The questions at the end resonate. I have thought about these questions a lot.

Overall, in modernity, we've dipped too far below *species-specific needs* of babies for relational intimate parental care. Between adult distractions and full time daycare, babies-- in the prime of their right brain development window-- are being under-stimulated. The only way babies learn is via modeling, in interactions with trusted beloveds; though being externally co regulated by them, they learn to self regulate. All learning is *implicit* 0-3, and the precondition is relational trust, which requires a stable, available, responsive intimate partner for 'serve and return' and 'rupture and repair.'

Rare to get this in group care-- and it is the foundation of self concept: being joyfully, lovingly SEEN, and responded to, ideally by your parent.

Can lacking enough of this be part of today's unselved, dissociated, self hating kids?

Daycare in groups for babies under 1 did not exist in US till 1987. Rapidly thereafter, medicalizing kids became normalized (via ADHD).

As parents less-often raised babies themselves, they've became less skillful and instinctive, and gained less wisdom (born of 'being in trenches'). Less skill and less intimacy means less ability to properly address child's negative emotions (external co regulation). Under-nurtured child has less self awareness about what is actually bothering them, and less trust to bring it to Mom and Dad for help. In early life dissociation is one of the few available strategies for a lonely or scared baby.

Does the existence of baby daycare IMPLY babies are born 'as themselves'?

Because if babies are more 'blank slates', how could you leave your baby in the care of distracted, too-busy strangers?

If teachers know how to teach babies, and have years of experience and skills you do not, and babies are entrusted with them, then aren't teachers the experts?

Porn is a dirty bomb in the minds of kids.

It tells kids "this is what you can expect in adulthood." Slapping, punching, gang bangs? Nobody is heartened by this glimpse of their sexual future. Bad, zero-intimacy violent templates for sex which are terrifying. Violent images being eroticized.

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"Under the influence of SSRIs". Whatever do you mean? SSRIs restore depressed people to their healthy selves. There can be side effects when a person begins taking them, but after that there should be a resolution of depressive symptoms. Making medical decisions while depressed & anxious is problematic, not taking SSRIs for the depression. Sheesh

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this year i turned 18 , and since I entered high school, they started to bombard us with all this nonsense, and my colleagues are in favor even though they don't know what it's about, they like to look nice in the outside and seem progressive. but they always repeat the same phrases, I think they don't even understand what they mean

(English is not my mother tongue, I hope you can understand what I say )

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"supposedly grassroots but suspiciously coordinated" This was brilliantly stated. Thank you.

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Precisely! Yup yup. Jennifer Bilek's writing on www.the11thhourblog.com blew my mind and I saw the corporate, transhumanist conspiracy. I still can't believe this is the world I live in.

Yes, this entire essay is very relatable. I am 40 and could easily be a mother in this situation, I had the same perception of "transgender" at first, and was baffled by the authoritarianism that emerged. It's a waking nightmare, as a writer and artist, seeing all the great minds being censored and blacklisted.

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I keep hearing over and over how much social media sites/groups have led the way in affirming the confusion. Children are becoming addicted to their phones and in the isolation of confusion they search these sites for acceptance and clarity. This in itself is an addiction! I feel so strongly against the need to throw a phone in the face of a small child to "calm or entertain" them. It's like giving a young child heroin and it needs to stop. These online groups are just feeding off the addictions of these children. I am so sorry for the loss of the friend you once knew and I thank you for sharing your story.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Trans ideology destroys everything it touches. I have friends that rejected me without a discussion, and some that I've walked away because they can't be bothered to care about what's happening with my family or society at large. Still others who I stay connected with, but whom I will never think of in the same way because of their careless, willful avoidance of this dangerous nonsense. On the flip-side, I've gotten to know wonderful people stuck in this world — people I otherwise never would have crossed paths with. Those friendships and connections have been sanity-saving and I value them tremendously. Should this all visibly blow up, as many of us expect, I imagine many, many more friendships and relationships will blow up with it.

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This is moving, insightful -- and extremely well-written. The author should consider submitting it to Quillette or perhaps Common Sense. Deserves a wide audience!

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Thank you so much for this article. It's so important. I have lost too many friends also over refusing to play the game in all of it's intricate absurdities, but how much harder when you're younger and needing each other so much and you've been so important to each other. I hope she wakes up and comes back, but worry about how altered she'll be. One of the aftermaths I'm seeing is that those who get in deep become narcissists, and so end up being a danger to others even when they de-transition. Every one I've talked with after both plays victim as if we are somehow responsible for their choices and owe them. Everything becomes about them. I hope not all are like that.

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Hmm. Very troubling to hear about your experience with detransitioners. We probably need to start understanding more about them, since more and more will detransition.

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I certainly want to support them, and do, but was surprised at the hatred aimed at those who questioned them about why they made the choices they did, so we could understand better and fight the cult. These were women though who some of us were welcoming back into our community. I'm done with being insulted and harassed, so I stopped trying with that woman, but watched how she went after the others trying to support her. It's like she wanted someone to blame and then attack. I've seen this with others also.

I definitely understand not wanting to fit in to what girls and women are told to be and look like since I've been fighting that all my life, but I think for some it's about wanting male privilege and not caring for anyone else. Then when they don't get the attention and genuflection they expected, and they start going bald age age 20, etc., they want to come back. But it's still all about them and not who they have harmed or betrayed.

Still, we are here to help them. And I'm guessing there are several reasons for wanting to return or to be male (for the girls and women), which will make the difference. I know one who said she did it to not be raped any more.

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Wow. What weird twists and turns.

When I replied, "We...need to understand more...," it was NOT a veiled suggestion that YOU weren't being "understanding". It was genuinely that I MYSELF am trying to understand. It's nearly impossible for me to comprehend how/why anyone could think that "changing sex" is possible; and then how those same people survive daily as faux-other sex; AND THEN how they survive detransition.

Every day I'm learning. Thanks for your comments.

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I wasn't being critical of you, but agreeing. It's very complicated. Thank you too.

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(I was afraid YOU thought I was being snarky. I did NOT think YOU were being snarky EVER. I just like to be careful!)

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You ask about misogyny. i say, that this is a primary structure of patriarchy, where femaleness has been and is, deliberately designed to rupture maleness, causing men to behave in manner that can only the seductive power of the female---- think John the Baptist, Simon with Delilah-- Adam and Eve, and the original 'sin'--- (hypens deliberate)--

Now, the basic platform for trans gender, stereotypical representations of hard wired sex stereotypes,includes 'non binary', made present by a glaring absence. This is the mess we are in made by powerful money grabbing males of influence and the drug industry--- oh, and people who refuse to think for themselves.

All this of course, is an understatement, to say the least---

Let's keep boogieing down this stoney road women!


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It isn’t Patriarchy. This is Corporatism Merged with the State aka Fascism.

It’s just the Fascists blame everyone else.

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Indeed, big male rule in all ishapes-- fascism, communism, free markets etc, etc--- money and power-- right now, big pharma playing its game----

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I must (respectfully) push back against the 'patriarchy' concept as well. I've known too many vicious, terrible, sociopathic women (who weren't victims of male abuse, either) in my time to be able to carry the 'Stop Patriarchy' banner. We're all in this together: good/bad women; and good/bad men.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Women (as well as males) are making money from this treachery. There are females at Planned Parenthood who gave my son his poison pills (HRT) at Planned Parenthood. There are females working at other "gender" clinics and female surgeons profiting from shameful mutilation of vulnerable young people. I know female parents who are glitter parents succumbing to enabling and supporting the "transing" of their children.

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How awful for you, with your child and you victims of this betrayal of trust.

Yes, women are caught up in this social deception, paid to do their work by powerful males who run the show-- women too are brain washed to believe men are above them making the rules.

It's the powerful medical organisations which need to be legally charged with this blatant lie.

My thoughts with you----

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So many victims of this ideology. We don't mention them often yet it is all the more important to remember them:

parents. Grandparents. Teachers. Coworkers. Men. Why men? They are the silent onlookers of this mess, wondering whether or not to believe in transgender, whether or not to feel desperately sorry for our children. They might even feel guilty for being men, while the fight against autogynephiles taking over women only spaces goes on.

It began with radio. Mums too busy listening to a program, the first break of communication. Selfishness, individualism. Loneliness in different spaces. Then television. Nobody communicating except through a shared experience. Internalised dialogue, self consciousness. Loneliness in a shared space. The Internet. The illusion of communion, of communication. The illusory merging off self and other.. Loneliness in different spaces and time frames.

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Thanks for posting this. I myself have lost quite a few friends because of gender ideology. I hate to see that others are going through the same thing, but at the same time it's comforting knowing that I'm not the only one.

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Their reactions don’t match the problem...cutting people off, demanding apologies & non questioning affirmation. Seeking medication implies there is something wrong. And if there is something wrong, why not embrace any help you can & thank your parents in particular for helping? Surely it is better to come to terms in your mind with your biological sex rather than altering it physically with hormones & surgery. Shouldn’t we work first on those neurons in the brain that bring the assumed pain/discomfort & try & mend those pathways. Isn’t it better to try non invasive methods that are less harmful? It seems to me that instead they seek & are offered means to strengthen the fantasy rather than the reality. Seemingly innocent cosplay, anime, pronoun changes. Easy access to pornography on the internet. Therapy for parents seem to work on changing our concept of reality & our mental pathways. We are forced to alter our minds in order to aliviate pain, whilst they alter their bodies physically & dangerously. I cannot make sense of it.

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"Surely it is better to come to terms in your mind with your biological sex rather than altering it physically with hormones & surgery. Shouldn’t we work first on those neurons in the brain that bring the assumed pain/discomfort & try & mend those pathways." One would think, but apparently, one would be wrong, especially when it comes to adolescents, who are impulsive and susceptible to social contagion. At least, this is how I make sense of it.

Young adults are attracted to the pre-packaged ideology of gender. It comes with a ready-made community, which is especially attractive to outliers. It's much less emotionally threatening than doing the difficult work of confronting your personal demons. Anyway, there's only one approved way forward. The gender therapist is indoctrinated, and then he/she affirms, enables and indoctrinates you. You won't have to undergo psychotherapy, which is illegal ("conversion therapy"). So you'll spend no time in the messy backroom of your childhood, where you might have to confront your same-sex attractions, memories of sexual abuse, or years of social isolation because you were different from your peers.

In fact, the one-size-fits-all panacea of transition requires no personal work of any kind. Just memorize the ideology and the jargon, change your clothes, hair, name and pronouns, swallow some cross-sex hormones and undergo an amputation or two, and sweep everyone out of your life who doesn't understand. When every institution of society is calling you the vanguard and praising your bravery, why would you refuse?

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Hi Beeswax, Absolutely. And your comment leads me to the big picture.

As far as I can see, this was/is a top-down, massively funded and planned, predatory attack on vulnerable children. And smartly done via "experts" and corrupt/gullible authorities (gov healthcare policy/agencies, schools, teachers, psychology/psychiatry, doctors and surgeons, mainstream media).

Why: Seems to have been promoted in order to advance a cyberhuman experiment by pharma and tech deviants in concert with WHO and WEF. And the funders don't care how the beginning of the experiment shakes out for a few million families. They continue to plan ahead.

How crazy does that sound?

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Not crazy at all. Sounds like you've read Jennifer Bilek's investigative journalism. She is the best source I've found so far in order to follow the money and understand the rationale for all this enthusiasm about transgenderism.


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Ha! Good. Thanks. I didn't get my tinfoil hat from her (have only seen very little of her work), but I WILL LOOK NOW!

Anyone reading WHO/WEF material at the start of "pandemic" was called a "conspiracy nutjob". (I understood nothing about gender ideology until very recently; I was sort of catapulted into it.)

In Venn-diagram style, it looks like discrete pockets of information from various communities are converging. Heartening to hear that previously separate populations are arriving at the same conclusions. (Strange bedfellows, but we're in strange times.)

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Bilek has been researching the funders of transgender medicine since at least 2018, so she predates COVID-19. She came to this issue from the POV of feminism.

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I'm reading her site now. Holy cow. A couple people mentioned ARC to me last week at a rally here in Vancouver: there it is in Bilek's site. Dots connect!

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It is with reluctance that I ‘like’ your comment, because it is horribly true

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I get it.

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Almost all cults have similar rules - cut the unbeliever out of your life. This black-and-white thinking appeals to the kind of person who gets sucked into a cult.

It’s also a childish (and destructive) way to “get back” at parents, which makes this behavior even more appealing (and especially since it is encouraged by the other cult members.)

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..& when I mention the word cult to my trans child’s siblings they laugh at me like I’m ignorant or an old dinosaur, shake their heads in disbelief & say ‘I don’t know where you’re getting your information from’

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

Cults usually form around a magnetic leader. Think of Scientology, which formed around L. Ron Hubbard, or Charles Manson.

Trans ideology is more diffuse than that—there is no one leader. Not even Caitlin Jenner (Bruce, as was) pretended to be a leader of anything. Just lapped up all the attention and praise.

That's why I don’t consider trans ideology to be a cult, but simply an ideology, with its fervent adherents and pandering allies. It has captured all of our major institutions—education, media, corporations, research institutes.

It must be fought and defeated.

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It really is immature & childish & so at odds with most of the ‘type’ this ideology indoctrinates. Nothing new to say, & none of this really helps sadly. I don’t know what to think other than we are in a horrible waiting game. Very thankful for the few voices that speak out publicly about this.

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It's really great to hear the perspective of someone who was a bystander to a peer getting sucked into this. It's important context for us parents, who obviously see things through a different lens.

Once these young people get one foot inside of the hurricane, they're pulled in all the way and can't get out.

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This is an important essay, and it's good to hear from another perspective. There are others in your generation who agree with you, but it's probably getting harder and harder to find them. My son, 19, would agree with you, but my daughter, 16, is completely caught up in this. I think it takes a lot of strength to not get caught up in it, although I'm not accusing those who are caught up in it of being weak. They just couldn't fight this particular hypnotic lure. Knowing what has caused us to get to this bizarre, destructive place in society will help both to (hopefully) break the spell, and to avoid further, similar movements. Your questions are a useful part of that analysis.

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So many of us have lost more than a best friend to this trans cult ideology; we have lost a precious child that we waited on for so long to have and that we love with all our being. We have lost the memories of birthday parties, holidays, sleep overs, smiles and the sound of laughter filling our homes These memories have been replaced with a child holed up in a dark room day and night talking on the phone , refusing any part of family togetherness. Smiles have to turned to frowns and grunts at the sight of a parent starving to love once again their beautiful son or daughter. Crying and heartache have solidified in our eyes and hearts as we watch our child choose to follow this mind and body destructive path. But, we stand firm in our convictions and prayerfully and longingly wait in hopes our prodigal child will return to our open arms of love.

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Ann, teenagers tend to spend time in their rooms away from their families. It's a natural progression. You have to let children grow up. At the same time, you have to provide guidance when they are self destructive. You have to be willing to risk arguments & disapproval. I am sorry you are hurting. The teenage years can be trying.

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Thank you for the advice. I will self reflect and see what I can change about myself to be a better parent to my daughter.

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You really describe the agony and brokenness of our hearts beautifully.

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Thank you for replying . The isolation we experience hurts so deeply.


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Thank you Ann. Perhaps you too experienced conceiving this particular child a true miracle. I join you in prayer and hope and send much love

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Yes, I prayed and waited for this child for over 20 years. I always found myself dreading the holidays and especially Mother’s Day - never wanting to attend church on Mother’s Day to avoid being singled out. I always felt as though I was on the outside looking in: all my friends had children, and I felt so alone and had such an emptiness within me. Then God shared this precious gift with me. She didn’t care if I had make up on, my hair was done or any of the other things we as females struggle with. She just knew that I loved her more than anything else in this earthly world. But, all that changed when the evil of this world crept into her little heart and she hardly even acknowledges me now - unless she wants something. It is almost like a death- I see her but it isn’t my daughter looking back at me. Thank you for your prayers- they are much needed. Blessings and prayers also.

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You are a good friend ,however,disposable, like much else in our throw away society.

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