This is the 6th Christmas without her, around the 9th year of 'trans' being a thing in our household. Still trying to hang in there but it gets harder every year. It feels like the bond between us is like a piece of rope and currently it's frayed and strands are breaking...literally hanging on by a thread. It's so sad, tragic and unnecessary - how on earth did we get here.
I see that things are changing, in terms of how others now see the lunacy of the trans ideology. That more and more people are waking up and voicing their concerns and it feels like there is a shift. But now I feel more scared for our daughter than ever. I fear a backlash towards people like her. That others will just view her as weird, someone to be avoided, no longer someone to be lauded. I worry that those she has around her currently, will eventually just drift away as the trans trend isn't for them anymore. Where will that leave her...alone and clinging to this made up identity? If she decided at that point to come home, if we're still alive, how do you even forgive and move past the pain when there no longer is a bond?
Thank you for hearing us/seeing us, and capturing how it feels to be in this “club” of parents we never signed up for. Merry Christmas and thank you for Hope.
Thank you PITT editors! I needed this encouragement so much.
I didn't see my daughter yesterday. She said she was booked up. I pray for her daily. Sometimes my faith is small. But, I am hopeful that this year we will see the tide turn even more.
I also appreciate all of you that encourage us to live a full life, if for no other reason than, for our children to have something to come back to. It has been 9 long years of watching my daughter hurt herself. But, this is the year I will live.
To the PITT editors. You have given me and so many parents a wonderful gift that I cherish every day of the year - a place to share our pain, disbelief, anger and hopes for a better future. For that, I will always be grateful to you. Here's wishing you a healthy and happy New Year. For all of us PITT parents, I wish for 2025 to be the year in which the insanity that is gender ideology is stopped in its tracks, and our families can begin to heal from the harms caused thereby.
My second Christmas without my son and with more time that passes I feel more hopeless. It’s not easy. I wish he missed us as much as we missed him. My sweet boy. Spending time with all of his cousins this Christmas that love him so dearly and he wasn’t part of all the joking and laughing just broke my heart. His younger brother misses him . They would of all had fun together. I tried to smile as much as I could but he was just missing in that room. He had the biggest heart and most infectious laughter.
It hurts so bad when they are not there at a family gathering, especially for Christmas! Same for me last night with my extended family... and nobody there even mentioned her all of night. 😭😭😭 She was always the one who cares about "all the little people". But I prayed hard and cried hard last night and she showed up today for a few hours... SWEET hours with my baby GIRL even if she no longer looks like HER. I love her so much...
Thank you PITT Editors for those encouraging words! Needed them. Wishing everyone a peaceful holiday since I know it’s hard to be happy while a having a child loss in the gender cult.
Wishing all the parents out there a good holiday season. It's not easy. I am one of the estranged parents. Will I ever see my daughter again? I have no idea. It is out of my hands.
Not sure how many of you follow Joshua Coleman--but I will insert his emailed message today (don't think he would mind):
"Dear Estranged Parents and Grandparents,
I know how hard days like today are.
Hoping that you'll get a card, a text, a call.
Having to listen to your friends or other family talk about the wonderful day that they have planned with their children or grandchildren.
The feelings of anger, envy, shame and loss that you have to fight hard not to feel overwhelmed by.
The memories of times when you were close,
maybe not even that long ago.
In that spirit I am sending you love and a wish for you to honor yourself as a person deserving of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
And a wish for you to claim your pride for the years of dedication and sacrifices you made for your child.
Our children are not always able to hold up the best mirror to reflect who we are or what we did for them. My wish for you on the holidays is that you proudly hold that mirror up to yourself.
Merry Christmas to all of you, amazingly brave and loving parents and a joyful new year of new beginnings to your kids, realizing the lies of the trans machine and coming back to their true self and to their families
Grazie per il vostro esserci. In questo momento siete la mia famiglia. Un abbraccio
This is the 6th Christmas without her, around the 9th year of 'trans' being a thing in our household. Still trying to hang in there but it gets harder every year. It feels like the bond between us is like a piece of rope and currently it's frayed and strands are breaking...literally hanging on by a thread. It's so sad, tragic and unnecessary - how on earth did we get here.
I see that things are changing, in terms of how others now see the lunacy of the trans ideology. That more and more people are waking up and voicing their concerns and it feels like there is a shift. But now I feel more scared for our daughter than ever. I fear a backlash towards people like her. That others will just view her as weird, someone to be avoided, no longer someone to be lauded. I worry that those she has around her currently, will eventually just drift away as the trans trend isn't for them anymore. Where will that leave her...alone and clinging to this made up identity? If she decided at that point to come home, if we're still alive, how do you even forgive and move past the pain when there no longer is a bond?
Thank you for hearing us/seeing us, and capturing how it feels to be in this “club” of parents we never signed up for. Merry Christmas and thank you for Hope.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to everyone involved in PITT. I really needed this uplifting and hopeful message today.
This is all we can do. I'm grateful for this group of people who are the few who understand the suffering. Merry CHristmas.
Thanks for this message, and thanks again for counting among your essay contributors. God Bless.
Thank you PITT editors! I needed this encouragement so much.
I didn't see my daughter yesterday. She said she was booked up. I pray for her daily. Sometimes my faith is small. But, I am hopeful that this year we will see the tide turn even more.
I also appreciate all of you that encourage us to live a full life, if for no other reason than, for our children to have something to come back to. It has been 9 long years of watching my daughter hurt herself. But, this is the year I will live.
Echo that. Truth can't be suppressed forever 🙏
To the PITT editors. You have given me and so many parents a wonderful gift that I cherish every day of the year - a place to share our pain, disbelief, anger and hopes for a better future. For that, I will always be grateful to you. Here's wishing you a healthy and happy New Year. For all of us PITT parents, I wish for 2025 to be the year in which the insanity that is gender ideology is stopped in its tracks, and our families can begin to heal from the harms caused thereby.
Fingers crossed and thank you so much for PITT. I am so grateful.
My second Christmas without my son and with more time that passes I feel more hopeless. It’s not easy. I wish he missed us as much as we missed him. My sweet boy. Spending time with all of his cousins this Christmas that love him so dearly and he wasn’t part of all the joking and laughing just broke my heart. His younger brother misses him . They would of all had fun together. I tried to smile as much as I could but he was just missing in that room. He had the biggest heart and most infectious laughter.
What the heck happened?
It hurts so bad when they are not there at a family gathering, especially for Christmas! Same for me last night with my extended family... and nobody there even mentioned her all of night. 😭😭😭 She was always the one who cares about "all the little people". But I prayed hard and cried hard last night and she showed up today for a few hours... SWEET hours with my baby GIRL even if she no longer looks like HER. I love her so much...
GOD, help us parents to be STRONGER... 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for these words of hope. It means everything to know we’re not the only parents living this nightmare
Thank you PITT Editors for those encouraging words! Needed them. Wishing everyone a peaceful holiday since I know it’s hard to be happy while a having a child loss in the gender cult.
Thank you for your encouraging message and for creating an avenue in which we can share our stories and our pain with others who truly understand.
Thank you, PITT Editors!
Wishing all the parents out there a good holiday season. It's not easy. I am one of the estranged parents. Will I ever see my daughter again? I have no idea. It is out of my hands.
Not sure how many of you follow Joshua Coleman--but I will insert his emailed message today (don't think he would mind):
"Dear Estranged Parents and Grandparents,
I know how hard days like today are.
Hoping that you'll get a card, a text, a call.
Having to listen to your friends or other family talk about the wonderful day that they have planned with their children or grandchildren.
The feelings of anger, envy, shame and loss that you have to fight hard not to feel overwhelmed by.
The memories of times when you were close,
maybe not even that long ago.
In that spirit I am sending you love and a wish for you to honor yourself as a person deserving of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
And a wish for you to claim your pride for the years of dedication and sacrifices you made for your child.
Our children are not always able to hold up the best mirror to reflect who we are or what we did for them. My wish for you on the holidays is that you proudly hold that mirror up to yourself.
And love the person you see in that reflection.
Merry Christmas to all of you, amazingly brave and loving parents and a joyful new year of new beginnings to your kids, realizing the lies of the trans machine and coming back to their true self and to their families