Sadly it has come to this. You are right by this decision and I stand with you. Hope it turns out well my friend β€πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™

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You are brave and fearless to continue to stand on the side of truth. And you did it at a high cost, but you are the loving adult in the room. God bless you!!! This ideology is so hard to navigate, the lies are so deep and penetrating, the appearance of compassion is alluring but just an illusion. This is a war between good and evil. Thank you for taking a stand and pushing back the darkness in your own home with your own family.

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I don't know if you were able to actually send her this letter, but it was therapeutic to write it, nonetheless. Good for you! Your Momma Bear came out and you are amazing! How awful to be so disrespected in your own home. Your anorexia analogy was spot on, too. This is not a game we are playing but a living nightmare. At any given moment we could lose one of our loved ones to depression, a health complication from the cross-hormones, or from surgery complications. This is a serious matter and anyone who does not understand that needs to back-off. Affirming an already confused and obviously unhappy child caught in the trans cult snare is not going to help matters. We are in this crisis because people like your sister-in-law stuck their noses where they did not belong like teachers, therapists, counselors, doctors, surgeons, politicians - the list goes on and on. I hope that you can keep her at bay, and I hope that your daughter will find peace. She has you standing by her side, and willing to fight for her, I hope she realizes this one day. Best wishes.

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This is so hard. And the family bond tears are part of the intended result of division, fear, and uncertainty. Does anyone recognize the PATTERN here? What happened to familial relationships during & after Covid? How bout the divides in relationships between left leaning liberals & right leaning conservatives within families? Have we forgotten so quickly? I commend you for doing what you can to protect your daughter. At 24, 21, 18, 16, & even 12 the LAW designates children with the capabilities to make informed, often times developmentally inappropriate decisions. We know that full frontal lobe development continues in humans until approximately 25-27 years of age. From a medical, developmental, & biological perspective, it is preposterous & dangerous to permit, let alone encourage, CHILDREN to make legally binding ADULT decisions that they are incapable of making. This is not about parents/family coddling or enabling their distressed children. Our culture’s laws, norms, values have been degrading slowly for years. This is about parents/families protecting children (yes, even at 24) from irreparable harm. I challenge everyone over the age of 35 to think back on their decision making processes when they were 24. Thank you mom, for doing everything you can to keep your daughter safe, healthy, & human.

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That letter is written better than I would have done. I regret not having the courage to even write one! Too late now as my sister-in-law has been affirming my 24 year old daughter for years while I suffered in silence. No longer will I stay silent on this matter. Sister-in-law stated she will not respond to any more of my emails after I bluntly told her if she believes my daughter is male she can believe anything. Well I like to say what it is true, no matter the consequences!

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Your sister-in-law went against your wishes; she regarded herself as superior to you! Shame on her!!!

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You will have a friend upgrade. You will connect with ppl who have common sense & discernment.

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Btw. β€œGender-affirming care” is Newspeak for gender-DESTROYING HARM.

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Good for you!!! I hope you sent it.

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Tell her your analogy too but use a (more) mental health issue like someone being psychotic and using a gun to kill her family and you just agree with them. Maybe she will get the point cause it IS a mental health issue!!

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I can relate to this level of complication. By adopted son was in put in touch with his birth siblings without even a heads-up from the person who took that matter into their own hands. Such breaches of boundaries are very painful. My prayers for healing as time goes on.

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Thank you for writing what so many of us want you to say to family members who affirmed this cult. I wish my daughter in law would stop so my son can get the proper help he needs. I feel she’s got the power to stop this but she doesn’t want too cuz she thinks it’s real. I pray daily she finds her voice to speak up to her husband and say I can’t do this anymore. Please stop and get professional help. Your family and mine were right this was a cult. I pray everyday for us all.

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It takes a good deal of courage to say this to a family member and I admire the sentiment. My own sister in law was one of the first to insert herself and get onside. This was behind my back as my daughter had already estranged herself from the earliest days. We tried to explain the dangers to both her and my brother - but it’s been useless. My sister in law thinks she has every right to act almost in my place. She takes her family to visit my daughter regularly. We haven’t seen our daughter for 6 very long years. My sister in law refuses to talk to me about any of it. She has a β€˜saviour’ complex and is emotionally controlling. My poor brother! But he just has to go along with it. The situation has been extremely painful but as time’s gone by I realise that it’s better my daughter is still in touch with some of the family and I have had to try to let my anger go. Not easy, a work in progress, but it’s better for me to do it this way. Needless to say, I would never dream of pushing myself between my sister in law and her own children if they were experiencing difficulties!

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This letter to your sister in law is a perfect template message and I shall forward it. You know how to stand your ground and I feel very proud of you for doing it in such an elegant succinct manner.

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Ugh I felt all this and I am so sorry- I can't believe we even have to justify why social integration is a path to medicalization. And who un their right mind can even say it's ok to sterilize and remove/amputate parts. And these people will be medical patients for life with severe complications. Yes we will fight for child until my last breath.

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Send it to her and copy all relevant family members.

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It's horrifying. Spread the word!

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