Fight back.... with MORE stickers! For example from the Let Women Speak (Adult Human Store) in the UK. Their full range starts here: https://www.letwomenspeak.org/stickers?page=1

I particularly like the TERF one: https://www.letwomenspeak.org/terf-qr-sticker

I am coming to San Francisco on holiday from 12th September and have laid in supplies to put on the back of the doors in "restrooms" everywhere!

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The entire point of that demon symbol is to make kids look at it, ask the question, and put the idea in their heads younger and younger. Because those washrooms already allow literally anyone to use them. There is no need for the confusing demon symbol. Except to screw up kids. Driven largely by Autogynephilia (male sex drive) and its rampant need to violently silence anyone who disagrees. How will all of this end. One thing that makes me feel hope is people rarely go from gender-critical to trans-affirming. People seem to become gender critical, and stay that way for good. I am a single issue voter on this big time.

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The symbol is demonic isn’t it. That’s the first thing I thought when I looked at that picture. It straight away reminded me of that Irish girl who performed at EuroVision and screamed demonically at the end of an interview. I don’t like it!

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Good article. You have made a good observation, that this is everywhere, likely isnt going away any time soon. and its authoritarian nature makes many people afraid. the Best you can do at this point IS to speak out against the authoritarianism, and with regards to your own kids, teach about biology basis like XX/XY, that sex cant ever be changed, and the messaging they see is often propaganda (even in schools) and they need to think for themselves and, as with commercial advertising, to not simply believe what are told. Attending church helps too, to provide them with a solid moral (and historical foundation) for the values of the West. Ground them in reality.

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Richard Dawkins the self proclaimed atheist loves living in a Christian Society he has made that very clear but still chooses to debunk the Christian faith. Silly isn’t he!”I’ll take the amazing benefits but it’s still a load of rubbish” Then how did your “beloved” Christian Society come into being Richard? Can’t or won’t see the contradiction? Well I guess it sells his books.

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I often want to walk into establishments that display the new “Pride” flag, with the yellow circle, inside the trans, POC triangle, and ask them:

“When DIDN’T you welcome intersex, trans, black & brown people here?!”

To which they would inevitably state “Never!”

Exactly. Never did you ever exclude ANYONE from ANY identity group from your business.

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Maybe explain to children that those symbols explain that the restrooms are accessible to people with mental and physical disabilities.

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The Detroit-to-Buffalo corridor. That was an annual trip for my family in the 1960s and 70s. Sorry to see it became a woke corridor.

God Bless

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I'm so tired of it. So, so tired. You can't escape it. Everywhere you look: restaurants, malls, gas stations, heck, most churches now. The rot has gone so deep. And now we have Michelle Obama (whose husband I voted for TWICE) going on stage last night and labeling as extremists anyone who doesn't support medicalizing and affirming kids? Excuse me but f@#k you, Michelle. How dare you use that platform to push your grotesque definition of self-authenticity and label loving parents in that way. The only way I get through the day is by saying there must be SOME good that will come out of all of this, that our country and our kids will be in a better place if we can come out the other side, but man, it's hard sometimes.

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We have such great choices this year, don't we: narcissist vs a genital mutilator.

330M people in America, and these two clowns are the best the oldest liberal democracy in the world could produce.

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SOOOO annoying. Why did the MAGAMorons force this worthless Trump fool on us? ANYONE else would be crushing Cackles the unlimited illegals czar.

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I'd like to break into the DNC video system and play the videos of detransitionors discussing failed surgeries and revisions, and revisions, and then dying of complications. So many supporters have no flipping clue what this is. They've only heard the lies like "puberty blockers are a safe and reversible pause button" - if losing about 10 IQ points, being unable to orgasm, having brittle bones are "safe effective and reversible" I'm Napoleon.

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I just broke off a 20 year friendship because my buddy supported a coworker, a man in his 30s with children, in his undergoing HRT (for extra fun the lunatic criminal doctor also put him on ozempic because why have one treatment with no real known long term effects when you can have two? Plus there's still all that spike protein floating around in there). You really have to have a zero tolerance approach with these people. The last thing I told him, probably ever, is that your friend will be dead within a decade.

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I have no solution and I am as sick and tired of this crap as everyone else here.

I try to cope by using humor (which solve nothing but it helps me a bit). Here is my recent "Let it be" remake. John Lennon is turning in his grave.

National MTF Anthem:

When I find myself with a bursting bladder,

Joseph Biden comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom

"Let' em pee"... Let them pee

And when I am in the women's bathroom

With my d...k in front of me

Humming words of wisdom

Let me pee! Let me pee!

Let me pee, let me pee

Let me pee, leeeet me pee

Speaking words of wisdom

Let me pee!

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lolol. This is awesome.

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Love it. And don't underestimate humour. If anything will save us it is the ability to laugh at the those who take themselves SO damn seriously they actually believe they have the world conned, rather than simply cowed by their bullying, same as it ever was with pathetic men (and their handmaidens). The world is waking up and when it does fully, the comedy around this sick, VERY bad joke, is going to be blistering. IT will save us. Here's my attempt from 'What about me?'

What about men

It isn't fair

We've had enough

Now we want more than our share

Can't you see

We just want to live - and pee and crap in your space

You (women) just take more (crap) than you give

More crap than you give

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Nice! (Sorry, my "like" button is broken).

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Why? I think this question needs to be asked. Why did trans conquer all our institutions? What benefit does trans ideology provide the ruling class? Virtue signaling? One of Rob Henderson's luxury beliefs? I thought that for several years, but increasingly, I suspect that's not enough. We have been sexualizing our society since the 1960's, but there has always been a line between kids and adults. Trans is the tip of the spear to abolish that line. Why would the ruling class drive that spear so hard? Most of us intuitively know the answer but don't want to believe it.

Whether court eunuchs, Roman slaves, Ottoman harem girls, or modern Afghan tribal chiefs... the wealthy and powerful have always desired sexual access to the young and pretty. And historically, they've not been all that picky about gender -- wealthy Romans made use of male students and female servants equally. Residual Christian morality pushed open homosexuality and pedophilia to the margins, but as our culture is re-paganizing, those practices are coming back, first divorce, then homosexuality, then polyamory... and now the ruling class believes it can cross the line to pedophilia. And they appear to be correct. Has there been a "Million Parent March on Washington" over doctors slicing off teenagers' body parts? Have families occupied state capitols over laws seizing children from unaffirming parents? No? Then the ruling class is right; they can now openly sexualize children without consequences.

I don't know how to fix this. I suspect we can't without challenging our most sacred commandment uttered by J.S. Mill 100+ years ago: "thou shalt not limit anyone's free choices." That gets us into the category of post-liberal political structures though, and that's a huge can of worms, so hopefully I'm wrong about that. However, I am certain we will never defeat the trans lunacy until we understand why it has conquered in the first place. So this is my theory. I would welcome others.

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Please watch this documentary in its entirety. It will be hard to sit through, because things are much worse than you think. But you will learn the origins of the trans cult, the classic cult brainwashing techniques that it uses, how it’s targeted at children, and the motivations of the autogynephilic billionaires who fund it. You’ve heard of Jennifer Bilek, I assume. This film is embedded in her Substack. If the link doesn’t work, go to her archive and search for “Wrong Bodies” and the name of the filmmaker, Skirt Go Spinny. Read the article and then scroll down to the video.


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Thank you for posting this very important video. All parents and grandparents need to see this. Churches need to see this, everyone needs to see this.

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It’s Heavily Financed! Millions of dollars by the Pritzker family , the Rothblatts ,, and it’s Highly Profitable… a perfect combination, which is why it’s so hard to fight. The Mainstream media hardly covers it. Many laws about it were passed before people realized what was happening, and the trans ideology knew to keep it under the radar! Also anyone not going along was punished, losing their livelihood, etc. How long have you been aware of it? Not too long , I would guess, and only now is there some backlash! But it will be hard to fight ! Only some conservatives are willing to do something about it!

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Most of the people here are actually liberals. I suspect the conservatives can't do much about this because 1) the people pushing it are already convinced the conservatives are fascists; 2) in a society as polarized as ours, criticism from the opposing tribe is ignored; 3) conservatives hold no significant cultural power centers.

The solution to this has to come from within the Left. The Right could defeat the Left at the ballot box and force their capitulation via law (think DeSantis on steroids) but they would need a candidate who had the passion, the drive, and the attention span to do it. Which they don't have.

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Check out di-ag.org and consider joining DIAG: Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender. I'm a board member. We agree the problem exists on the left, but we need numbers to get the attention of the idiots we elected. I'm not concerned for the careers of those idiots; I just want the madness to stop, and the sooner they wake up, the sooner it will stop.

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I'm not a Democrat or a liberal, so I'm afraid I can't help you, Jenny.

I recognize where the solution needs to come from, but my ability to contribute to it is limited, since the people who need to be convinced have been calling me a bigot, a hater, a Nazi, a grandma-killer, a homophobe, and a racist for my entire adult life. They won't listen to me, but they might listen to you.

And if they refuse, if they call you a bigot and a hater and a homophobe and a racist and ignore you, you're not alone. You've got friends among the conservatives who have been treated the same way by liberal elites for decades.

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You're right. I've already met some of those new friends, and I'm grateful for them.

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It's a bridge to transhumanism.

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Follow the money, Brian.

Form follows function.

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I hope you're right, Ted. I really do, since that implies a far easier answer for how to fix it: cause financial pain to the doctors and pharma people who did this.

I just can't shake the feeling that our ruling class has drunk so deeply at the well of postmodernism that "a woman is anyone who claims to be a woman" makes total sense to them. But as I said, I hope you're answer is correct instead of mine.

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There's room for both answers, Brian.

I've been observing the effects of financial incentive on social mores for decades. Once a social attitude or process has been created by means of financial incentive, it seems to take on a life of its own. That life is, I think, inclined to persist after the incentive creating it has been withdrawn, which leads to a different discussion. Once we've located the origin, the basis of the resulting conversation shifts to remedy, which is to say administering disincentives.

Social contagion is a two-edged sword, capable of proliferating great good or terrible wickedness.

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Read the article and then scroll down to the video:


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In this case, terrible wickedness!

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I like the term post-libertarian, credited to Pete Quinones, heard on the Gold, Goats & Guns Podcast

Here's the episode


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The term does have the benefit of not separating Enlightenment-liberal from progressive-liberal, but truthfully, there's little practical difference between any of the strands of post-Enlightenment political thought. They're all premised on absolute individual rights and Locke's value-neutral state. Left wants maximal personal autonomy; Right wants maximal financial autonomy. That's the essence of the "uni-party". Burke provides the nearest alternative philosophical grounding, but I'm uncertain I'd actually want to live in a Burkean society.

I consider myself a recovering libertarian. I'm reading a book right now called A World After Liberalism. It summarizes 5 illiberal-right-wing writers of the 20th century. I can't endorse any of them (all are avowedly racist or aristocratic) but their perspectives are at least giving me contours of what a post-liberal world could look like. We may take the Left or Right road, but both are post-liberal at this point.

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Yes, especially your last sentence.

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Queer theory is causing much of the damage…..no boundaries, destroy the norms of society, children are sexual beings so get them young etc. But there’s also the transhumanist strand brilliantly researched by Jennifer Bilek.

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Here is the film Bilek features on her website by filmmaker Skirt Go Spinny:


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And that’s really scar!

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There are all sorts of ingredients in the toxic stew. Social contagion among kids. Schools especially trying to be kind, indoctrination from the likes of diane ehrensaft. The wealthy middle age men with a fetish who are hoping to have a bunch of castrated and puberty blocked adults to prey on and spend the money to support the cause - and push it into the corporate "diversity and inclusion" stuff. And hell it's a $5 billion a year medical business to harm the kids. Hard to get people to say no to something that makes them money.

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Here's Dianne's 1992 recovered memories of abuse article. She jumped from that to "trans kids" because she's either a total grifter, or a person incapable of critical thought. https://archive.org/details/ehrensaft-1992

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That is truly amazing. The same woman who is pushing the ritual preschool sex abuse lie in 1992 is pushing the trans kids lie in 2022. Maybe Ted's right... it's all about the money.

Being a progressive means never having to say you're sorry: When your intentions were always pure, your philosophy was always pure, the fact that you destroyed hundreds of people's lives isn't really relevant. After all, reality is just a social construction anyway.

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It is everywhere, however I think it's essential that we understand, this sudden huge rise in trans awareness and the push to medicalize children and vulnerable youth, is not the result of trans activists pushing for inclusion. This sudden trans imagery, flags, signs and school child indoctrination, men in women's sports, etc, is coming from the parasite elites, who control their bought-and-paid-for media, their puppet politicians. It's important that people wake up to how the trans agenda is part of their New World Order/ New World Communism/Globalist agenda.

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I agree.

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Every time I see the video clip of Kamala Harris saying "we all need to be woke" I want to scream at the top of my lungs! Ignorance breeds ignorance. I do worry about our world, our county and the future for my almost 5-year-old granddaughter. Even though her parents are fully aware of the trans-ideology and want to protect her from it...how can they really? I mean you cannot trust teachers, or counselors, right? Just like the transgender symbol by the restrooms - of course it will make kids curious as to its meaning. I was so hopeful after the Cass report came out that there would be a worldwide push back and that there would be drastic changes. The truth is being told, and kids are desisting, but the lies are still being told and believed. How we suddenly became a fairytale society is beyond my comprehension. Keep fighting! We are the voice of reason, and we know the truth. Never give up!

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She said that?

Not surprised, but🤢🤢🤑

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She honestly did! Shocking!!

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I tried looking that up , but couldn’t find it! When did she say that? At the convention?

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I have seen it on social media a dozen times - she was on a talk show - within the last year probably.

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Melissa is right about home education. It's bit easier than many people realize. At younger grade levels, about 15 minutes per year of age; older kids take longer but are fairly independent at it. My oldest started her 2nd year of college last Monday. In many states (even some deep blue ones like CA) it's also legally simple. Not cheap though. While I would discourage you from taking homeschool-charter kickbacks (Caesar's money comes with Caesar's rules), they are available in most states if you truly need it.

It's not a full inoculation from this lunacy though. There are parents here who have homeschooled all the way through and then lost their kids to trans in their 20's. One of mine (tomboy of course) could still easily fall prey to this. But supervising their education directly instead of outsourcing it to someone you don't know is always going to improve the odds. And hanging out with your kids for the best 7 hours of the day is actually a lot of fun.

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I will pass this info onto my daughter and son-in-law.

I am approaching age 70 in a few years so my time left on earth is limited. Scares me. I pray daily for protection over my precious granddaughter. I just spent 8 days with them and she is so curious about everything and asks many questions wanting to learn and understand. I looked at her innocence and sweetness and then panicked a little bit inside my heart because I know there is a real boogyman out there named Trans who is pretending to be someone who cares…a real wolf in sheep's clothing. Waiting to pounce and devour. God help us! Please! At least they live in a Red State so there is some hope and their Governor is not supporting this cult ideology.

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I wish my parents were as motivated as you are. My mother insists on voting by emotion since "I won't be around for the consequences anyway". When I point out that her 3 grand-daughters now have to put up with penises in the pool locker room, she just blows it off as "oh that's just a culture war thing."

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They can partially protect her by homeschooling. Much easier than you think and plenty of resources online--Calvert Home Schools is expensive but good and there are great mom blogs like Little Earthlings. You need much less time for school, too--and you can get a group of like-thinking parents to cover various areas and organize group activities like nature walks and museum trips. I'd be fine with English and History and Social Studies but would need or prefer another grown-up to do math.

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I wish I could wave a magic wand. My daughter and granddaughter live in a different state and I am still working full time. I will pass on this info but financially it might be a challenge for the father. My granddaughter is very social and needs to be around other kids. They have great friends with girls her age and they do play dates often. They will all be going to different schools for pre-k and then kindergarten. I pray every day.

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Homeschooling costs little! You don't need Calvert if expense is the issue. https://www.ourhomesweethome.org/free-homeschool-curriculum/ and https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/free/ and there's plenty more where that came from. Also https://www.fairforall.org/content/newsletters/2021-09-08.html

Find other homeschooling families in your area. At your granddaughter's age, it's easy--lots of books. I write about banned and challenged children's books that every child should have! melissaknox.substack.com

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There is a world-wide push back, it's just not in North America, or apparently France.

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There are groups that are pressuring and shaming big companies into abandoning their Woke culture. A recent example is Harley Davidson abandoning its DEI push. I suggest the author share this story with LibsOfTiktok on X. The left has been “cancelling” debate for about five years. Time to strike back.

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I saw this, it's a sign of hope (I hope!)

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What's interesting is it always seems to be the women's restrooms that get turned into "inclusive"

Never the men's.

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Here in Canada, all the restrooms (men's & women's) in government buildings, libraries, etc, are now "inclusive" with signs reading "Trans people welcome here."

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the Democratic Party's convention relabeled some of the Women's restrooms as "All Gender" - they didn't touch the Men's


It's like the goal is to get men into women's spaces or something.

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And all those symbols can be another trauma hit to grieving parents who lost their kids to gender ideology. I do speak out and I aim to choose my words wisely in my essays. And I hope it ends soon too.

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Yes, but we all know that the parents don't matter. Their grief, their anguish, the knowledge at the very core of their beings that THIS. IS. WRONG does not matter. Their tears and pleading do not matter because to do anything other than affirm blindly is murderous transphobia. "Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?" I'm a follower of Christ and the God of the Bible, and I'm confident this whole thing is straight from the pits of Hell. What better way to destroy a culture and bankrupt the next generation than to annihilate the most fundamental building block of that culture: the parent-child relationship? The devil is laughing his head off at how stupid we are.

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