It is confusing. I have raised a trans child, been to numerous trans health conferences, participated in many groups and have trans friends who I talk to freely on the topics of hormones and surgery. My experience is that most authentically trans people do not “want” to be trans. They ARE the “other” gender, but born in the wrong body. Gender queer people identify differently, and there is more vacillation there.

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The teachers who have been in the classroom for 20 years or more HAVE to realize that something very bad is going on, because earlier in their careers there were few (if any) trans students in their classes, and now there are large numbers of them.

Teachers are really on the frontline of this madness.

SURELY, with their years of experience working with kids, long-time teachers know that all these recent trans-identifying students are NOT in fact trans but do have various other mental health issues that aren't even being looked at.

Why aren't teachers speaking out -- to their legislators, their boards of education, the media, the American Academy of Pediatrics??? All teachers can't be mindess Progressives who believe in affirmation-only, and they must care about children to have taught for that long.

I realize some can't speak out in fear of their jobs. But perhaps they could form a network that could do the speaking for them. And the retired teachers could at least do something.

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Hello-I agree. And I also know some are rushing to retire. I hope once they are outside the districts they can speak out. The fear people are iunder is a deadlock. No one wants to be called a hater and a bigot. This problem is all over industries. I have a neighbor who sold his firm. He now works there, under the new owners until he retires in September. He's trying not to get fired before then.

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My sister is a high school teacher in San Diego. Out of 70 of her female students, 10 are “they/thems”. That’s 14%.

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My kid was going this way. She said she was a boy, then “non-binary” and now “just a girl who likes girls I think” which I will most happily accept if it turns out to be true. She’s only 12 so who knows? This all happened in a home that limits screen time to two hours max a day, only Gabb phones and no social media access. This is all from peers at school. Of her small friend group at least three say they are “trans”. It’s madness. We allow her to dress in a nonconforming way and she cut her hair (she’s now letting it grow!) but she never went further than having friends use a boy name/pronouns. We refused to sign paperwork allowing teachers to do it. One big mistake was getting her a therapist to “help her sort everything out” because she has some history of trauma. The therapist barely touched on her other issues and of course merely affirmed her “identity”. She no longer sees a therapist until I can find one that actually treats patients. I’m hoping we are really out of the woods.

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Feb 14, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

I'm in the Pacific Northwest. Keep in mind that my kids are homeschooled, we are definitely home-bodies, and not terribly social... and I still know of six, (not counting my own daughter's dabbling in "queer" and "gender fluid" labels.)

I'm also not counting the multitude of "trans" she ran into during her brief stint in theater and in youth volunteering because she didn't stay in those activities long, so we didn't get to know anyone there much.

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Keep her out of those activities. I have a friend who has 6 sons, 5 are married to women, 2 have children (boy/girl & girl/girl). One girl in each family identifying as a trans boy. The odds of this are so extreme, it’s not possible.

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I have very visceral memories of being a teenager. I’m willing to bet that the number of teens who question their own attractiveness, sex appeal and general appeal to others approaches 100%. Now, there’s an instant way to gain the recognition and praise that everyone wants, and that’s by claiming to be transgender. It’s totally normal for kids to try out different identities. What’s so sick is that adults are encouraging it, hiding it from parents, and moving these poor kids towards irreparable physical mutilating medical procedures. If the adults would get out of the way and stop normalizing this, then kids would spend a few weeks trying on the “opposite gender identity” before eventually discovering their authentic identity. I knew plenty of people who “experimented” sexually as teens or young adults. Without grown ups egging them on, they all found their authentic selves eventually.

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Yeah among the kids of my friends it’s 6/7 of the females under 18 are all non-bi or men; the 1 left is the youngest and it’s hard to see her staying in default mode.

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Last year in my daughter's 5th grade class there were 4 girls out of 12 going back and forth between trans and non-binary, choosing new names and pronouns. They created a "club" during recess and kids had to "identify" to get in, so they were actively grooming other kids to join them. Some joined, just to be included, until the director put a stop to it. They didn't allow "cis het" people to join. This is 5th grade!!!!

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Frankly, I’m not overly concerned with 5th graders having exclusive clubs, no matter how ridiculous. My huge concern is when the teachers, and other adult authority figures, normalize and endorse it. Without the adults involved, the kids would likely go back to just being kids in very short order.

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I’m concerned because I know too many families whose girls started this in 5th grade. Isn’t that when we are told about our menstruation cycle, hmmmm that’s an odd coincidence. So I’ll say I’m a boy and maybe that won’t happen, cause it seems like a lot of effort.

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I work with small children in a private Waldorf preschool, zero of those children feel uncomfortable in their bodies and would not know what pronouns are, as we don´t feed them propaganda. I fear for their well being when they leave and enter regular school. Some friends of mine are (common sense) Elementary school teachers, everyone told me a story about one ore more trans or NB kids in their class, mostly girls who are very often friends and their ridiculous demands like every week a name. As soon it gets into puberty, almost every family with whom I speak has a trans or NB teenager. Some even on hormones. Most parents are ill informed, insecure but they feel there is something not right and can not put it words.

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51 kids in my child’s grad class, 6 identifying as trans. How is that possible?

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How can anyone deny that this is a cult? "Everyone wants to join". When "everyone" has joined the truth will become apparent to the adults.

I am so, so pleased that the UK ("TERF Island") is beginning, just beginning to see the light. Unfortunately schools are a problem: some of the most intractable pro-Trans Gov employees ("civil servants") are in the Department for Education and the Minister, Gilliam Keegan, doesn't seem to have a clue about the "Trans" contagion or its devastating effects on children's mental health. We are begging Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Twitter to listen to the Women and Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch (a sensible woman), and to find another person to lead on Education (schools).

I hope that this mass hysteria will run out of steam in the US soon, very soon! You have lots of parents groups opposing it. Good luck!

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Socially, my son was rewarded for coming out at trans with his friends. When he desisted (because he realized that his self dx of gender dysphoria was incorrect and that he’s not female), he was bullied by his peers who had all been quick to affirm and had paid more attention to him when he was trans-identified. First felt it at 16, came out at 17, started to desist at 18 and is now turning 20, doing well, fully secure in his biological sex and he’s really thankful he didn’t medicalize. If I had joined my progressive peers and rushed to affirm, he could have been on hormones basically overnight in our state.

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Totally. I can’t even count that high. I’m in the PNW and it’s practically getting easier to count the kids who aren’t trans than the kids who are. I wish I were exaggerating but I am not.

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Lots of them in Liberal Arts in college. A friend of mine who teaches middle school told me that 90% of the kids in her Language class declare themselves either trans or non-binary. She has one student in particular (female) who comes to her daily to "announce" her gender: "Today I am Jennifer" or "Today I am Jimmy" or "Today I am agender, call me X". The kids are NOT all right :-(

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This is crazy.

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nope, it's not what MY progressive beliefs have wrought.

wish we could talk face to face!

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A friend's 14 year old daughter is in a group of 12 girls. All but one of them identifies as not straight - they are trans, non-binary, agender, pansexual, bisexual, etc etc. All but one. Statistically impossible, right?

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Victoria, Australia

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Wow 😳

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