A child fell down a rabbit hole. This parent tried hanging ropes into this deep hole, but eventually hope vanished. Shouting down into the hole was met with silence, only my own voice echoed back. After years of heartbreak there was nothing else that could be done, except pray.
In this crazy Alice in Wonderland world, the child lives an upside down life. Right becomes wrong, good becomes evil, male becomes female, weakness becomes strength. Many children, being weak and vulnerable, fell into this big hole where they are told their weakness is their strength. Lies replace truth.
Ha was indoctrinated into thinking that “changing sex” was the answer to Ha’s woes. Ha believed, and chose to remain in the rabbit hole.
This once beautiful daughter pretends to be a man. In Ha’s presence I dare not use the pronoun “she”.
Do we have the courage to invent a pronoun such as “ha” and use it in public?
We parents can fight this evil. It is not just a silly game, although if we find a sense of humour it helps us survive the ordeal.
Ha, ha. This is no laughing matter.
Perhaps I would call Ha “No”. The chosen name “Noha” is a difficult name to shorten. This inability of mine to accept “gender change” makes life difficult for me.
No is never a son, always a daughter. No speaks with a deep voice which becomes more feminine when speaking with me. No does not need to act in my presence.
I know the truth.
I love the last line! And it resonates with so many of us.
I know the truth.
I feel your pain! We just avoid names and pronouns completely. It's hard but achievable. I have now reached out to Matt Walsh and Chris Rufo through email. Next, is Dennis Prager. Hopefully I will get a response from at least one of them. No one is talking about how this insidious cult is destroying families. WE parents need to speak out. It's time to tell our side of the story. I have been terrified to say anything publicly for fear of losing my relationship with my daughter. I'm tired of being quiet. Maybe if enough of us reached out to these people they might consider creating a documentary on the horror of losing our children to this evil cult. Who knows? I think it's worth a try.