These comments are wild. Kids these days don't have real problems. Deadnaming? Pronouns? Lol.... wait until war or famine comes. That gender nonsense is gonna fly out the door real quick

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I know quite a few organizations that are always looking for educators to speak on this topic. please contact me, i would love to chat and connect you with them.

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I would be tempted to just get fired, get unemployment then sue them. However, when you have a family to protect, that comes first. Thank you for doing everything you could do. These handfuls of activists who have no children of their own have no clue and only care about tweets and likes, not our children's education. Consider going to a private school situation, one with a clear policy about protecting children from these activists.

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As a staunch supporter of bodily autonomy and a believer in biology rather than gender, I applaud your efforts to counter the insanity that's infected our school system.

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> Nothing changed. Absolutely nothing. The mean Twitter comments, the phone calls from media outlets, and the questions all just get thrown into the “hate mail” pile never to be seen. Whereas other school districts have heated town hall meetings about these policies and curriculum, my district is just too large to care about one anonymous whistleblower and too large to have school board meetings where the public can show up and express opposition.

With inertia like this, will anything ever change before people start showing up with millstones? (Matthew 18:6)

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I hope you are able to continue teaching at a private school which has not bowed to this insanity. Or as a tutor to home-schooled kids. We should not be losing educators like you!

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After you retire, run for school board.

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In Chicago?

The age-old exhortation to "Go ye out of Babylon" remains as relevant today as it's ever been. When you find yourself in an evil environment that you have no power to influence for the better, the only valid choice is to get out, get your family out, and not look back. Despite what the media would have you believe, there are plenty of good places left in this country where sanity and time-honored values still reign.

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if we all cower and flee, nothing will change.

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I'm not saying "flee" so much as "retreat and regroup," and I am *absolutely not* saying "cower." Quite the opposite in fact!

Get to somewhere where you're actually capable of doing some good, help the people there build up a solid base, and make the positive change happen somewhere where it will be welcome. Then let that serve as an example of how it ought to be. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works."

The extreme-left ideological crazies will never be persuaded, but there are plenty of people who aren't them, who go along with the default because it is the default, because they simply don't know any better. By working effectively to show a better alternative, you can help them in ways that are simply not possible if you remain in a situation in which you are powerless.

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momentum is building.

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From teacher to teacher: I thank you for not complying! 🙏 Many people will say "You shouldn't just quit", but they have no idea how difficult it can be to work against this machine when you're inside it and depend on it. It must have been a hard decision leaving your job, but if you can be of more value fighting this craziness from the outside, then this is the way to go.

The indoctrination of children at schools is just horrifying and for me, it's one of the major factors that drives the trans trend: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/why-are-so-many-children-declaring

Were we to act sensibly and not "affirm" children who want to cut parts of their body off, then we wouldn't be in this place. So again: Thank you for not complying.

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I don't think you should just quit. Speak out very loudly and publicly agaist it and make them fire you. Then sue them. Legal discovery will be a gold mine of information to go after them with. I'm sure you can find an NGO to fund your case.

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Crowd funding could be good, too.

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This has been a harrowing read. Do we live in parallel worlds? I really can't understand how some people are so easily brainwashed.

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Thank you for your work in shedding light on this terrible phenomenon. As a lifelong Leftie, I have experienced this transformation with horror, especially the authoritarian, doctrinaire tactics; the science denial; and both the spoken and unspoken punishments for "wrongthink." As parents, we must push back harder against the activist elements.

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Great column. It's so crazy-making that no mainstream media except Fox will report on this madness.

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"Another teacher chimed in and suggested that the newly designated gender-neutral bathroom should have the urinals removed from it to make it feel like a more gender-neutral space."

Brilliant! Then the People With Penises can pee on the toilet seats and leave it for the People with Vaginas to clean up. This makes school a more homelike atmosphere.

I'm sorry you have been pushed out of your profession by this nonsense. I wish more teachers had the backbone to stand up against it. I'm glad my son graduated from high school in 2008 before this crap had become mainstream. When contacting his old school to confirm the time and place of a retirement party for one of his favorite teachers, I received a lovely email response from the school's new principal, complete with she/her pronouns. Sigh.

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WOW! that is nailing it.

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We have finally learned so many things from these experiences of the past few years. Tragic, difficult lessons. Things like government schools being revealed for what they are: prisons dedicated to indoctrination. The whole world being turned into a prison planet. Hopefully we actually finally learn - together.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Thank you and I applaud your standing up for the TRUTH! I have on occasion considered renewing my teacher certification but given this insane climate, I will never step foot in a public school classroom. God bless you!

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