value and prioritize males over ourselves and other females. The book that first woke me up about that was the brilliant, "Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her," by Sisan Griffin, ~1979. For many women, that book is life-changing, and life-saving, even. It connects a huge number of dots I'd never realized were indeed connected. It helped me see my mother with new, much more respectful, appreciative eyes. I'd never realized how many societal lies had taught me to not see her as brilliant, including from my father, school, religion, the news, the world of work, etc.

Patriarchy is a compilation of massive societal forces and narratives to alienate everyone from women and nature, and to worship men. But when we start to see or are shown those narratives, and socially constructed forces, for what they are, they begin to unravel.

When I first started reading Women and Nature in 1981, after a friend gave it to me, after the first 20 or so pages, I was angry. I thought the author was ridiculous. She was citing all sorts of historical facts and ideas about woman-devaluing and -hating, and nature-devaluing that I thought had no bearing on the present. I was angry, because the author seemed to be implying that these *did* have a bearing on the present.

But I thought women had put that all behind us in the 1970s, and the world was now wide open to me as a 19-year old woman college student in 1981.

I then walked out into the world, in ultra-liberal San Francisco, the Castro District, the downtown financial district, the Marina, Golden Gate Park, everywhere I went, I saw the patriarchal thinking Griffin had described in her book, but I had never noticed, or had never connected the dots between: dots between what I was seeing and the overarching anti-woman, anti-nature ideology of patriarchy. It was eye-opening, and I've never been unable to un-see it again. It was consciousness-raising (awareness-raising.) It made sense of so many things I'd never realized hadn't made sense before.

I highly recommend this beautiful book. By simply juxtaposing diverse information, the dots become apparent, between what's on the page, and what (still) very much exists in society.

It drew me far closer to my Mother, in what would turn out to be the last 3 years of her life. I had a newfound appreciation for her, and a much deeper friendship with her. I'm thankful to have had that deeper connection with her while she was alive.

I've heard similar stories from women about that book. If you look into it, I hope you enjoy it. It's not easy to read the first few pages (it's confusing at first), but becomes clearer shortly after. I recommend just reading a page a day, before bedtime, and then thinking on it while drifting off to sleep.

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Hi, I see this "taking down the patriarchy" stuff as off topic from defeating Radical Gender Theory - though there are plenty of fetished men running the show (like Secretary Richard/Rachael Levine). I am married to a lovely man who is a wonderful father. I loved my strong mother. All of my anger is directed at the Trans Takover.

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What a tragedy for our nation’s youth.

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