This is the third segment of an essay in six parts. Part 1, part 2.
I don't mind people presenting themselves in a plethora of gender expressions. But I have a problem when someone's gender fantasy becomes a cultural "reality" forced upon others.
I have a problem with perverted males who gender bend their way into females only spaces to assault real women in their restrooms or changing rooms.1
I have a problem when a man pushes his cosplay into the penitentiary system and is housed with female inmates because he "identifies as a woman" and then rapes a real woman with his real penis.2
I have a problem when men get awards in place of real women. In October 2023, trans personality Dylan Mulvaney was awarded "woman of the year" by UK LGBTQ+ magazine "Attitude". From the pool of all the deserving women out there who made a difference in the world in a wide array of fields, that's the best they could come up with? Pitiful madness.
As I write, the most beautiful “women” in Portugal and the Netherlands are men. Though I dislike those pageants as I think they objectify women, I feel the girls who fancy them should be able to compete against other real girls, not pretty men. These girls and women shouldn’t have their crowns stolen by men.3
I have a problem when mediocre, deluded and self-absorbed males, who are unable to deal with their athletic failures, hijack women's sports and shamelessly steal the medals, records, scholarships and professional opportunities of authentically gifted female athletes. Prohibiting men from competing in women's sports has nothing to do with trans bigotry. It has everything to do with fairness, and safety for women. Studies show that males have undeniable physical advantages that hormones don't suppress. Women are not just weaker men.
Though they adamantly deny it, the trans movement is erasing women. The reason there are TERFS (trans exclusionary radical feminists) is because there are TIEFS (trans individuals erasing females shamelessly). Women are suffering injustice and discrimination for the sake of soothing the feelings of a tiny fraction of confused males.4
I have a problem with the vitriolic name calling, the verbal abuse, the demonization, the doxxing, the professional cancellation, the social erasure, the character assassination, the physical assaults and death threats experienced by anyone who dares to challenge the trans ideology.
Detransitioners particularly are treated like the scum of the world and have to suffer deplatforming, false accusations and threats for the crime of leaving the cult, derailing the trans narrative and exposing it for the dangerous fraud it is. Women standing up for the right to exist as women are not faring much better.
Posey Parker (Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull) had to be escorted out of a New Zealand city where she had planned to deliver a speech on women's rights due to a crowd of rabid, intolerant trans activists who threatened her life.
Riley Gaines was chased, ambushed, verbally abused, physically hit and trapped for hours at San Francisco State University for speaking out against men in women's sports.
The domestic terrorist organization "Antifa", which stands for Antifamily (though they claim it means something else..) and is an ally to the trans cause, frequently uses violence to terrorize, intimidate into silence and hurt the bigoted villains who fail to recognize and appreciate the kindness, inclusiveness and tolerant mindset of its members.
I have a problem when people are coerced into accepting ideological novelty terms they disagree with and find derogatory such as: cisgender, breeder, birther, bleeder, chest feeder, etc... Those terms chip away at men's and women's dignity and cancel biological realities.
Vocal opposition to those terms is met with nasty accusations of intolerance and transphobia.
But the moment we object to the use of people's chosen name and pronouns regardless of how funky, confusing, impractical or headache-inducing they are, all hell gets loose. The trans movement turns words into a weapon of compliance that measures one's level of submission to the trans' new "social order".
In the same department, parents of trans kids are told to "accept their kids for who they truly are" and to "listen and agree with what their kids say because the kids know how they feel", while at the same time being denied the right to be accepted for who they are as parents and respected for their own beliefs and feelings.
In trans city, respect and tolerance is a one-way street. It doesn't return the favor.
I have a problem with the fact that being kind and polite have been hijacked.
Today, we are asked to bend over backwards to accommodate insane ideas and unreasonable demands for the sake of being kind and polite, but we are never supposed to proclaim factual truths as we might offend someone.
We have become a society of delicate snowflakes who need constant protection from any speech that could cause the slightest discomfort or that goes against the general narrative of a government that uses the media to impose it on the population.
The arguments cited to support the trans ideology are so nonsensical, fragile, biased and deeply unscientific that allowing any debate or questioning would lead to its bankruptcy. Any attempt at cross examination is labeled as hateful. Name calling is the weapon of choice when there is no solid counter argument.
It's painful to see that trans individuals are encouraged (if not required) to give up on reasoning, logic and facts and let fleeting emotions and changing feelings be their life coaches.
A planned parenthood expert said: "Non-binary people...may identify as a women one day, a man the next and non-binary or genderqueer on others...If you feel gender euphoria when you tell others you're transgender or non-binary, say it!". Utter pathetic nonsense.5
How unfortunate that such pseudo psychological garbage is fed as life advice to young people.
My point is this: if people are unable to learn to think for themselves, they are bound to be enslaved by crazy ideologies because they won't have the tools to analyze ideas and push back against the lies.
No offense to Linda Yaccarino (CEO of X, formerly Twitter) but there is no freedom of speech without freedom of reach. If I cannot, due to censorship from powerful entities that decide that my speech is "hateful", reach as many people as possible with my ideas, then it's not free speech but a controlled, sanitized version of what the deciding elite determine its people are allowed to hear.
And it deprives society, especially the young generation, of the opportunity to master the skills of research, analysis, fact checking and developing a critical mind.
In the name of fighting "disinformation", free speech moderators, social media platforms and most universities have become an Orwellian "ministry of truth", telling people what to think instead of how to.
It's no wonder, when an insanity of astronomical proportions like the transgender ideology hits our society, the majority is intellectually and psychologically unprepared, unable to think for themselves. Once decent people are turned into ideological monsters, ready to silence and tear down anyone who doesn't fall in line with the new creed.
Truth has become, at best, irrelevant in the marketplace of ideas, and at worst, an intolerant venture. Searching for truth in today's society is tantamount to engaging in criminal activity. Some have landed in jail for doing just that. Ask Canadian dad Rob Hoogland.
To be continued…
Compare "Transgender bathrooms: advocates say predator is myth", Time Magazine, 5/2/2016 with "Schoolgirls are suffering assault in unisex bathrooms on the altar of trans activism", Jonathon Van Maren, 7/3/2023, "Youngkin pardons father arrested at school board meeting after daughter raped by cross dressing male in school bathroom", Matt Lamb, 9/11/2023
"Women in prison trapped with sex offenders",, "Trans woman guilty of raping 2 women", The Guardian, 1/26/2023, "Female prisoner says she was raped by transgender", WTTW news, 2/19/2020, "The transgender prison experiment: male to female inmates drive rising number of rape and abuse", Daily Mail, 10/25/2023
"Transgender woman wins Miss Nevada pageant", NY Post, 6/29/2021, "Miss universe pageant will feature 2 trans contestants", Newshub, 10/17/2023
"Biological differences between men and women in sports", Gregory A. Brown, 6/13/2023, "Allowing biological males in women's sports is biologically unsound", Newsweek, Dr. David Gortler, 10/6/2022, "Why males pack a powerful punch, University of Utah, ScienceDaily, 2/5/2020, "Gender confused male finishes top 5 among girls after ranking 172nd against boys", Jean Mondoro, 10/4/2023, "Men do not lose significant muscle mass and power when testosterone reduced below Olympic committee guidelines...", Journal of medical ethics, New Zealand, 2019, "Former Olympic swimmer sat transgender men could ruin the sport for real women", Martin M. Barillas, 3/12/2019, check also
"Ask the experts, by Miriam@PlannedParenthood, 5/1/2023, can you be trans and non binary at the same time?"
Please turn a desister's manifesto into a book. You write well, and this needs to reach a larger audience. Please publish this in a book soon!
"In the same department, parents of trans kids are told to "accept their kids for who they truly are" and to "listen and agree with what their kids say because the kids know how they feel", while at the same time being denied the right to be accepted for who they are as parents and respected for their own beliefs and feelings.
In trans city, respect and tolerance is a one-way street. It doesn't return the favor" This. This hit home. We are those parents. Thank you