Jubilation as the Walls Begin to Crumble
The End of Tavistock Spells the End of Gender Capture
My heart swelled with joy at news of the impending closure of the Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock, and I shared in the unbridled cheers and jubilation with other parents in the UK whose children had been harmed by Tavistock’s state sanctioned gender experiments. We were quaking with joy and a release of adrenaline that is difficult to describe—at least to anyone who has not lived through our particularly exquisite hell.
The news was utter and total validation. I wanted to hug Hilary Cass as if she were my own mother. I still do! And Graham Lineham…my hero. I have not stopped crying and hyperventilating since listening to his substack. I am now able to read so many stories in the Times from PROPER journalists who are exposing the crimes of gender ideology for what we parents have known them to be for years.
If you are not up to speed on this momentous shift in the gender landscape, you can find some background here, here, and here.
The implications are phenomenal and Dr Hilary Cass will forever be the heroine of thousands and thousands of families, not just here in the UK but across the globe. Dame Hilary Cass is not enough.
Now, as the landscape continues to shift, my hope is we can find real help for our children. And we can now pursue consequences for those who experimented on our children. To those that participated in the travesty of “gender affirming medicine” and transition of minors and young adults: we will not rest until you have no involvement in the lives of children and adolescents. We are slowly coming out of the shadows and we are angry and raw and we will stop at nothing to protect our children, and their siblings, their fathers and their mothers and all family members impacted by the scourge of gender ideology. I was wounded and, like a wounded bear, I am now ready to fight. I am not alone.
This is possible because of those brave enough to take on the Tavistock, and all of its seemingly omnipotent state and organizational backers.
To Dr. Hilary Cass and her small but perfectly formed team, who have diligently dealt with every email, including many of my own—and there will have been thousands of emails—we salute each and every one of you. THANK YOU.
This monumental event could not have happened without the whistleblowers and other brave, compassionate human beings who also took up the mantle. Also, and most significantly, the detransitioners starting with the brave and determined Keira Bell, Person A, and now Ritchie Herron, supported by many, including Peter Harthan.
Anonymous Person A is very symbolic in our world. Our world requires anonymity for our protection. Everyone has a view; friends block us, friends turn against us, people we don’t know discuss our ‘situations’. We keep quiet for fear of what will unravel as we try to keep our families safe. We close our lives down methodically so we can concentrate on the task at hand—keeping our families together and safe against the odds. THANK YOU to all you brave detransitioners.
In no particular order, I’d like also like to take this opportunity to thank:
Keira Bell
Mrs A
Sonia Appleby
David Bell
Susan Evans
Marcus Evans
Stella O’Malley
Sasha Ayad
Stephanie Davies-Arai
Dr Az Hakeem
Graham Linehan
Genevieve Gluck
Stephen Nolan
David Thompson
Dr David Taylor
Dr Kirsty Entwistle
Bob Withers
Maya Forstater
The Times Journalists
The Daily Telegraph Journalists
The Daily Mail Journalists
Spiked online
BSG founders
J K Rowling
Allison Bailey
Ben Cooper
Helen Joyce
Kathleen Stock Joy Keele
Kellie-Jay Keen
and the list continues to grow.
This battle is not over. The Tavistock closing is triumphant news but we still have so much more work to do, and so many children and young adults still held captive in the harmful bonds of gender. As the lawsuits finally commence, I hope brave journalists continue to follow the money and the power behind all this and expose it for what it is.
A final thank you to the Bayswater Support Group. Our friendship has held together through adversity and we will support each other to the very end while we work to expunge gender ideology from our so-called progressive societies.
For many years, I have wept endless tears over gender ideology, social contagion, the medicalization of children, lack of research/science, and the nightmare experienced with my own trans-identifying daughter. For the first time, I have wept tears of joy by this latest news!
Thank you to all of the brave crusaders! Sending love and support from the US. Please continue the fight! We need your powerful voices and examples.
My sincerest gratitude,
Progressive Mom
For obvious reasons I would love not to be a parent involved in all this gender crap. I would love to be able to stand up and be public about this, but we are all hobbled by our attempts to maintain some kind of relationship with our deluded children, and so we hover in the shadows, writing anonymous letters. We are in great debt to those who have put themselves on the frontline, weathering the vicious assaults of men with bad wigs and pouty lips who work in IT and find their fetish is threatened by a dose of reality.