After the apocalypse of 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the war alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military wing of globalism.

In addition to ensuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning against the influence of nationalism.

In 2023, the war alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the alliance's leaders pledged to fight "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.

In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be reshaped to be "inclusive," in other words, restructured to be more anti-white, and consist of fewer white employees and executives.


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Pedro is a hero!

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It a just a pity that the left really was a democratic party for the people and not soloist leaning first and foremost AND that the right was rather a slightly conservative party to instill morals and ethics above bein gf driven by capitalist rhetoric. I think they all switched priorities somewhere... Also, a government was never supposed to govern what people believe, just protect the people, protect the borders, protect the assets and instill a safe and healthy environment.

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I have quickly read through Transgender Leviathan and found it to be a pretty thorough treatment of the issue. But I was disappointed not to find an answer to one lingering question: why do insurance companies cover trans surgeries and hormones? In my experience, the health insurance company is always looking for ways to say "no" to any kind of treatment that is cosmetic in nature.

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On Page 4 of the referenced article, the author states: “...nearly one in five people ages 13 to 17 identify as transgender today...” with a footnote to a source from UCLA.

THIS STATEMENT IS PATENTLY FALSE. The source actually says this: “Nearly one in five people who identify as transgender are between the ages 13-17...”

Having found this one glaring error puts this entire paper in question. I wouldn’t rely on any of the information without checking the sources first.

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We have to reach across the aisle on this issue. Real activists, activists who want to actually create change, compromise. They create coalitions. They are practical.

I’m on the left, but I’ll coalition with almost anyone to fight gender nonsense. I’m a feminist, but I’m thrilled that Ben Shapiro is a star right now. Once the threat to our kids is gone, I will go back to criticizing Shapiro and his ilk for what I view as sex-essentialist beliefs. But for now, I’m on his team.

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Awesome resource! Thank you for sharing it. I've downloaded it too!

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Great. I have downloaded and will start reading. Maybe I will finally get an answer to the question that puzzles me: why have so many insurance companies agreed to cover transition pharmaceuticals and surgeries in the first place? They don't cover anything else that is remotely cosmetic . . .

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I personally think this trans cult is more ideology than capitalism per se.

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We may well be in the midst of a party realignment. In any successful revolution, the revolutionaries eventually become the new elites As the 60's radicals and their children have assumed control of most American institutions, they haven't shed their identification with the "oppressed and marginalized", but they have re-centered their oppression axis from class to race & sexuality. The former (class equity) would be a threat to their new power and wealth in a way that the latter (racial / sexual equity) is not, since performative behaviors allow them to become "allies" and therefore immune from criticism.

As this article says, DeSantis and Hawley and Gonzalez are pushing the Republicans to jettison their libertarian streak and assert a "common good and common sense" agenda that can slice through the sexual and racial groupings the Left uses to keep people atomized. Either the GOP will figure out how to unify poor rural whites and poor urban blacks under a single class-based platform, or it will be replaced. The latter prospect frightens me, since the successor party might well abandon the cross-race outreach and run on straight ethno-nationalism, which is really just a Right-wing version of Left-wing wokeness. It's not accidental that Richard Spencer (the white nationalist guru) and Ibram Kendi (the antiracism guru) both agree that race is the most important quality of any human being. their philosophies are mirror images of each other. Choosing between those two isn't even a "lesser of two evils" problem. It's just pick "the evil that doesn't want me dead" problem. For 90's liberals who were terrified of the Christian Right... wait until you meet his nasty cousin: the non-Christian Right.

I don't normally talk about this stuff here on PITT, but the whole trans issue is really just a subset of a much larger war between postmodernism and reality. Reality will eventually win. Reality always wins -- it's real. But models of unreality (like postmodernism) and false views of man (like communism) can do a lot of damage, especially while they're failing. Will there be anything left of Western Civilization when reality eventually reasserts itself? I honestly don't know, and I suspect it depends on how hard we push back now.

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The lobotomy EUGENICS transgender trifecta is conspiratorial nonsense. I don’t support transgender ideology but this kind of free associating fantasy belongs with Qanon. The anti-VAXers have shown that it is possible to have pages of references With absolutely no serious research content. Please don’t go down the rabbit holes people. Stay with facts and real connections. Sorry they are hard to understand and follow not simple like conspiracy thinking.

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"Though written by someone decidedly on the right, Leviathan is comprehensive and fair..."

The word "though" makes it seem like an incongruity. It's not.

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The concept of "divide and conquer" is at least as old as Julius Caesar, and most likely older than him.

Sane liberals and sane conservatives need to be allies. It's also a special joy when I see someone like liberal feminist Naomi Wolf on conservative shows like Steve Deace or Steve Bannon.

They want us infighting with each other while they take over.

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Thank you! Now I'm hoping there's a Spanish version as well. I work with the Hispanic population and am distressed with the lack of info. Anyone have suggestions about this, please let me know.

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"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Conservatives will be the first to tell you that most Republican lawmakers are more interested in power, money, and being on TV than representing conservative constituents. We're like Charlie Brown and the football.

I'm printing this out right now -- can't wait to read it tonight! Thanks for letting us know about this!

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I'd like to have more time to read and check the sources on what to me is the most damming part of this. The money. The hospital management pushing for profits in the hormones and surgeries will result in more hormones and surgeries. It explains why the United States, with for profit medicine, is the world leader in affirmation, affirmation, affirmation. Even if a doctor doesn't want to go along the hospital management can exert substantial pressure on him or her. The drug companies are publicly traded, and at least some of their data will be in financial reports.

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