To parents who are fighting to keep their newly trans-identifying children bodily intact, these state beliefs will sound familiar:
These children need to embrace their true identity.
In denying the state-recognized identity, their parents are enemies of the state.
They need new homes with families that support that identity.
Removing children from their parents and assigning them new identities is “helping children to preserve their right to live under a peaceful sky and be happy.”
The quote is actually from Russian official Maria Lvova-Belova who, according to the Associated Press, is overseeing the ongoing forced deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, where they are re-homed to Russian families to be raised as Russians.
Referring to what is known as the “Happy Childhood” program, Lvova-Belova is quoted in The Week as explaining that Russians are uniquely equipped to provide “shelter” and “warm them with care and love.”
In other words, it’s the Russian equivalent of “I’m your Mom now.”
Now, why would Russia steal Ukrainian children and indoctrinate them as Russians?
Because they can. Unlike adults, children’s identities are unstable. They are easily influenced into shifting their beliefs about themselves.
The Week also describes the mass adoption scheme as “a policy of abduction” and an act of genocide under the United Nations 1948 definition: “forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
When it comes to trans activists working to separate children from parents who resist their medicalization, I doubt anyone views themselves as forcibly trans(ferring) children. Yet neither do the Russian mothers taking in children they view as refugees from unsafe environments. The Associated Press quotes a Russian foster mother as explaining:
“There are children who need to be given affection, love, care, family, mom and dad. If we can give it, why not?”
Are the situations the same? Of course not.
The equivalent would be if Ukrainian children began self-identifying as Russian following online contact with Russian agents who promised all their problems would be solved.
And if those Russian agents, with the help of the state, then chemically castrated those children and surgically removed their sexual organs.
By contemporary American standards, it seems that would be perfectly okay.
But I wonder what the United Nations would actually have to say about such a program. I really wonder - why isn’t the United Nations concerned about the program of mutilation that is happening right now? And I wonder, when it finally wakes up, how will our nation deal with the horror it has inflicted on the bodies of innocent children?
Maybe someday this "trans kid" nonsense will be treated as genocide of autistic kids, especially women, by eliminating our ability to reproduce.
Someone needs to explain this to me... I don’t support allowing children to transition in anyway without going through years and years of intense treatment of all kinds and only after all of it than the GAC can be discussed but the person should never be under the age of 23 at the youngest. Am I in the wrong place?