I signed both the petition and letter, adding the title Women's Libber.
It is vital that the left speak up on this issue. How anyone has ever managed to confuse radical feminists (TERFs) with right-wingers is beyond me.
But our governments need to be told, until they can't lie about it anymore: LIBERALS are against the trans lobby, and actual FEMINISTS ( of the "second wave," i.e. of the 1960s, 70s and 80s: women's libbers now in our 50s, 60s and 70s)--particularly LESBIANS (Alison Bailey, Kathleen Stock, the new international LGB Alliance)--are leading this fight for girls' and women's rights and the safeguarding of children.
I think that in this case "liberal" and "conservative" are meaningless. Everyone who is not a narcissist, or profiting from "trans", using it for political power, or brainwashed by media is against this. But, people who disagree with the new world order get name-called a "conservative" because this has been a very successful "slur" in the past. Like, what if you think abortion should be legal but not at 8 or 9 months? And, I guess JK Rowling must be a conservative now?
So, this is an intentionally designed confusion. Whoever is in charge of our government wants the confusion. And, isn't it so insulting that we have Admiral Richard/Rachel Levine, first female and child mutilation enthusiast - buddy of Sam Brinton - who played high school football with General Miley - is a diivorced father of two - as our Assistant US Health Secretary? And, we are instructed not to "mis-gender" him. Oh, and the CEO of United dresses in Drag - even as quality control has tanked and planes are falling out of the sky. The actors on General Hospital did not think they were real doctors but Drag is an Identity now? I have come to think that any Drag is an insult to women though. It is such an awful caricature of women. (I make exceptions for Monty Python and the like. Remember how "Loretta" wanted to have babies and was told he cannot because he doesn't have a womb? )
For my part, I was never especially liberal or conservative and would have found some things to agree with on both sides. Everyone must fight this travesty. I agree that it is vital that the left speak up.
The young men are presented as intelligent, and articulate, and each gives profound insight. They have suffered much, but they are not asking for sympathy, just speaking wisdom gained from experience which needs to be heard. Dr. Hakeem and the others in the film give excellent insight as well. I think this documentary is something that will help many.
One of the reasons why the far left has an 8.5 IQ advantage on word sum over the far right is that so much academic and journalistic copy is pumped out to support and promote their points of view. To some extent, their verbal IQ advantage is self reinforcing.
"That bitch" Florence Ashley is a law professor at the U of Alberta and is associated with McGill and the U of Toronto. Check out her book and the gobbledy-gook nonsense spouted in this intro to a paper she wrote. These are the people teaching your college aged kids and mine. I can't decide whether to laugh (hysterically) or cry.
He sounds like an incredibly fetished up narcissist. It is a problem that society has agreed to celebrate "they/them" generally. (And, it is also no help to "celebrate" the children as thems at school. It is abuse.) I think I will pass on the book.
I saw that he posted something to the effect that because people will sometimes refer to a ship or even a car as "she"- biology is irrelevant/we have no business objecting to GI - or something.. But, he does seem to want to be explicit/overshare with us all about his own biological self/body... Yuck!
And, and the nutto "pronouns" he uses do actual harm.
It is an aspect of misogyny to call ships and other vehicles controlled by men "she." Those are lifeless objects built, used, controlled, and destroyed by men. They are nothing but inanimate slaves. . .to men.
It's quite horrible misogyny.
Those objects have nothing to do with women except that those men think of women in the same way.
Could be - but most men and women just inherited that language. Maybe it is 800 years old? I know a woman who named her car and calls it "she".
I view the current language - which is taking over Medicine even - "Vagina Haver, Chest Feeder, Birthing Person" as much more dehumanizing. Then, there is the invasion of female spaces (bathrooms, jails, lesbian organizations) and opportunities (sports, education, job fairs) - and of course, the insistence that men Are women. That is new.
Worst of all is the Frankenstein medical experimentation on young people...
Oh, let's not forget the efforts regarding live womb transplants to men (abuse of the hacked up confused woman), "lactating men" (baby abuse), and the attempts to make a "male egg" so that there are more surrogacy opportunities for men (abuse of women by farming them).
The W.H.O. needs to be disbanded. They are aptly referred to as the "World Hell Organization" by those who are awake to their evil machinations. They are entirely about world control under the guise of "health." Many people woke up to their evil agenda during the fake pandemic they promoted, and now many are ailing and dying (suddenly) from the experimental mRNA injections they pushed. That they are now using "transgender medicine" is no surprise to those who are paying attention.
"That bitch" Florence Ashley is a perfect addition to their line-up of super villains. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Disband the W.H.O. Jail Tedros Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates and all who support their plans of mass genocide with their sick new world order.
Regarding the WHO, I hope not too many people are still under the impression that it’s an international coalition dedicated to evidence based medicine. Early in COVID I looked up the WHO’s funding. The largest non country funder was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, followed by another of Gates’ creations called GAVI. Whatever you think of Gates, we can all agree he is agenda-driven and had his own ideas he’s pushing. When previously reputable organizations are taking money from any agenda-driven person or agency, they immediately lose any credibility as “impartial” and can no longer be trusted on any subject. Always follow the money to figure out why an investor organization is pushing something and never blindly believe that it’s because “it’s what’s best for your personal situation.”
Funny story: I toured University of Washington,majorly funded by Bill Gates, with my son. During the tour they stop at one of the administrative buildings that is named after his mother and talk about how maternal the building looks. The gist of the talk is that they are your mother now. It was hard not to laugh, because maybe you should know your audience. You think these kids are paying for their school? Tone deaf in action.
My problem with Bill and others is that they bought power. I didn't elect him and I can't vote him out! Yes, helping folks with medication is important, but Bill's help comes with strings attached. A phrase for Bill's kind of help is "ideological colonialism." Bill knows what's best for all of Africa. I spoke with a pastor from Uganda this summer and many leaders there don't want Bill's help if it comes with his requirements. If physical, land based colonialism was a bad idea, so's this new version. Remember, those original colonizers were there to "help" folks too.
I agree that Bill Gates is well-motivated, BUT having too much money is a problem. He could always make a voluntary contribution to Federal taxes (as well as his philanthropy) and help to rebuild US roads, bridges, other infrastructure and a million social projects like homes for the homeless or more Medicare.
I signed both the petition and letter, adding the title Women's Libber.
It is vital that the left speak up on this issue. How anyone has ever managed to confuse radical feminists (TERFs) with right-wingers is beyond me.
But our governments need to be told, until they can't lie about it anymore: LIBERALS are against the trans lobby, and actual FEMINISTS ( of the "second wave," i.e. of the 1960s, 70s and 80s: women's libbers now in our 50s, 60s and 70s)--particularly LESBIANS (Alison Bailey, Kathleen Stock, the new international LGB Alliance)--are leading this fight for girls' and women's rights and the safeguarding of children.
I think that in this case "liberal" and "conservative" are meaningless. Everyone who is not a narcissist, or profiting from "trans", using it for political power, or brainwashed by media is against this. But, people who disagree with the new world order get name-called a "conservative" because this has been a very successful "slur" in the past. Like, what if you think abortion should be legal but not at 8 or 9 months? And, I guess JK Rowling must be a conservative now?
So, this is an intentionally designed confusion. Whoever is in charge of our government wants the confusion. And, isn't it so insulting that we have Admiral Richard/Rachel Levine, first female and child mutilation enthusiast - buddy of Sam Brinton - who played high school football with General Miley - is a diivorced father of two - as our Assistant US Health Secretary? And, we are instructed not to "mis-gender" him. Oh, and the CEO of United dresses in Drag - even as quality control has tanked and planes are falling out of the sky. The actors on General Hospital did not think they were real doctors but Drag is an Identity now? I have come to think that any Drag is an insult to women though. It is such an awful caricature of women. (I make exceptions for Monty Python and the like. Remember how "Loretta" wanted to have babies and was told he cannot because he doesn't have a womb? )
For my part, I was never especially liberal or conservative and would have found some things to agree with on both sides. Everyone must fight this travesty. I agree that it is vital that the left speak up.
⚠️interesting video from FULL MEASURE https://youtu.be/QZq9uUllWQc?si=iVPYI7jFGJkjkT1w
The Lost Boys is excellent.
The young men are presented as intelligent, and articulate, and each gives profound insight. They have suffered much, but they are not asking for sympathy, just speaking wisdom gained from experience which needs to be heard. Dr. Hakeem and the others in the film give excellent insight as well. I think this documentary is something that will help many.
One of the reasons why the far left has an 8.5 IQ advantage on word sum over the far right is that so much academic and journalistic copy is pumped out to support and promote their points of view. To some extent, their verbal IQ advantage is self reinforcing.
"That bitch" Florence Ashley is a law professor at the U of Alberta and is associated with McGill and the U of Toronto. Check out her book and the gobbledy-gook nonsense spouted in this intro to a paper she wrote. These are the people teaching your college aged kids and mine. I can't decide whether to laugh (hysterically) or cry.
His book.
He wrote.
He sounds like an incredibly fetished up narcissist. It is a problem that society has agreed to celebrate "they/them" generally. (And, it is also no help to "celebrate" the children as thems at school. It is abuse.) I think I will pass on the book.
I saw that he posted something to the effect that because people will sometimes refer to a ship or even a car as "she"- biology is irrelevant/we have no business objecting to GI - or something.. But, he does seem to want to be explicit/overshare with us all about his own biological self/body... Yuck!
And, and the nutto "pronouns" he uses do actual harm.
It is an aspect of misogyny to call ships and other vehicles controlled by men "she." Those are lifeless objects built, used, controlled, and destroyed by men. They are nothing but inanimate slaves. . .to men.
It's quite horrible misogyny.
Those objects have nothing to do with women except that those men think of women in the same way.
Could be - but most men and women just inherited that language. Maybe it is 800 years old? I know a woman who named her car and calls it "she".
I view the current language - which is taking over Medicine even - "Vagina Haver, Chest Feeder, Birthing Person" as much more dehumanizing. Then, there is the invasion of female spaces (bathrooms, jails, lesbian organizations) and opportunities (sports, education, job fairs) - and of course, the insistence that men Are women. That is new.
Worst of all is the Frankenstein medical experimentation on young people...
Oh, let's not forget the efforts regarding live womb transplants to men (abuse of the hacked up confused woman), "lactating men" (baby abuse), and the attempts to make a "male egg" so that there are more surrogacy opportunities for men (abuse of women by farming them).
The W.H.O. needs to be disbanded. They are aptly referred to as the "World Hell Organization" by those who are awake to their evil machinations. They are entirely about world control under the guise of "health." Many people woke up to their evil agenda during the fake pandemic they promoted, and now many are ailing and dying (suddenly) from the experimental mRNA injections they pushed. That they are now using "transgender medicine" is no surprise to those who are paying attention.
"That bitch" Florence Ashley is a perfect addition to their line-up of super villains. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Disband the W.H.O. Jail Tedros Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates and all who support their plans of mass genocide with their sick new world order.
Dr. William Makis is a good starting point, (and turn off your TV.)
Regarding the WHO, I hope not too many people are still under the impression that it’s an international coalition dedicated to evidence based medicine. Early in COVID I looked up the WHO’s funding. The largest non country funder was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, followed by another of Gates’ creations called GAVI. Whatever you think of Gates, we can all agree he is agenda-driven and had his own ideas he’s pushing. When previously reputable organizations are taking money from any agenda-driven person or agency, they immediately lose any credibility as “impartial” and can no longer be trusted on any subject. Always follow the money to figure out why an investor organization is pushing something and never blindly believe that it’s because “it’s what’s best for your personal situation.”
Funny story: I toured University of Washington,majorly funded by Bill Gates, with my son. During the tour they stop at one of the administrative buildings that is named after his mother and talk about how maternal the building looks. The gist of the talk is that they are your mother now. It was hard not to laugh, because maybe you should know your audience. You think these kids are paying for their school? Tone deaf in action.
My problem with Bill and others is that they bought power. I didn't elect him and I can't vote him out! Yes, helping folks with medication is important, but Bill's help comes with strings attached. A phrase for Bill's kind of help is "ideological colonialism." Bill knows what's best for all of Africa. I spoke with a pastor from Uganda this summer and many leaders there don't want Bill's help if it comes with his requirements. If physical, land based colonialism was a bad idea, so's this new version. Remember, those original colonizers were there to "help" folks too.
I agree that Bill Gates is well-motivated, BUT having too much money is a problem. He could always make a voluntary contribution to Federal taxes (as well as his philanthropy) and help to rebuild US roads, bridges, other infrastructure and a million social projects like homes for the homeless or more Medicare.