Agree completely 100 %.

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This story, though written to highlight a different place in history makes me think of the trans issue, and how trying to placate someone with a mental illness does not go well.

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That's what they'll try to believe but their conscience will get the better of them, if they have one.

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True. Which begs the question, "Who wasn't saying no to this harmful idiotic curriculum?

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"There is a thought that sends shivers of dread down my spine. It is imagining being asked, "Why didn't you stop me?" through tears and anguish, after a young person's body has been irreparably scarred for the sake of an ideology, and after the fog of gender confusion lifts and the brain completes its development..."

To which others need to ask, "Why didn't you tell her NO? Why didn't you BE the responsible parent and tell her NO, she cannot transition, it's a silly fad, but why don't you start therapy and..."

This shit has snowballed as much as it has because 'progressives', and especially 'progressive' parents, are unable to say the word NO.

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I agree with you that it's parental responsibility to prevent children from self-harm caused by gender-affirming treatments. However, for many parents, this means not only completely cutting off their GD child from the internet (which is possible and the right thing to do) but also pulling out a child from the school that cherishes gender dysphoria and celebrates kids for "coming out" as trans or non-binary and fire doctors who tell them that they must choose "between a trans child and a dead child."

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HERE's an excellent reply for the suicide blackmail https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38699117/

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I remember still the absolute panic when I realized after calling so many therapists that there was no treatment allowed for gender dysphoria. And I was very clear that I was looking for a neutral exploration of gender and the distress my daughter was experiencing. Affirmation only is to ensure that they are fed onto the assembly line of medical transition. All exits must be blocked. That’s what the mental health field has done, sacrifice our children’s healthy bodies to an ideology, ensure that we can’t get any help for them.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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There is no such thing as "gender affirming care", but there is a lot of cult indoctrination going on. Any doctors who believe that mammals can change sex should be struck off. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/its-not-a-failure-to-admit-you-were

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My son who 'transitioned' to female almost 9 years ago found a social worker for counselling about his 'gender dysphoria'. When I found out her name I researched her qualifications. I discovered she was a new graduate of Social Work and her only previous work experience was as an addition counsellor on a 'reserve' in Alaska. I asked my son how he had found her name and who had recommended her. He told me she was the counsellor recommended by the LGBTQ community. She had a reputation of never disagreeing with a youth who was convinced they were the wrong gender. Then, he told me the Kids Help Line were the first people to suggest to him that the cause of his depression was due to him being the wrong gender. This same counsellor took a special interest in my son and told him to not speak with any other counsellor and when he was working the phone lines. He never got any other 'input'. Not even our family doctor dissuaded him from latching onto this 'theory' as being the potential 'cure' for his depression. Be careful who your kids talk to!

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this was also the case for us--and I will call out this villain: Mary Collins, who has become the face of the transgender movement in Alabama. https://www.psychreg.org/affirmation-conversion-therapy-transgenders/

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Exactly. Another question that should be asked of anyone actively or passively supporting this, "How will you live with yourself knowing the horror and damage you didn't try to prevent"?

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"How will you live with yourself knowing the horror and damage you didn't try to prevent" - Most of them will excuse themselves by saying thy just "followed the science "and "did their jobs."

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Good point. I wonder if they even think of that. Don't they imagine these kids being 30, 40, 50 years old? These procedures are FOREVER.

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May 15·edited May 16

One of the worst practices of doctors who transition children is the lack of interest in follow-up. When the U.K. was challenged by the high court in the Keira Bell suit, the government sponsored gender clinic, the Tavistock, was asked to provide statistical evidence supporting the long term efficacy of transition services, including puberty blockers and suicide risks. THE CLINIC HAD NO DATA TO SHARE, because they had done no follow-up studies. In other words, the popular assumption was that once kids transitioned they were “cured” of their gender dysphoria and nothing more was needed. Loss to follow-up is extremely common and only recently have any studies been done to demonstrate the long-term effects of medicalization.

This is why psychologists don’t imagine kids being 30, 40, 50 years old. They don’t expect or even have awareness of regret, future detransitioning or unhappiness. As far as these therapists and doctors are concerned, their work is done. The procedures are forever, yes, but that is considered the cure. Their refusal to take responsibility is quite shameful.

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Agreed. It goes further than that. Many Detransitioners have tried to get help medically to get back as much as they can to their original selves. They are blown off, shunned, blamed for "their decision" etc. Not to mention insurance doesn't cover anything to fix the damage these butchers created. It is jawdroppingly inhumane.

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Excellent letter!

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Great rebut to the mental health establishment pushing gender dysphoria.

Highly recommend you watch and save the video that discusses the Intersex arguments for a third sex. In process the video clearly defines how our binary sex is made chromosomal in coordination with hormone production and specialized receptors.

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Glad you found it helpful, I thought it was a great explanation. The people who did that one also have several others.

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This is a fantastic letter - bravo! I too will be able to say that I did not affirm this ideology and that I actively stood on a busy street corner holding signs above my head that spoke against this trans cult. I did not affirm my nephew. I have spoken out to family members who think that "trans could be real" and I have spoken at length to good friends to educate them. I bought a dozen books "Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans" and handed them out. Recently I even gave one to my therapist who is now learning the truth. We all have a part in fighting this evil and no one can afford to do nothing. Your letter is brilliant! Keep the home fires burning but speak the truth. We owe it to this lost generation.

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Good for you!!!! Keep fighting the good fight!

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Psychotherapy is an industry rooted in the denial of cosmological dualism, good and evil. The fathers of psychiatry aren’t all in denial of it, but most are. So, it follows that this pseudoscience would embrace the profitability of this tranny shit. America is a business, not a nation of communities. If you needed proof, just read the parents words in essays like this one. Evil is real. Goodness is real. God is real. And God is more powerful than evil. And there will be justice.

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We know who wins in the end. He has already won. 💗

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Thank you so much. This is absolutely brilliant!

I wanted to add a response to those who are discussing voting here and say they will vote for trump to protect kids: trump will sell out to whoever brings him the most money, which is the trans cult medical industry. He will not stop this mess but will feed it. It's nazis like him and his torchlight parades who funded Mengele and those who started experimenting on kids, including in the US. Meanwhile, this cult is trying to eradicate Lesbians and gay men, which the republicans also want to do, and that will further feed this horrific cult by getting every confused person (adults as well as children) to "transition."

We can reach the democrats who actually do care. But the republicans now are literal nazis.

Also, for many of us, this is a life or death issue about not being homeless, getting food and basic medical care, so please do not support trump and his evil "boys."

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"We can reach the democrats who actually do care."

What can they do in the face of their party's political machine arrayed against them?

Perhaps it's a matter of being a lifelong independent voter in California, but I've watched the machine politics here becoming uglier and more destructive with each passing year.

Remember Peter Camejo? he was defenestrated from the SWP for ideological impurity. Having followed his career from the time of his presidential candidacy in the early seventies, his eventual ejection from the party came as no great surprise. What did surprise me was observing the same dynamic emerge from within both the Democrat and Republican parties. If you were to think me naive for that surprise, I'd have to concede that you have a point.

Politics does indeed "make strange bedfellows." Being an issues and candidacy voter leads me to maintain open communication with individuals from both the left and the right. based on the outcome of unscientifically-conducted conversations, it appears to me that ordinary working-class Republicans are routinely just seeking the least of all evils, as are a plurality of Democrats.

For that matter, aren't we all?

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My concern is why would anyone working class be republican when they despise us? The few I know of are men, of course, and ironically, often immigrants, believing that the republicans are more "all-American." Trump plays on this and one fool I know from England even said "he's a man of the people." But which "people"? The rich who hate the rest of us...

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"My concern is why would anyone working class be republican when they despise us?"

Very good question, Bev Jo. Again from the perspective of my admittedly unscientific "survey" results, I'd divide the polity into three broad categories; those who are willing to discuss issues and attitudes on their merits, those who identify individuals as unthinking ciphers, and those who refuse to think at all and simply hurl insults.

The last can be dismissed, because they cannot be reasoned with and refuse to reveal anything about themselves. The second seem rather adrift, appearing incapable of existing apart from a consensus that offers protection from uncomfortable introspection.

The first category contains those that criticize ideas but do not utterly condemn well-intentioned people for holding those ideas.

From my own perspective, President Trump fits within my pattern recognition as a type subject to what I call "executivitis." This malady afflicts business leaders who, rather than actually studying issues and engaging with the minutiae necessary for effective decisionmaking, find "experts" within their organization and set them at each others' throats, making the final decision on the basis of a sort of gladiatorial, Darwinian approach.

I appreciate your indulgence and beg a bit more.

Immediately following the 2016 election, I engaged in a forum discussion with a number of people who were gloating over the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of those whose candidate lost. I made an appeal to their compassion, pointing out that the new president's public persona was inextricably linked to his television catchphrase of "you're fired!"

These were working-class people, and the replies were instructive; they conceded the point and shared their similar concerns, concerns for job stability and the general welfare of friends and family and their small towns that had been hollowed out by job offshoring.

Another episode I find rather illuminating is one resulting from acts of charity. About forty years ago, I hit a rough patch. My friends on the left sent me care packages, let me couch-surf and fed me dinner. My friends on the right "invented" chores for me to do, things that really didn't urgently require doing, but provided an excuse to give me money and feed me lunch while I performed those handyman tasks.

"transactional," one might say, and do so with some degree of accuracy, but what sort of transaction? My friends on the left found value in conviviality and humor.

I think the "conservative" (whatever that may mean on an individual basis) value is something akin to "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime."

I suspect that you already know this about the diffrent approaches to extending a kindness, but my point is that there is no collective without the individual; there is only a mob, subject to the dynamics of mob behavior, the "mass effect," the "madness of crowds."

those of us who have been truly poor live with the reality of Hobbes' description of life as "solitary, nasty, brutish and short." Those who have never experienced life in that way, are invested in their snap judgments over the reasons for poverty amidst plenty. When I regard the latter, I seem to intuit a sort of "whistling past the graveyard" dynamic.

I also find myself in sympathy with the Libertarian principle espoused by Thoreau; "that governs best which governs least," but it''s an ideal. markets are always distorted and by the time the predators and parasites are reined in by market forces, they've destroyed countless lives irreparably.

There's a cohort of working-class Republicans who despise, but there's a silent majority that just want to be left alone to struggle through life as best they can. They're not so different from Democrats in that regard.

Anyway, thank you for your reply and your indulgence in the ramblings of a tired old man.

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The sad problem is that the republicans who want to be left alone are voting in a way that brings our country increasingly closer to a nazi state where maniacs like Drumpf want to be Fuehrer. But republicans have been working against our country since Reagan and before. Reagan wanted all our forests cut down, they want to pollute our air and water and earth. Everything they are for is for their profit and against what is good for the rest of us, including nature.

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"the republicans who want to be left alone are voting in a way that brings our country increasingly closer to a nazi state where maniacs like Drumpf want to be Fuehrer."

Authoritarianism appears to be endemic. Power begets a desire for more power and I don't disagree with you about the rising fascist state. On the other hand, I've observed that power principle working to corrupt leadership on both sides of the aisle.

As an old school "bleeding heart Liberal," I'm convinced that what allows the seizure of power by authoritarians like Bush, Clinton, Obama and Trump, is the rise of limited liability.

Communism is state-ownership of the means of production. Fascism is state control over privately-owned means of production. Capitalism is Mercantilism without personal liability for the destruction caused by wealth concentration and economic entropy.

None of those arrangements are exempt from the fundamental laws of economics. The question is always a matter of how deeply each system intrudes into the personal lives of citizens.

There is always a cost to be borne. Low-density agrarianism has environmental costs, but they're more localized. I'm no Malthusian, but there's no coherent refutation of his point that population density has limits beyond which the environmental costs lead to bankruptcy.

The reason why we're in an endless loop of economic growth is entropy. It's a treadmill that leads to hunger and death when one steps aside from it. Rather horrible, but an inescapable fact.

Reagan is a great example. I remember the day he made self-defense unlawful in California. I considered the act racist then, and still do.

And then Clinton. Production costs were rising steeply as the environmental contamination controls were imposed. Eventually, goes the theory, it would have all balanced out, but Clinton scored environmental points by the simple expedient of opening the floodgates to products made in countries that lacked those controls and their associated costs. In other words, he offshored pollution and claimed credit for reducing environmental contamination on American soil.

With the pollution went the jobs. What did America gain? It appears that we simply provided the means for a totalitarian nation to become a grave military and economic threat toward the rest of the world. It was predictable, predicted and we see it manifesting itself more clearly now than ever.

I dunno, Bev Jo, it's quite the conundrum. Central planning doesn't work, laissez-faire doesn't work and every attempt to strike a happy medium between the two results in a "seesawing" from one extreme to the other.

I can no longer consider myself an environmentalist, considering the extremists that seize power in every organization at some point. I'll always be a conservationist, though. Poisoning soil and water is just not a prescription for human flourishing.

However much her extremist background colors her judgement, there's no getting around the fact that Lena Khan and her henchwomen are doing something that is long overdue; applying a corrective to the fascistic control enabled by monetary velocity at the peak of the Pareto distribution curve.

Meanwhile, the unholy alliance between corporate power concentration and the state's otherwise-legitimate monopoly over violence, continues its corruption of our democratically representative republic.

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Sorry, but my republican neighbors and friends have never despised me because I was a Dem (I'm now an "I"). We joke around about it some, but there is NEVER any hate. My republican friends/neighbors know about my family "situation" and they are on my side about this issue....can't say the same for some of my Dem family members and friends. We need to stop this finger pointing and realize that MOST people are in the center (left or right) and that ALL the noise is coming from the far fringes left and right. I don't think Biden would even know what a "transgender" is! He spouts his talking points from the teleprompter same as they all do. Biden probably just shakes his head and thinks "those crazy kids" and goes about his day. As for Levine....Biden doesn't really get a say for his "picks" for the lower cabinet positions.

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The republicans I know despise me for being working class. Either they got class privilege by selling out the environment with the corporations they worked for (which made horrific pollution where I grew up), or they are still poor/working class but vote for the oppressor, as I said, because they think that makes them more "all-American." And most I know are would like to eliminate me for choosing to be a Lesbian as well.

I do wonder how well trump would be doing is he still used his family's German last name of Drumpf?

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No Republican I know, & I know a lot of them, (though I'm not one), gives a shit if you're a lesbian. Live your life, as most people, red or blue, want to live theirs, and consider your impulse to divide. Just observe yourself.

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You're a Lesbian? I know a lot of republicans also and they certainly do not support Lesbians. Not long ago we were illegal. Observe your own self....

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"The republicans I know despise me for being working class."

I am looked down upon by many for being "trailer trash," Bev Jo, with the difference between Democrat and Republican insults being that the prosperous Democrats are treacly-sweet in their condescension and the Republicans just sneer openly. It's an equal-opportunity contempt, but I prefer the Republican kind. Better, in my opinion, a punch in the face than a knife in the back.

It's rather sad, really, that so many retreat into redefining terms. "Senior Manufactured Home Community" sounds so much more elegant than "I got me a double-wide in a trailer park."

For myself, I just grin and stick with the "Ah got me a doublewide" description. As times get harder and folks get older and poorer, they find themselves having to (as the Australians used to say) "lower their dignity."

I know... if you're old enough, come be my neighbor and we can have barbecues and shoot pool at the clubhouse, and laugh at life's silliness and our own foibles.

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Thanks for the invite, but I'm sharing a one bedroom house with two friends, that's way cheaper than the "mobile home" my mother had lived in. I'd be old enough!

I agree about both groups but again, it's about survival, with Democrats not taking away my health care or food stamps or making me illegal for who I love. I come back to: there are many kinds of democrats with some truly caring, while the republicans vote as a block for nazis. That way is death.

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I am really torn on who to vote for. I am deeply conservative on almost all issues. Probably more libertarian actually. But we have two dumpster fires to choose from this November. It's basically down to who is LESS evil. :-(

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Why would anyone vote to put a known criminal in the White House?

Trump instigated Jan. 6th & instigated the crowd against his own Vice President, Mike Pence. Remember that? They brought a guillotine & chanted about hanging the Vice President.

Why would anyone who is not a criminal vote to put a criminal in the White House?

In the Carroll trial Trump was judged guilty of sexual assault and defamation. He can't run a charity because he was convicted of stealing from his charities. His university defrauded students. He's a known tax cheat. He's a serial adulterer and paid off women and colluded with the Tabloid Press to keep his affairs out of the news. ...

Why would anyone vote for this guy? He's a criminal.

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Why would anyone vote for a used to be Moderate Democrat President who has turned his back on the Moderates who got him there? He has sold out to our Far Left Dems for votes without any knowledge of the issue. Now what?

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now you answer my question: why would you vote for a criminal? I seriously would like to understand this.

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I wouldn't and won't. My point was, they are both not viable candidates at this point.

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well, a very good reason is that Biden is not a criminal.

Trump is.

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Biden may not be a criminal by your definition, but objectively, he is a proven serial liar. Why would you vote for someone who continues to repeat lies which have been easily and clearly established as such?

Biden is slime, Trump is slime.

In my opinion, the world was a better place for the brief time before Joe Biden somehow got elected to the Presidency. This, despite all the hysterical hand-wringing and "sky-is-fallling" reactions by those opposed to DT.

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Trump is actually evil, admits to groping women, is a rapist, cruel, and proud of it. Biden means well, so I think is safer for the country. Trump would even use nuclear weapons on a hurricane.

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"Biden means well"- LOL

Yeah, that's what I was hearing from him during the Morehouse Commencement Address last weekend...

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He means well? That's a HUGE amount of slack for supporting the indoctrination and brutalization of vulnerable kids, young people and adults.

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I agree. Biden definitely doesn’t “mean well.” I personally have decided that Trump is the lesser evil. But we are all free to make our own decision. I expect that as we get closer to the election and the Dems continue to hemorrhage voters as indicated by polling, we will have more and more commenters telling us how evil Trump and the Republicans are and that the Democrats’

unfortunate support of all things transgender is not grounds for rejecting them. These comments are mostly going to be coming from people whose children are not caught up in this cult. And they are absolutely wasting their keyboard activism with parents here. They don’t understand, in their political fervor, that nothing is ever more important to a parent than their child.

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As opposed to Drumpf who would do the same if he was paid enough or got more power?

Yes, there are some in my community who truly think they are helping with supporting the trans cult.

My sympathy for the "vulnerable" who treat me like dirt is limited when they are selling themselves to not be treated like I am. Of course I want to support people here, but not at the cost of my health care, a place to live, and food.

Part of the problem with the trans cult is that they matter more than anyone else on earth. Not playing along with that.

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Biden was also accused of rape, but that was covered up by the media. The two wars going on now were started under Biden's watch, so just NO. I suggest you start getting your "news" from somewhere reputable like the Free Press.

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This tit for tat about these candidates is pointless. They are both guilty of pandering for votes no matter what the cost.

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I don't trust any males, ever, but trump is far far worse. Again, this is about basic survival for many of us, to not be homeless, get basic health care, food, etc....

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Whose policies are better? That’s the only question. Look at Biden’s cabinet. Levine is a tranny health secretary. This ain’t the best forum for defending Biden.

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Well, I "ain't" playing games or defending Biden. Of course it's about whose policies are better, but a psychopath is not going to have good policies for anyone but the most rich men.

This is about basic survival for us and for many women. I know about Levine and support NO trans in anything since he's just another man, but the republicans also promote trans when it suits them and trump supports banning abortion and the next step is to make Lesbians and gay men illegal once again.

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If PRIDE’s LGBTQ is the political expression of liberated gays, then back in the closet is where they need to go. And you’re right. The corporate gop likes tranny medical profit. If anyone is willing to stand up to pharma, maybe it’s RFK. BUT Biden should have been shot the moment he tried to establish a ministry of enlightenment. Or even he tried to force the vaccines. Or when he hired 87,000 more IRS agents. Or when he denied secret service protection to RFK.

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This is nothing like the original Gay Pride celebrations years ago. The gay people I have heard didn't and don't support this ideology. They were scooped up under the Trans alphabet umbrella by Activists. I did and do stand fully by the LGB community.

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I don't know what a "liberated gay" is, but "LGBTQ" is for the trannies and men and the trendy hets playing at "queer." They took over our community.

I don't know about having Biden "shot," but I sure do agree about protection for RFK and being against the "vaccines" that have almost killed friends who were forced to have them to keep their jobs, and which aren't even actual vaccines and don't work anyway.

I definitely want RFK, but fear he will end up helping Drumpf and the nazis win.

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Excellent. Thank you for standing up for what needs to be said to the entire psychiatric community! We need the same letter sent to the medical community who are using these monstrous surgeries to make tons of money. It's ludicrous and should be stopped. I hope the detransitioners that are suing are successful in court and it sends a huge message to anyone participating in this fraud on our children and adults alike. I also hope they sue the therapists that encouraged this and hold them all accountable. Thank you for speaking up!

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It starts with these supposed therapists. They are supposed to be the gatekeepers. HA! Like all the other professionals, they're more concerned about a steady paycheck.

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