What a beautiful young man.

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Thank you for sharing this with us! It was so well written. I have thought often about how this is affecting my son. I hope it's not hurting him, but I know it's changing him. It's changing all of us.

At first, he was very helpful to me. He hasn't jumped onto the gender ideology bandwagon. So, he agreed with me and supported me in discussions with my daughter. But it's been 7 long years. We're tired. The tide is turning, though. I see things changing. I have hope.

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What a beautiful person your son sounds like. My 13 year old has taken that role in my home and I feel so angry that he's being robbed of his early teen years. We were an extremely close family up until our "ugly elephant".

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Amazing! In "becoming invisible" your son has become more visible than he knows. He sets an example for the struggling. It is only sad that that the elephant remained undefined save for "mental illness." No blame to anyone but the monsters and their followers.

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What a beautiful story about a thoughtful and loving son and brother. All families should be so lucky to have such a person!

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What a strong,courageous and considerate sibling and child. If not said I am sure your parents appreciate your help and support

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What an amazing brother and son! Kudos for handling things so well!

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What an absolutely brilliant kid!

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This is an absolutely heart-breaking account. I feel this is my daughter as the roles in our family are reversed (her younger brother is the TID one). I wish him so much success and happiness as he is a talented writer. Indeed, nobody in the family emerges unscathed from a battle with the elephant of TG ideology. All of our lives have been interrupted and put into slomo. We are stunned once again by outside forces. God help us all.

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What an unselfish, sensitive man you have become and any parent would be so proud of you!! You have learned so many skills for your future personal and work relationships. Blessings to you for sharing!

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What a blessing to have a son with a heart of gold who loves his parents so much to try and take away your pain. I call that a Christ like love.

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Wow, kudos to such an intelligent, resilient and caring young man. What a blessing you are to your parents already, and to all those whom you will meet in life. You lifted my spirit and hopes with you excellent and well-written essay. THANK YOU!

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What a beautiful story! I hope he goes to a college where they appreciate him. So much awful gender ideology on college campuses now. He would add a refreshing perspective.

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You're an inspiration. You could have crumbled under it but you chose to rise up to the challenge

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That is lovely!

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