The editors of PITT are taking a break today from our usual member submitted posts to bring you the latest news in the fight against gender ideology. Two of the stories below provide opportunities to add your name to petitions advocating for evidence based gender care. Please support if you can.
Ohio House of Representatives overrides veto of bill banning gender-affirming care
On December 22, PITT published an appeal from a mother in Ohio to urge Governor Dewine to sign OH HB68 – The Safe Act and Save Women’s Sports Act. The Governor declined to sign the bill but Ohio's House of Representatives recently voted to override the governor's veto. The bill will protect children from experimental gender medicalization.
As Ohio State Representative Gary Click explained: "It is hard to fathom that we live in a society that would tell children that they need drugs and scalpels to live their authentic lives or that treats women as second-class citizens in their own spaces."
WHO establishes a working group on gender affirming care, and, it’s biased.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has appointed a working group to establish international standards for the "provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones”. From their website: WHO's Departments of Gender, Rights and Equity - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GRE-DEI), Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes (HHS), and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) are developing a guideline on the health of trans and gender diverse people. The guideline will focus in five areas: 1) provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones; 2) health workers education and training for the provision of gender-inclusive care; 3) provision of health care for trans and gender diverse people who suffered interpersonal violence based in their needs; 4) health policies that support gender-inclusive care, and 5) legal recognition of self-determined gender identity.
You might think this is all to the good. Despite the comically long name of the department working on it, the world is sorely in need of evidence based medical guidelines for people who identify as trans. Sadly, we will not be getting that from WHO. Their task force is staffed with trans-affirmative activists, most of whom have no scientific expertise. Among them, Florence Ashley, a "transfeminest lawyer and bioethicist" whose preferred pronouns are " They/Them/That Bitch," and who says that "puberty blockers should be seen as the default option" for treating young people.
WHO’s bias has not gone unnoticed. Nearly 9,000 organizations and individuals have signed the "" petition, which was launched on 28 December 2023 by LGBT Courage Coalition (LGBTCC), a US organization which opposes the censorship of critical voices in the issue of pediatric gender medicine, founded by Jamie Reed, a whistleblower from a Missouri-based pediatric gender clinic.
They are calling upon WHO to facilitate open and transparent dialogue about proper treatments for gender dysphoria, the importance of recognizing biological sex, and the best way to protect trans-identified individuals without sacrificing protections for women, children and gay people. The public must be given more time to weigh in.
Read press release here:
Sign the petition here:
Sign FAIR’s open letter
On November 8, 2023, Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care was released by the American Psychiatric Association’s official publishing house. This “textbook” wrongly dismisses widely accepted, less invasive psychotherapeutic treatments as “conversion therapy.” Instead, it proposes that patients struggling with gender-related distress be taken at their word that “gender” is the source of the problems. It encourages providers and parents to rush to treatments that may lead to irreversible sterility, anorgasmia, surgical complications, and life-long dependence on exogenous hormones and medical interventions.
Now FAIR has drafted an Open Letter to the American Psychiatric Association Regarding the Publication of Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care. You can add your support by signing it here:
Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood - The Center for Bioethics & Culture
The Lost Boys: Searching for Manhood completes the trilogy of films which explore the topic of the transgender gender affirmation therapy as the main treatment for minors and young adults experiencing a misalignment between their body and their feelings. The film, “Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?” explored the medical ethics of puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones in children. This film was quickly followed with the release of “The Detransition Diaries: Saving our Sisters”, told through the stories of three young women who felt their life would be easier if they transitioned to living life as if they were men. With the release of The Detransition Diaries, parents of young men, experiencing similar feelings of distress encouraged the making of this film to tell their stories of their sons who are growing up against the backdrop of toxic masculinity and confusing messages around what it means to be a man who may or may not conform to traditional views of manhood. Out in January 2024.
Viewers can share the trailer, or watch and share the new documentary available TODAY, January 15, 2024 on YouTube or Vimeo.
I signed both the petition and letter, adding the title Women's Libber.
It is vital that the left speak up on this issue. How anyone has ever managed to confuse radical feminists (TERFs) with right-wingers is beyond me.
But our governments need to be told, until they can't lie about it anymore: LIBERALS are against the trans lobby, and actual FEMINISTS ( of the "second wave," i.e. of the 1960s, 70s and 80s: women's libbers now in our 50s, 60s and 70s)--particularly LESBIANS (Alison Bailey, Kathleen Stock, the new international LGB Alliance)--are leading this fight for girls' and women's rights and the safeguarding of children.
⚠️interesting video from FULL MEASURE