I have been battling against the invasion of transgender ideology into our home for years. I am exhausted and dispirited. But when my autistic, mentally ill, young adult child went off to the doctor and was immediately prescribed harmful, unproven “gender hormones”, I reached a new low. Since that time, my mind has honestly struggled to comprehend the depth and breadth of the wickedness of transgender ideology, and of the harms it inflicts on innocent people.
There seems to be no words to describe a belief system that has driven my dear son (along with thousands of other young people) to sterilize himself (quite possibly permanently), and to take on all manner of health risks, both short and long term, both known and unknown, in pursuit of an unattainable fantasy. It simply boggles the mind.
So, I went looking for the words. Perhaps I have felt that if I could just comprehend this bizarre phenomenon, I could somehow figure out how to fight it, how to rescue my precious child - who needless to say, is not thriving, but whose mental and physical health are steadily worsening. By searching my own mind, and googling terms like “evil”, “wicked” and “crazy”, I have come up with quite a long list of adjectives:
Vicious, malevolent, harmful, injurious, mengellian, malign, atrocious, bad, black, corrupted, dark, demonic, despicable, devilish, diabolical, fiendish, grievous, heinous, hellish, infernal, monstrous, perverse, perverted, satanic, sinister, ugly, slimy, unholy, unworthy, worthless, wretched, immoral, offensive, unrighteous, wrong, vile, abusive, sinful, terrible, unholy, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathsome, repellent, revolting, nefarious, irredeemable, villainous, heartless, callous, cruel, vindictive, sadistic, ruthless, perverted, fetishistic, masochistic, merciless, eugenic, pitiless, coldblooded, brutal, barbarous, barbaric, violent, beastly, nasty, rotten, venomous, aggressive, inhumane, virulent, contemptible, ferocious, corrosive, savage, malicious, grim, devastating, hurtful, harsh, disgraceful, shameful, infamous, gross, scandalous, bloodthirsty, cultish, delusional, crazy, ridiculous, orwellian, daft, irrational, unhinged, ludicrous, bizarre, absurd, nutty, psychopathic, sociopathic, criminal, twisted, warped, depraved, spiteful, malignant, atrocious, repugnant, creepy, engulfing, faddish, idiotic, macabre, awful, offensive, frightening, terrifying, scary, horrible, nightmarish, threatening, dreadful, ghoulish, macabre, gruesome, threatening, surreal, outlandish, unrealistic, wacky, grotesque, hateful, devouring, vindictive, angry, furious, prejudiced, misanthropic, bullying, narcissistic, selfish, isolating, divisive, meaningless, purposeless, pointless, barren, dangerous, addictive, illusory, soul destroying, shallow, miserable, devouring.
I even managed to expand my vocabulary with some rather exotic descriptors of evil;
Malefic, flagitious, maleficent, mephistophelian, pestiferous, loathly, iniquitous, ignominious
(Despite the length of this list, it is no doubt incomplete. Please feel free to add your own descriptors in the comments below).
It occurred to me that many of these terms have overtones suggesting the involvement of the devil: satanic, hellish, devilish, demonic, fiendish, unholy, mephistophelian. I began to imagine this ideology as having emerged straight from the pits of hell. I find this an oddly useful way to think about it, and I do not consider it to be hyperbole. Please bear with me while I make the argument, even if you do not personally believe in hell, or in Satan.
The idea of a malevolent being who is “the personification of evil and the nemesis of good people everywhere” goes way beyond Christianity, and has been present in many cultures and belief systems throughout recorded history. I will say that again; "the personification of evil and the nemesis of good people everywhere." That sounds exactly like transgender ideology to me!
Like the devil himself, transgender ideology, and the interventions which it prescribes, takes everything that is wholesome and good, and simply destroys it. Family, community, physical and psychological health, emotional wellbeing, happiness, love, trust, loyalty, and (perhaps most crucially of all) hope - it devours them all without mercy.
That, surely, is the very definition of hell on earth. Many parents of trans identifying kids are living this hell. As are many of our children, though they often will not admit it. If you think I am exaggerating, peruse some of the heartbreaking stories on the PITT parent substack, and the reddit detrans site. Oh, and if you wonder why the people posting on these sites choose to remain anonymous, this should give you an idea.
The ideology inflicts this damage in just the way one would expect of the devil. He uses lies, duplicity and deception to achieve his wicked ends. He does this subtly, disingenuously, hiding his behaviour behind a handsome face and a flattering tongue. How like transgender ideology, which presents a pretty front with its rainbows, unicorns and beguiling rhetoric about love and belonging.
Like other cults, though, all of this hides a sinister underbelly. In fact, gender ideology utilizes cruel, deceptive coercion, manipulation of the evidence, (here and here), harassment and intimidation, vilification and cancellation to advance its wicked agenda. (If you need still more evidence of the depraved nature of this ideology, have a look here and here).
Let’s have a look at some synonyms again – this time for liar:
Imposter, hypocrite, phony, flatterer, falsifier, pretender, slanderer, exaggerator, cheater, libelist, defrauder, defamer, perjurer, charlatan, duplicitous, cheater, disingenuous, misrepresentation, coercer, deceiver.
Here again, my vocabulary has been expanded by interesting descriptors such as:
Dissimulator, palterer, cozener, dissembler, mountebank
(Again, please add your suggestions in the comments below)
Unfortunately, the cancer of this ideology is currently spreading - and quickly. Several years ago, when my son first discovered gender ideology, I barely knew what a “trans person” was. Now nearly everyone I talk to has heard something about the issues and knows somebody in their extended family or wider circle who is impacted. The 2024 Paris Olympics commenced just as I was finishing this piece. Quite timely I thought. Sadly, the infiltration of transgender ideology into the opening ceremony of the biggest sporting event on earth, as well as the appearance of at least two biologically male athletes in female competitions, illustrates my point perfectly.
The only way to reverse this dangerous trend is for more people to stand up and oppose it. Most people don’t agree with this harmful nonsense. They are just too indifferent, too busy or too frightened to speak up. So, whatever your religious or cultural background, I believe that it is the responsibility of all people of good will to oppose this wicked, duplicitous ideology, which is turning life for many families into hell on earth.
You might think that this issue does not involve you. But believe me, your silence will make it more likely that this ideology will continue its march through society, and that YOUR kid (or grandkid, niece or neighbour) might be the next victim.
Yes, yes and yes. Love it and I learned a lot of words! I am not a parent of a transgender kid and this is my main cause right now because I see the same thing you see and you described and I don't understand how others parents are indifferent to this, I don't. Those children belong to all of us, these children are the future of this country. We will pass these problems to or children and grandchildren?? We created them with our indifference!! What if at the first signs of these "cases" people would have said NO, nobody cant change their biology and if you believe that you are another thing that your real persona, you are mental unstable, delusional, crazy, or simple the name that have been assigned for doctors, real and honest ones GENDER DYSPHORY. The elephant in the room is why we have so many now. We know that children never think in terms of gender because we all have being kids and we know that would never occur to us, so who is feeding these children with this evil, those are the ones we have to confront and expose. Congratulations, you are in the good path in the path of love, and reading you make me happy! Thanks!
So sorry to hear what you are going through with your son. I don't know how so many people are going along with this madness and can't see the harm it does. Even just admitting that it is real is harmful to one's own mental health and self esteem!
If anyone is interested to read about those males (persons with XY chromosomes) who were allowed to compete and win the women's Olympic boxing events, I wrote a summary recently, because from the info you can find on the news or social media, you would think that anyone who questions the narrative is racist, sexist, etc etc: