It is more and more clear that GSA groups do harm. The problem is that GSA clubs open the door, but do not explain what is behind the door. They give the infinite license to "your true self", but do not explain the false teachings that lie out there.

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Is your son 15 or 18?

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I think he is 15ish. The "At 18" part threw me when I first read this but I think that was him saying he can do these things when he turns 18.

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Yes, I think you are correct. I read that essay late at night and did not fully catch that little bit of nuance. Thanks for pointing that out to me. However, that still does not make this whole sad story any less horrible.

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I am so grateful for you and your family and your story and for the fact you shared it.

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Wow, I am so pleased for you. Thank you for sharing this. So much harm is happening in the schools (I know, first hand). It is a lot to ask of you and your son to help inform.....

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Yea, he's a kid...and he had a stranger grooming him online. All of these stories are the same. It is horrible that there are really a horde of ppl out there, actively preying on kids and playing with their heads. These ppl are sick.

Bravo to you for hoe you handled it all. 👏🏻 He is lucky to have you.

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Sending your family so much love.

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I wonder what would happen if churches, families started "Trans train" nights, where the truth of trans craziness was broadcast? Trans, like mold and wood rot, festers in silence and darkness. Showing the truth is needed.

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I love that idea! Although, many churches have embraced GI so it could be hard to get going... very worth pursuing however.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. It encourages me to keep fighting this dangerous ideology that is being pushed on kids.

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So well written...

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Plain and simple truth.

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Stories like this give me hope. Thank you for sharing! My 16-yr old calls herself a child - I hope she can realize what your son did and then be there for others

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I'd forgotten about the YouTube documentary series, The Trans Train. The Swedes are way ahead of us.

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I love reading this piece, with hope and not a small amount of envy!

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We need to never affirm a lie.

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Excellent commentary. My son just “missed” the madness of t ideology/cultism in high school. But I was a SW in a high school until 2 1/2 years ago. I saw first hand how vulnerable youth were being transed. Just like self-injury/harm, this can be triggered, emboldened by social media, tras, and schools. Normal ?ing and feelings during adolescence are being pathologized and misdiagnosed. Your son was blessed to have you. You saved him.

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Thanks for sharing. Your bravery in having hard conversations was inspiring to me. I will look again at Trans Train.

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