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Brilliantly written. Thank you for speaking out against these crimes of our medical professionals.

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Great essay. It made me think, wow, imagine how powerful it must feel for our kids to be able to direct the doctors on how to speak to them. These are kids who struggle with other control-related issues, such as eating disorders. What an ego trip to get doctors tripping over themselves to call you by the preferred name and pronouns. It is vile.

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They don't love our kids: the doctors, therapists, teachers. The sooner we wrap our minds around that, the better.

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The sooner the kids realize it, too! Once those patients/clients/students move on, they cease to be the responsibility of the professionals. It’s the parents who are there for the long haul.

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Very true

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This letter should be mailed to all doctors and therapists. It’s sad we can’t even depend on those who can truly help our children in these hard times.

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