There are days that I wish I didn’t know everything I do about gender ideology, elective youth medicalization, radical transgender politics and the terrifying changes they have made to our society as a whole.
I wish I didn’t know that my fourteen year old daughter is currently on a path that could see her heavily medicated and surgically modified before her eighteenth birthday. I don’t want to think about my child becoming a permanent medical patient if she persists in her self-proclaimed, likely socially induced, transgenderism. I wish I didn’t sit, worry and wait while she spends time with her affirming father, wondering how much deeper she is sinking into a dangerous ideology while she’s gone. I want to be rid of my understanding that as a Canadian mother I have no right to protect my child and that, if her other parent decided she would be better off on testosterone and would benefit from a double mastectomy, I would be legally unable to challenge the decision.
There are times that I would love to unlearn that laws are being put in place to ensure affirmation for all children who claim to be born in the wrong body, tying the hands of well meaning therapists and doctors and freeing others to eagerly accommodate irreparable changes to be made to young bodies under the guise of inclusivity. I wish I didn’t know that my government has made it illegal for parents, like myself, to access talk therapy, exploratory therapy or any other type of therapy that is not all affirming for our gender questioning kids.
Today I feel the weight of the awareness that government policies are being introduced and pushed into law by radical trans activists in order to forward their own agenda and that as a result misgendering the child I gave birth to could essentially constitute a hate crime or even a ‘thought crime’. I don’t want to know that school curriculums for all ages have been injected with gender ideology and that these teachings are being concealed from parents. I wish I could dismiss the knowledge that my child has been using a new name and new pronouns with all of her teachers, not one of them communicating with me about these changes.
I want to unthink thoughts about children being lured into an insidious cult over social media, sometimes to the point of leaving their families to slide into the slippery embrace of self-advertised, predatory ‘Glitter Moms’. I wish I was unaware that parents have lost their children to child services or to the other parent in their efforts to halt their underage hormone medication and medical castration while others are fighting to have their children processed into the opposite sex. I wish I didn’t know that in some of these cases the judges were transgender rights activists.
I wish someone could erase from my mind the knowledge that children as young as eight years old are being prescribed Puberty Blockers and that girls as young as 13 are having double mastectomies. I don’t want to know that my kid may one day join the rapidly rising number of older teens and young adults who are finding themselves at the end of this rainbow with no pot of gold waiting for them but only a mortifying realization of what’s been done to them, thus detransitioning. I long for the days that I used to picture my healthy child as a young adult pursuing her goals through higher education, career, family and simple day to day life. I wish I didn’t know that she may instead put many of these things on hold while she suffers from the side effects of cross-sex hormones and sex-reassignment surgeries or even social and emotional maladjustment.
I wish I didn’t have to lug around heavy thoughts about the vast amounts of money being made by the gender industry as they place child after child and teenager after teenager on the conveyor belt to ‘a brand new you’. I wish I couldn’t connect the dots from a radical ideology to the media to my government to the school system to the internet through social media and to my child. I crave blissful ignorance to an ever growing complacency and compliance among parents, therapists and doctors submitting to the will of the underdeveloped minds of young people rather than saving life altering drugs and invasive surgeries as a last resort. I wish I didn’t know that the time honored commitment to the oath ‘first do no harm’ does not apply to troubled gender questioning children.
I wish I didn’t know that an entire generation of young people are at risk of a vulturous cult’s mindwash that will leave them battered and broken both mentally and physically while it reaps the rewards of financial gain and political advance.
But I do know…and so I must act.
You are right. We know. As a parent, educator, and gay woman, I can't live with being quiet about this scandal, as dark and horrifying as it is.
We all must act. Individually we are just one voice but together we can roar.