The American Academy of Pediatricians has one single directive when it comes to "gender dysphoria": affirm the gender! In turn, this means social transition followed by hormonal transition followed by surgical transition. If the family is not supportive of affirming their kid's gender, they are to be seen as a potential threat to their child's well-being. Here's a false claim from their website that they are using to intimidate families and school staff alike: "In this regard, suicide attempt rates among 433 adolescents in Ontario who identified as “trans” were 4% among those with strongly supportive parents and as high as 60% among those whose parents were not supportive" (from the section on Family Acceptance here: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/142/4/e20182162/37381/Ensuring-Comprehensive-Care-and-Support-for?autologincheck=redirected )

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Btw, not only is this a small sample to base a policy on, the doctor who wrote this study, jack Turban, received 15K from a pharmaceutical that manufactures puberty blockers. Shocker!

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There exist real world things - objects, movements, ideologies, peoples - for which we inherently use names or labels in order to have discussions. These names and labels are absolutely needed, and are not inherently any problem.

However some labels can be misleading (eg: lumping together things which are better understood separately, or splitting up things which are better understood together), or can become simple slurs rather than communication tools.

I try to keep my tools sharp - for the purpose of communication across divides, not for twisting narratives to be "right".

In the spirit of seeking incrementally better terminology, I now call the movement in question "critical social justice" ideology. At the core of its many manifestations is a desire for social justice, for uplifting the oppressed. However, this ideology involves a particular framing and framework and strategy for accomplishing that goal - one based on critical theory, and postmodernism and variants. Of course most street level activists may not even realize the intellectual roots of the ideology they have absorbed - even while adopting its perspectives and tactics and focuses.

"Critical Social Justice" is intended to be a neutral term which both advocates and opponents can understand as descriptive, rather than as a slur or misrepresentation.

So I'm not talking so much about "more" labeling, but about more accurate and less emotionally charged terminology to describe existing things which we need to be able to discuss.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

I had no clue about any of this until around 2019. I allowed my 21 year old sons gf to move in. She claimed she was being mistreated by her mom. Fast forward to now, my soon to be 21 year old daughter now identifies as he/they and my son (the one with the gf) is now they/them as is 99% of their friend group. I have lost them completely. They have even made up outrageous lies about their upbringing. Side note is I have 2 other sons and they have no recollection of any of the claims made by their siblings. My "son" and son have cut off the entire family and most of their old friend circle, the ones who refused to convert. Somedays I feel like I am living in an alternate reality and I pray I will find my way out.

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"Inclusive" is a red flag. Always. There's no justification for it and it's clearly associated with harm.

What is the point of being "inclusive" with pathologies? Next up on the identities to "celebrate" are "minor-attracted" and eunuchs.

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Abigaul Schrier's book" Irreversible Damage" a must read, especially on just this subject: Rapid Onset Gender Identity in groups of girls jumping on the bandwagon...

Trans by Helen Joyce shows the overall big picture and Detransition: Before During and After something like that by Max Robinson. These 3 books really are must reads.

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social contagion ..... there is a book about it

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It's indeed abnormal for such a high number of girls to think they are actually boys.

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My sense of girls insisting they are males is built on an illusion that the world will be a safer place; more respected and definately with increased status; in truth the opposite will be the reality with resulting damage beyond repair.

We must keep challenging this major issue of social and barefaced institutional abuse ----

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I wish it was easier to verify this story. It seems plausible, though. The evidence that the rise of trans identities was caused by social influences, not just greater acceptance, is now quite strong, as I document in this article:


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You're describing a current tragedy helped along by the American Academy of Pediatrics. I just attempted to post a review of Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage on Amazon, giving it five stars and pointing out that it could help parents and especially help with medical treatments a child is likely to regret. Amazon would not post the review, saying it violated "community standards."

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What percentage of children who succumb to trans propaganda, are assigned whiteness in school and on social media? They seem to be the majority. Are they? Why is that?

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Someone's suggested these kids are made to feel so guilty about being white oppressors that they want to change something--can't change their skin color, so go for their sex.

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A high percentage of them are already diagnosed as mentally ill, many with more than one diagnosis and taking handfuls of pills every day. And those are just the ones severe enough to have been inducted into psychiatric care. Eating disorders, autism, cutting, clinical depression. Quick, cut her breasts off.

No child should be treated for "gender dysphoria" when already suffering from comorbidities; the presumption is that the "dysphoria" is the underlying cause instead of a symptom.

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I think we're in agreement here. Their delusions take the form of believing they can change their sex and feel better. I'm just saying one (unfortunate) source of that is guilt about their racial identity. The real causes--the autism, depression--and symptoms--cutting, sometimes anorexia, sometimes bulimia, sometimes other strange behaviors--are not being addressed. "Affirmation" is obviously the wrong approach. You might find Az Hakeem worth listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1-nURL4mlg&t=413s

There are several interviews with him on his book, DeTrans--this one is short, though.

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When I was coming out the equivalent was to briefly claim bisexuality. Being bi was briefly fashionable, but most of us just went directly to identifying as gay.

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Yeah, but the difference is: if your child is gay, that's nature taking its course. Bisexuality also need involve no medical interventions, no hormones and no surgeries. Trans is different.

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I makes total sense too. They practically demonize the white identity with the use of SEL, and DEI in those classrooms. Like, its baked right into the curriculum. There is likely a few that might self identify as trans to escape that persecution from not only their peers, but the school in general. Poor kids being guilted into it because of the "anti-racism" nonsense

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Yes, well, let's hope Kendi and DiAngelo continue to be discredited. There seems to be some movement toward getting rid of DEI, but in the U.S. (not in Europe) trans seems only to be increasing. Adults may do what they wish, but preventing a child from going through puberty is a terrible thing to do.

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We can't allow it to continue as an on demand procedure for adults except for clear cases of ambiguity and even then it shouldn't be available or suggested to children because informed consent isn't possible. In adults however; it self selects for the mentally ill who cannot give informed consent as it's delusion telling them their body is wrong or they're using it as a proxy to self harm. Delusions come and go, the body remains as long as we live.

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I try to imagine the outrage if children were being offered surgery to change their skin color, as part of "race affirming care". It would indeed be outrageous. How ia this any less?

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Hang on, why does it matter that someone goes on hormones “ when they’re too young to have had sex”? You seem awfully vague about that detail

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Lupron--a puberty blocker--stops puberty completely. Then the child goes on cross-sex hormones--that is, a a girl who says she's a man gets testosterone. When these medical treatments are given before puberty or on the cusp of it, the child remains anorgasmic and infertile. Look up Jazz Jennings' surgery on YouTube. One prominent example, but there are plenty of others.

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I find it deeply disturbing that Jazz Jennings surgeon is a transsexual man. Quite sickening that “he’s” happy to create a fake vagina on a young boy. Smacks of fetish behaviour!

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I'm not the author, but I think it matters a lot. A pubescent or pre-pubescent aged child cannot possibly yet understand their developing body or their sexuality, and should not be making decisions that will damage either of them.

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Where I live, a northern suburb of Atlanta, at the children’s park a few years ago a decorative wall was built with the very large engraving , something like this: “let the child be the scriptwriter, actor and author of their life”. I was dismayed then wondering what’s up with that? Since when do kids have the knowledge & maturity and life experience to make life altering decisions for themselves? Its mind blowing.

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Unfortunately thousands worldwide. It’s a medical disaster.

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Thank you for sharing this! How are things now? Update?

What state are you in? Public and Private school?

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"A quarter of the girls in my daughter’s class identify as transgender. Seven out of 28."

--- Specifically trans or just LGBTQ+ in general? If it's the later you've nothing to worry about. Kids are identifying as "non-binary" because they feel they don't fit into the stereotypes associated with their sex. It doesn't mean they are going to ask for cross-sex hormones or surgery. ACE (asexual) is also included in the LGBTQ+ in which case if your kid identifies as that, you can thank your lucky stars.

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One concern: the ones who "socially transition" to another sex often do go on to medical treatments--I've forgotten the statistic but it is high. So if an eleven-year-old is told she might be trans if she's uncomfortable with her body--yikes. I would definitely have gone along with this notion at age eleven! Thank goodness I didn't have the option.

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75-85% of the kids will come out Lesbian/ Gay if just left alone, by 18 years old or so...but if put on puberty blockers 98% WILL OPT TO TRANS!! Well known stats repeated by Docs in several different first world countries.

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Aren't most kids afraid of doctors and hospitals and medical procedures? Can't see too many kids getting positively excited about surgery.

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You would be incorrect in that assumption. I have worked in a number of high schools and the number of kids transitioning via hormones, puberty blockers and yes even surgical intervention is astounding. This has become a trend and it is a very dangerous one.

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What's the number in one high school that you worked at?

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It's considered so cool to be trans that they don't think about that.

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The trans kids I know in school are not popular and they get bullied. I grant that the ones you personally know may be considered "cool" by their classmates though.

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No, not when the result is praise and adoration all around for the special gender child! The one that gets to keep secrets from their parents about what they do at school with adults parents probably don't even know.

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How many trans youth do you personally know that are getting praised and adoration all around? I know a few and they are not at all popular in school. In fact they get bullied.

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WTF? Do you consider that advice? LGBTQI+ is a gateway to dangerous manipulation and brainwashing of 11 YEAR OLDS. There is no such thing as non-binary, humans are binary: male and female. WAKE UP!!

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Relax. These kids grow out of it with time.

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Do p*ss off apologist for the medical industrial complex destroying our children. They would grow out of it if left alone but they aren't are they? Their delusion is reinforced by their teachers, their peers, on tv, in media targeted at children and teens, often their parents have bought in and the result is a medical patient until their last breath. We are very much not going to relax thanks.

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Is that why my 18 year old daughter has just had her 2nd shot of testosterone from a government funded “gender” clinic?

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Yes. How many other 18 year old women are doing that?

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Many. Mine included.

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Sure "incel theory" let's take your word on it.

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Prior to 2010 or so, roughly 1 in 20k to 1 in 40k adults self-identified as trans. We've seen an explosion in the self-identified trans label, but mostly limited to young people.

Similarly, when it became more socially acceptable to be gay, we saw an explosion in self-identified gay folks, but critically - we saw this across all age groups.

Now, the effect was more pronounced in younger people, but it wasn't nearly as drastically skewed as it is today with trans identification.

There are I think genuine young trans people who are struggling but they are a small minority of self-identified trans folks.

Simply put, because we venerate trans people, young people see this and want in on the action. It is a quick way to upper middle class status for adolescents. Combine this fact with the fact that adolescents are in their primary identity formation years, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Nothing about this suggests that trans kids don't exist - only that we can't easily differentiate the truly trans kids from the rest who simply want a hip label for themselves, like a pair of fashionable jeans. Worse still, the clinics and advocates don't seem to understand this problem, or are minimizing it. This will be the end of the trans movement in the coming years. In another 4 years or so, the first young kids to transition will be in their early and mid twenties, and there will be a reckoning.

Shameless self promotion alert - I wrote a post about some of the very poor arguments made in favor of liberalizing child transition rules: https://nothingdoing.substack.com/p/good-intentions-and-bad-arguments

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It's a social contagion, but unlike fads of yesteryear, this one is engineered by adults, phony experts, at the heights of society, including US Govt. (We could call it a "government-engineered health crisis.") The cult-like elements mean it's a political religion: all ideologies like this have distinct religious overtones (punishment of heresy, shunning, 'creedal ferocity') but include pseudo-science: ideas/theories that cannot ever be proven.

After all, how does one prove a kid was born into the wrong body? How does one prove a kid is "right" when they say they want to be the opposite sex? Does it show up on an X-Ray? An MRI? A CT Scan? A PET scan? Via exploratory surgery? A blood test? Of course not.

In fact, childhood and adolescence is known to be a period where kids have ambiguous and contradictory feelings about these things, which resolve themselves in 99% of the population.

--Like all cults, this one splinters relationships by inserting doubt. ("Did your mom say you're a girl?" Did your dad say you're a boy? Maybe that's not true.")

--Like all predators, these people seek to drive a wedge between children and their parents. ("Let's keep secrets - Mom and Dad don't need to know!").

--Like all cults, this one severs family relationships. ("We're your real family, forget about mom and dad.")

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."- Matthew 7:15-20

Political religions are the paving stones to totalitarian regimes.

Imo, this ideology is being pushed because it breaks up the nuclear family. In other words, it's a feature, not a bug. The nuclear family (and extended family) presents the most formidable defense against evil and totalitarianism. Breaking it into bits and atomizing it = breaking the potential to resist something not yet revealed.

I'm not suggesting a conspiracy theory is at work. I'm suggesting there's a real, spiritual evil lurking and spreading through the subterranean conduits of society. Some are carriers. Some are resisters and immune.

Think: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." And grab that Bible and start reading + praying. (Try the Gospel of Mark or Luke; short + easy to read.)

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I don’t believe it’s a “Conspiracy Theory” I believe it’s a “Conspiracy Fact” take a look at the WEF (World Economic Forum) manifesto and think about how this organisation plans to implement their aims. Think about what Transgenderism means for the ability of these you people to reproduce. ZERO. Depopulation. WAKE UP!

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If only it were true that the nuclear family is necessarily a formidable defense against evil and totalitarianism; sometime it is the very seat of evil and totalitarianism!

In the nuclear family I was beaten black and blue by my husband; in the nuclear family my friend was raped by her father when she was 13. If your view of it was accurate, domestic violence refuges would be empty and all the social workers would be out of work!

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

The nuclear family is not *necessarily* a formidable defense, but, in my opinion, is designed to be such and is when healthy.

Evil individuals may overthrow that design though, just as they may overthrow the design of good government.

In other words, evil springs not from the family or from government per se, but from individuals.

My deepest condolences on the evil that you and your friend suffered.

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