Praying for your son, and for you. Thank you. This story of truth is so important in the world of lies that we live in. In sharing you have validated all our stories. You are imprinted on my heart. May the Lord help you have peace and resolution.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

I'd like to quote from Dr. Paul McHugh in 2014:

"Psychiatrists obviously must challenge the solipsistic concept that what is in the mind cannot be questioned."


"Another subgroup consists of young men and women susceptible to suggestion from "everything is normal" sex education, amplified by Internet chat groups. These are the transgender subjects most like anorexia nervosa patients: They become persuaded that seeking a drastic physical change will banish their psycho-social problems. "Diversity" counselors in their schools, rather like cult leaders, may encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery. Treatments here must begin with removing the young person from the suggestive environment and offering a counter-message in family therapy."

But it is next to impossible to remove the young person from the suggestive environment now that it is everywhere - and there are laws against this sort of healthy family therapy since the GI Cult masquerades as a civil-rights matter.

"Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder."


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why is this not a published article in the New York Times or elsewhere? Has this doctor stepped forward in the media?

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OMG - he was in charge of the first "Sex Change" clinic in Baltimore I believe and then realized surgery did not lead to better mental health outcomes. He is more than "cancelled". I'd call it "excommunication".

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Though we can likely let go of a few determined people in middle age... or at least help them better than we do now.

This link from "helpers" article is good: "An interview with Dr Az Hakeem"


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Fully agree. The root of our child's depression and anxiety was not even addressed. She just reaffirmed our child's self-diagnosis of transgenderism (can someone please tell me when my kid got her M.D. / Ph. D at age 13??)

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Mind boggling. The people you trusted doing the most harm. Thank you for writing and sharing this. My son was fortunate to have an older, more experienced pediatrician and psychologist who noted right away that things didn't add up. However, the "helpers" at school, were very eager to assist him in changing his name and congratulate him on being brave. I wonder how many minutes they had spoken to him. God help the "helpers" when they figure out the harm their ignorance is doing.

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i think we need more information out there about he medical/psychological harm that a name and pronoun change do to an individual who is struggling with identity issues. These young people need adults to help ground them in reality. And get he grooming curriculum out of the schools.

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"When Asked ‘What Are Your Pronouns,’ Don’t Answer

A seemingly innocuous question masks a demand for conformity with a regressive set of ideas.

By Colin Wright Feb. 4, 2022 2:32 pm ET"



It's Wrong to Play the Pronoun Game

Feb 7


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The first time we took our daughter to a therapist, this woman told us our daughter needed go to LGBTQ clinic at one of our city's major hospitals. My husband had the presence of mind to google-search this therapist - let me tell you, her facebook page was enough to never go back to her. As it stand 5 yrs later, this therapist is now on board with another major hospital in the department that treats trans people pre and post-surgery. What is mind-blowing is that these major hospitals support this agenda.

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yep--a pediatric gender clinic near me has several surgeons their page. Looking at the docs and therapists on the page, I had a feeling if my kid wasn't trans on the way in there, he would be on the way out.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

I especially appreciate this from one of your links in the article:

"Now, we are in upside-down land. A world where stable, loving, rightfully concerned parents are treated as despicable, unsafe bigots, while lonely, awkward, immature, social-media-saturated adolescents are being celebrated for “knowing who they are.” I listen with grave sympathy to parents whose authority to protect and nurture the children they have known, loved, and raised from birth is being undermined by well-intentioned but short-sighted teachers, doctors, therapists, and social workers. The result is triangulation, and it’s terrible for children." from


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This was our experience. So painful for parents and the teen.

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ruining families

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But we are close again :)

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I understand your anger completely. You can no longer trust ANY doctor in the US. Even at eating clinics, where they'll push hormones to treat an eating disorder. We don't even know where to turn anymore while our child falls apart in front of us.

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I was hospitalized several times with an eating disorder from 8th grade on. I can see the parallels to the gender identity craze clear as day. I was diagnosed as autistic in adulthood which I think made my struggles worse but I think a lot of my struggles were in the normal realm of adolescence being hard, plus hitting puberty early (a known risk factor for depression and self esteem issues in girls) I am so grateful I grew up before this took over so that I naturally came to desist from my struggles. I have the typical dislike of my body for being too fat that is so common among women sadly but I no longer resent having a woman's body, if that makes sense. Back then they tried to make us focus on what a healthy body could do for us, and to see ourselves as good and worthy beyond what our bodies looked like. Now the focus seems to be that changing the body will result in the magical path to happiness.

I guess we've just given up on raising strong girls.

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Yes, things likely would have turned out differently for you if you were a teen now. I'm glad you're okay now and happy with who you are. A friend I saw last week told me she now has four friends with teen girls who are trans with eating disorders. And now we see autism as well. Doctors are having to twist their brains in order to justify all of these co-morbidities teens have.

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You can't talk about the comorbidities. That's gatekeeping and anti-trans. All the other stuff will magically disappear if you just let your child transition... at least until the honeymoon wears off

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All so true. So sadly, sadly true. And the honeymoon will wear off.

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I am sarcastic AF.... and autistic people aren't supposed to "get" sarcasm lol.... probably why I was diagnosed so late... but I am glad to see you caught that.

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They'll tell you that the eating disorder is because - gender. I've seen that one with a girl we know. Bending to the cult with new pronouns, name, hormones and surgery will solve everything! is the stance. With "experts like this"...

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Yes, this is what we were told. The problem can simply be solved with hormones. No psychologic help was discussed at the first appt. It's like they've all been brainwashed. One doctor told my daughter that 'uncomfortable' periods can be solved with having her uterus removed. My jaw hit the floor. We fired all of them.

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i hope you report that doctor

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Yes - but the rules/laws are currently on the side of GI.

This does have to change.

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Well done. The kids have been programmed to say they have "dysphoria". The adults are not looking hard. Those who are not brainwashed are on a good grift. I think there's both out there.

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In my day I was told "A lot of teenagers have panful periods and often it gets better as you get older." Turned out to be true for me. Not sure if your uterus just gets more buff and can handle the monthly onslaught or what but I remember as a teen/early 20s having cramps where I'd have to stop walking and just crouch into a ball until the pain passed... but since then it's been no big deal. But sure let's not discuss that or look into what else might be going on if they are truly severe, let's jump right to removing a healthy reproductive organ from someone who is in no way capable of making long term reproductive decisions!

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cramping is actually our uterus doing its job. it is actually contracting to shed the lining that is there, just as it will when a baby is ready to be born. These things prep us for what is to come.

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True but you can't say these things to a trans kid without losing any sense of trust with your child. They won't listen to reason or facts at this stage.

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Right? And this was a woman doctor who told her this, she seemed intelligent and sane. It's like a cult where the leading organization has told all doctors to 'affirm' as policy. How do we reach those policy makers is the question. Sometimes I think I'm living in the twilight zone.

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We pretty much are living in the twilight zone. You ask a key question. How do we reach those policy makers and reverse this? The media seems either "all in" for the cult or else afraid. Some high profile lawsuits in the US would help - especially if they were covered in the news. I was so disappointed when there was Nothing in the mainstream press regarding the Kiera Bell victory in the UK.

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well, there was a very plotted trick that happened at that time. Remember Ellen Page became "Elliot" on exactly the same day. The powers that be were waiting for that diversion.

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Agree. I was just watching the 4 part documentary Dysphoric where several of the de-transitioners tried to bring lawsuits but the lawyers backed away. I feel so bad for what they've endured and so proud of them for speaking out. It's a trifecta of media, politics and corporations sustaining this nightmare. I'm sure there is more but my brain hurts from stressing about this 24/7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8taOdnXD6o

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OMG :-o I wonder if there is any chance she was trying to use reverse psychology? Make your daughter think "Periods might suck but it would suck to lose my uterus?" Because I can see an adult thinking that would work... but I don't think kids can think that far ahead.

I thought I wanted no kids as a young teen... now I wish I had had more.

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have a person's uterus removed at an early age can lead to early dementia. there are studies. don't have links, but they are out there.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

I am so sorry for your family tragedy.

These are very good links and I thank you for being in the fight and writing such a good piece.

There are a great many quacks out there in positions of authority. And, our society suffers deeply from institutional capture by crazy ideology. This must end and safeguards must be put in place.

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Another name is "defendant".

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The betrayal you experienced, at the hands of adults who should know better, breaks my heart. I pray that your story helps others, and that your son, however hurt he may be, comes back from the abyss into which he was welcomed by the predators.

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