Thank you for sharing your powerful story. I weep with you. Sending strength, love, hope and peace for your soul. You are not alone-so many on this battlefield, and I stand with you.

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Explaining this as a battlefield is a feeling I’m also way too familiar with.

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May I ask how losing 2/3 of your children (and, from what it looks like, scarring the other third) is preferable to just accepting the decisions they've undertaken? Idk it seems like you care about caring for them, and alienizing them to the point they leave your house never to hear from them again doesn't seem the best way of caring for your children.

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Val...may I ask WHY you are in this substack? If it's to support the narrative...just come out and say it.

Demonizing this mom who is clearly broken-hearted because she refused to embrace the ideology of the trans cult is neither welcomed nor needed on this forum.

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Val, a parent who loves their child would rather "lose" them than smile stupidly while they poison and mutilate themselves. This might be hard to understand if you're not a parent. Go to reddit/askdetrans (something like that) and read posts by young adults who mourn the irreversible damage they did to themselves when they were young, inexperienced, and vulnerable as their parents stood by. Most understand that their parents were bullied by therapists who were playing the suicide card.

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I've also lost a son. Your image of the battle-scarred soldier is exactly right. Thank you for writing it. We keep fighting no matter what though everyone around is telling us we're wrong, saying we're the cruel ones but we know we're faced with pure evil. Like Israel fighting Hamas. I've just made that connection.

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thank you for sharing your story. we all share the burden you and your family is living through. prayers. you are brave.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I too have been shot with bullets like you have. It is still hard to believe what has happened. I lost my daughter. She is gone. Let's both hold on.

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Thank you for sharing this gut-wrenching story.

My deepest condolences and sympathy for your enormous losses. Yes your description is accurate you have been dragged into battle without training or earthly armour.

Therefore I will try and comfort and uplift your spirit:

"Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world"!

Continue to hold tight to Gods unchanging hand, no matter what.


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I cried tears for you, for your children, for their grandmother. Your pain is very real and raw, I can feel it in your words. Your poor lost children, confused, angry, suffering. I hate the toll this evil-cult is taking on all of us. Destroying lives without a single care. Now your health is at risk. So very sad for what you are going through and what you are having to endure. I pray for God to give you His peace, rest and strength. I pray for His mercy and grace, too for without it we truly have nothing.

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May I ask how your multiple myeloma was diagnosed? I ask because my IgA has been so high, it’s almost off the chart, and while that is a non-specific result, such high numbers are generally seen in cases of multiple myeloma and/or a Lupus flare. I do have Lupus, but it isn’t flaring (according to labs,) so the doctor sent me for a colonoscopy and mammogram and then said nothing more about it. I just had the labs repeated, and it it still very high, so it wasn’t a temporal result. He isn’t concerned, but I haven’t felt well for a while. I’ve only seen him once, (I need a new doctor!) but I don’t know what to ask for to follow up.

If my question is too personal, I understand. Or if you would rather answer privately, you can email me instead.

As for the battle, I’m right here next to you, solider. ❤️ Sometimes the only thing that gives me the courage to keep my chin up is the camaraderie I find from my fellow draftees. Let’s keep fighting the good fight!!

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Such an incredibly powerful essay. My heart is cries for your pain. May the Lord hold you and comfort you and your family.

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I cling on with great sorrow. I too lost two daughters.

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Thank you for sharing. Please know that a community of believers holds you up in prayer. Although I walk through the shadow... I have heard all of those words from my children too and am afraid my daughter is going to walk out the door the minute she turns 18. She has put herself in the path of great harm. Evil walks the land. How do we best love our prodigal children?

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Hold on, sister soldier. I too have 2 children and 2 relationships scarred by this battle, and a 3rd lost closeness with their affirming older sibling. I too have another child that is standing firm against it and has lost her close relationship she used to have with her sisters. Praying for truth to prevail at some point. Praying for strength for you.

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truth will out

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I'm so sad for you - and for all of us, people who love their kids and are having that love thrown back in our faces. Just know that you are not alone; that we are here to support you in spirit. Let's hope that one day 'the scales will fall from their eyes' and all those who encourage and facilitate this madness will reap what they have sown.

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The pain and trauma you have had to go through is unimaginable. God bless you and your sweet boy who stays to hold you together. I pray you are healed from your cancer so your remaining son can have a strong role model and parent.

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Why are these teens and young adults so hateful?

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I wish I could answer your question, because I ask it of myself every day. My daughter, once an average normal person has now come straight out of a typical horror movie. She is evil, calculated, controlling, narcissistic and possibly worse. I have dreaded her for years.

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The less centered a child is within even a loving family, the less balanced and in control of their emotions they are when they reach the age when raging hormones take over their lives. Without the proper learning of how to control their wild moodswings that accompany all growing post-pubescent children, they lash out and rebel even harder and more frequently.

The point about being loved isn't avout what love the parents show the child; but does the child accept the love they're being given, or do they reject it because they see it as not the type of love that makes them feel good about themselves? Maybe that's a fault of the parents being too strict and suffocating tiwards them, or maybe the child just doesn't want to love their parent's type of personality. Who knows, but the disconnect by that point only grows wider till this sort of thing can happen. These trans kids are just the most extreme manifestation of that rebellion towards someone promising them a happiness through transitioning that their parents couldn't bring them.

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