I am so sorry! Will they watch any of the detransitioners' documentaries?

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It may not feel like it, but your children are lucky to have you as their parent. Some parents are so onboard with the trans agenda, they actively abandon safeguarding their children, actively encouraging them into the self-harm that is the trans life. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-parents

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The grief parents go through is real and profound. It’s disenfranchised grief. Grief that is not allowed.

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One thought experiment always plays out in my mind. If tomorrow the world turned into a post apocalypse and the trans people were suddenly unable to access their medications or undergo surgery anymore, would they still spare a moment to think about how they wish they could be running for their lives in high heels and a bra? Or would they more realistically ditch the whole idea of their gender in favor of merely surviving til the next day?

The point is, these depressed people only have time to spare on these matters because they're not living in a 3rd world slum like the favelas of Brazil or on the streets of Baltimore. So if their enablers had their financial support cut from them, no more taxpayer funded interventions and a fast, hard halt on insurance coverage for the procedures and HRT medicines, they wouldn't have time to advocate for the cause either because they would never open up their own wallets enough to pay for everyone they're wish to push into having the transformation done to them. They would be forced to be more selective in who they wish to pursue for their cause.

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Yeah I was in shite place last night but still stand by my innocence of pride. I saw no sexual depravity in the ones I have been to. I do not think LGB is about sexual depravity so maybe that's where we differ. I also still think, in the beginning, supporting my kids on their identity journey was important. If that meant accepting flags badges and marched then so be it. It wasn't until things took am ugly turn with trans ideology that we started taking a step back from *that* kind of support.

*snoozed should read annoyed. I know what NIMBY is now so ok.

I agree I probably am reactive because I'm always upset. We all are that have kids captured by this so I'm not apologising for my emotions.

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My heart goes out to anyone dealing with this utter madness. Many of us see similar patterns or went along with it all at first. I even took my own daughter (gay not trans but very much an ally) to pride with a trans friend of hers. It was all pronouns and make believe and like many of us I thought it was just a phase.

It's not a phase it's a fucked up mind virus.

One of my daughter's friends has had a double mastectomy. Mutilated herself as a sacrifice to this cult.

This madness is blowing up too many families. Concern is taken as hate and resentment builds as the cult dictates what these youngsters believe. Unfortunately these vulnerable young people are told anyone who tries to put the brakes on or suggests therapy hates them and is trying to get them to erase their true selves.

No amount of logic breaks the spell. No amount of pointing out the dangers breaks the spell. They are programmed in such a way that anything said against their beliefs only makes them dig in deeper.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

The person has to change their mind on their own, there simply isn't a perfect answer anyone on the outside can give them that will change the course of the one they've already set for themselves to follow. And frankly, some kids are just lost causes in this world, sometimes by fate of circumstance, others because of a mistake in their rearing that didn't teach them the fortitude they'd need when they grew up to reject these assaults on their minds that they would inevitability encounter.

One thought experiment though always plays out in my mind. If tomorrow the world turned into a post apocalypse and the trans people were suddenly unable to access their medications or undergo surgery anymore, would they still spare a moment to think about how they wish they could be running for their lives in high heels and a bra? Or would they more realistically ditch the whole idea of their gender in favor of merely surviving til the next day?

The point is, these depressed people only have time to spare on these matters because they're not living in a 3rd world slum like the favelas of Brazil or on the streets of Baltimore. So if their enablers had their financial support cut from them, no more taxpayer funded interventions and a fast, hard halt on insurance coverage for the procedures and HRT medicines, they wouldn't have time to advocate for the cause either because they would never open up their own wallets enough to pay for everyone they're wish to push into having the transformation done to them. They would be forced to be more selective in who they wish to pursue for their cause.

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100% agree. Cut them off. Don't pay for college. Welcome them into the home BUT ON YOUR TERMS - birth name, normal pronouns.

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I just saw this on instagram:

“A transgender, biological male student sneaks up on a female student at Hazelbrook Middle School in Tualatin, Oregon. He SLAMS her to the floor before pulling her hair and punching her in the face multiple times.”


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Reduxx posted a thread on it in X. They posted a response from the superintendent and principal.

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To the author, thanks for sharing your story. I can relate to the idea of the 'wasted years' -- years of missing out on good conversations, vacations, and spending time together. Many of us were blindsided, especially those of us whose kids were over 18 and living far away when they discovered this ideology. We couldn't take away their phones and threaten to ground them, could we? We were cut off just for asking some curious questions.

No one here should be making you feel to like you're to blame. Most of us using this website are parents who can relate to the pain, suffering and estrangement. Lately, however, the audience for the website has extended to include trolls and conspiracy theorists looking to score political points or perhaps even foreign actors trying to foster political instability. I hope you won't take those kinds of comments too personally. Those of us are parents hear you, and we were blindsided too. Wishing you good thoughts that the tide is turning and your kids will come out of this okay.

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Oooooooooh ok that makes sense now!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't understand how parents who had a child/ren in this situation could be such total utter fuckwits. 🙄 Downside of making such a fabulous place so visible but necessary for showing the reality of our situations. Ah well can't all be intellectual stronghold numpties who followed this disaster decades ago. Some of us, like me, were surviving our own childhood and then laterally having my own family. Therr we were just living our lives, girding our loins for 3 teenagers having survived babyhood and toddlerhood on barely any sleep or sanity when !*BAM*! gender idewoogly was introduced to schools. Then lockdown compounded the woo and all hell broke loose!

OK. Thanks. I'll be less affected by the more obvious digs. I take on board everyone at their word. My downfall. 😞

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A simple error, not a "downfall".

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

Sounds like someone experiencing the consequences of their own actions.

You invited this culture in willingly then expected to be able to control the outcome.

But the genie's out of its lamp now and there's no way it's going back in because that lamp is shattered.

Best hope is to cut them off any insurance in case you're in a state the won't pay the costs of transition and they'll need that lifeline to do it. Also don't allow any Rx purchases to your plan for their HRT.

And if they push on through still, stop all payment of their phones, internet etc. Let them experience real life earlier than 18 if they want to play grownups enough to also claim to have the right to transition at will.

Read this other ladies story to give you encouragement that it would be the right thing to do.


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{{HUGS}} to you. I am so incredibly sorry for your struggle. And I am also very grateful for your willingness to be so open and raw, and share this with others to teach. Your effort to shed light on this can impact others in a way that could literally save a family! Bless you for that.

I have to also say that the red flags in this account are definitely there, and it is very useful for parents to see these stories so we can clearly see where something may have gone wrong. I think it is clear from many of these tragedies that the best course of action for parenting is to stand FIRM and steadfast in our convictions, live TRUTH always, and never budge an inch in what we know is right. As apposed to what will cause the least amount of friction or relationship angst in the moment. It is so so very difficult to knowlingly, willingly enter a situation where you know your adolescent child is definitely going to be angry with you, and/or distance him/herself from you. Purposely knowing you will "hurt" your relationship is GUTWRENCHING thing to do! We just want them to "be happy"! We want them to love us! And it "feels" like when they are angry or frustrated with us, or when they pull away, that is not love, and that is not acceptance. It "feels" wrong sometimes! But it is RIGHT. It is still the correct thing to do...even though it can be the most difficult. My children know that even if it literally means they stop talking to me or sever ties with me (which happened for a time) - I will never say something is true that I know is not. Or vice-versa. They may disagree with my views...but they have respect for my integrity and my untouchable moral standards and my relationship with God. They just have to be okay with you telling them you love them as much as a human can love someone - and that is one reason why you will NOT lie to them just to "be friends". One of the first things I told my adult daughter when she found out she was going to be a mom was to never forget "motherhood is not for wimps". It takes so much courage and it takes (in m yopinion) a constant, healthy, active relationshuip with your Creater to be successful as a mom today. We can't do it alone. It's tough. Bless you and your family, I pray for all of you struggling with anything like this. Keep stong! XO

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Gosh. I am a 76 year old woman and I have NEVER, in my whole life , heard of anything more horrific and life destroying than this insidious ,dangerous cult. It is a toxic MONSTER ,and I pray for everyone who's been infested with its poison and affected by the consequences. The people behind it must be soulless ,heartless maniacs. God Bless X❤️

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Abigail Shrier’s book ‘Bad therapy’ will be a good one to read. Too late for most of us unfortunately but maybe it will promote change for the future

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It’s a really powerful movement & I struggle to this day to understand how it triumphs over us. Depressing beyond belief that once happy families are so disappointed in each other

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Those who are "accepting" of LGBTQ open themselves up for this deranged psychosis. If somewhat marginal lunacy is acceptable, more marginal lunacy will follow.

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Do not blame L, Lesbians, since we have been fighting this mess longer than anyone and getting threats for not giving in. We are not part of TQ, etc and never asked to be added.

If kids who are Lesbian or gay are accepted, that is more of a protection against the trans cult because some are lured there thinking if they "change sex" then they will be acceptable to their parents. There are even documentaries where parents are happy that their child is saying they are the other sex rather than be Lesbian or gay.

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I WISH more gays and lesbians would fight this like hell. They are out there...I just marched in Los Angeles with a group to protest the terrible anti family legislation and policies in CA...and there were a few members of Gays Against Groomers, which REALLY helps the cause! I so very much appreciate gay and lesbian parents who also want to protect their families against this scourge. And who understand TRUTH, and that the trans movement has ZERO to do with same sex attraction. It is like black celebrities who have the courage to speak out against CRT and other extremely harmful racist movements hurting our children. Very needed. We should all be able to look past our beliefs about gay marriage or the "morality" of same sex attraction or whatever, to FRY BIGGER FISH! We have children to save. We need to band together to do that.

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I used to agree with you. I no longer do, and hold lesbian and gay groups accountable. ALL of the major lesbian and gay organizations (except WoLF) support trans. Get them to reject trans and queer, and I will agree with you.

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Most gays & lesbians were living their lives & were not part of any orgs. The primary drivers of 'trans' are male heterosexual cross-dressers w/ sexual fetishes & paraphilias. Do you feel responsible for what male heterosexuals do? Listen to this interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUrtNW6Fzo&t=664s

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George, the LGB Alliance that seems to be of British origin is not on board with T.

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I am not a group. I am a Lesbian Feminist who has never worked with gay men (for a number of reasons, including their support of the trans cult), but I am daily trying to work with Lesbians to fight it. I've been writing and publishing against the trans cult since 1973, and protesting at the West Coast Lesbian Conference where the man who stalked me into the Lesbian community was invited to "sing" his "Lesbian" songs. He is still stalking me.

I have gotten rape, mutilation, and death threats from these men as well as being banned and harassed by Lesbians in my community for not stopping fighting this horror for over 50 years now. But you hold me accountable? Why don't you get all men and het women to stop supporting them? After all, most of the trans are het men who perv on Lesbians.

Why don't you know about the Lesbian Feminist activists all over the world who are also fighting the trans cult who do not have the access to money or privilege men have?


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The LGB Alliance don't support the TQ+++.

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There are gay groups fighting this ideology, gays against groomers is one. They show up at school board meetings. And yet I know plenty of heterosexual people who support it, including other parents.

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Heterosexual is not relevant. This is about national support of gay groups for trans and queer.

It's almost 100%. Google "lesbian gay national groups" (I just did). Every single one conjoins LGB and TQ. So I will conjoin LGB in the blame for TQ.

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The T was forced-teamed onto the LGB for greater acceptance of the T. We have covered this ground before. There are numerous LGB/Women's orgs countering the 'trans' nonsense. There are Gays against Groomers, LGB United, LGB Alliance, Lesbian Project, WOLF, Get The L Out, Women's Declaration International, and others I have probably left out.

Stop scapegoating LGBs and understand that 'queer' is an insult and it is now used to designate men pretending to be women as T is used and also other heterosexuals trying to be edgy. And I repeat, the drivers of this 'trans' movement are heterosexual male cross-dresser sexual fetishists, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. Imo, examples are men like Bruce 'Caitlan' Jenner, Richard 'Rachel' Levine, James 'Jennifer Pritzker, Martin 'Martine' Rothblatt. All wealthy, powerful men who were married and fathered children and later in life decided they were 'women' but are really AGP males. Again, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUrtNW6Fzo&t=664s

And remember Janice Raymond, the lesbian feminist professor, wrote her book, The Transsexual Empire in 1979 calling out the danger of 'trans.' Just b/c 'trans' activists insist on conflating the TQ w/ the LGB does not mean that all gays and lesbians accept it or agree w/ any of it.

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Lesbian Feminists all over the world have been fighting this most of our live. We are not "GB" also. The national groups have money and privilege and do not represent us.

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Plenty of gay and lesbian people fighting against the trans cult.

It beggars belief that most adults don't realise that straight men with a lesbian fetish are jumping on this bandwagon.

As for the breaking the cotton ceiling lot offering advice on how to manipulate lesbians into sleeping with them, those guys should be either in jail or on some register.

Hope your stalker gets run over by a car......

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Thank you for sharing your story. My hope is that all will come back to themselves whole and healthy and escape the pernicious cult 'religion' that is 'transgender identity' and that is a disrupting, malign influence on society. I hope that people will not use their language, their fraudulent, deceptive pronouns. And that we refer to mothers as mothers and women as women and LGB people as gay, lesbian or bisexual or as homosexual but not as 'queer' as it is an insult and 'queer' now includes all manner of loons and troons including heterosexuals trying to be edgy. https://fairplayforwomen.com/pronouns/

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