Very clever!

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Brilliant. Love this.

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Yes. Illustrated version in all school libraries

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

I have seen the memes of the trans movement, and this cannot compete with them. Don't work at being clever. Say the truth.

What would go a long way would be sex-realist feminist takes on fairy tales, one without parables or irony, one which was just a good story. In the postmodern world, everything is narrative. Present a narrative you would actually want to live in, a narrative about how things actually are, not one focused on skewering your opponents.

The trans movement gets this, and, despite its unreality, its vision is devouring our youth. What is the beauty of motherhood? What is the strength of fatherhood? Those are narratives we should embrace.

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Love the story, will share tomorrow!

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I have the chaotic urge to make this article into dozens of books and leave them in random places for people to find.

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yes! also, not quite the same writing style, but Paradox Press sends out professional quality flyers just for the cost of shipping - https://www.theparadoxinstitute.com/print/pamphlets/myths-of-gender-affirming-care

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If I had tickets to the wokest cities in the country, I'd print a trillion of these pamphlets and leave them at Planned Parenthoods and sneak them into public school libraries

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I have written a number of similar stories. I am calling them Tales for our Times and hoping to publish them with illustrations but, of course, publishing and libraries are not what they were.

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Loved the story. Just posted a link to my woodcutting social media, albeit with a slightly modified thumbnail. (https://www.facebook.com/steve.nelson.33) - A boatload of thanks for sharing your sanity.

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I liked it for ya, nothing worse than being brave enough to share this stuff, and have no one thumbs up 👍 so that's done!

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Perfect comparison! I will never be able to read Little Red Riding Hood the same way again!

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as a professional theater person my whole life, i'm going to look at this from a theatrical perspective. in early theater women weren't allowed so male actors played female roles but they played them "straight" as it were. the man playing juliet is not mocking or exaggerating her but rather playing the part as a fully fleshed out character. in opera, boys were castrated to maintain the purity of their voices (we're close to doing that now but for other reasons).

once women entered theater, there was still a tradition of en travesti and trouser roles but the difference in purpose is striking.

women playing male characters (trouser roles) in the operas of mozart (cherubino in le nozze di figaro) and strauss (octavian in der rosenkavalier, the composer in ariadne auf naxos, my favorite) and others represent young men, boys still- beardless, ardent, idealistic, naive, passionate but without the violence that sometimes accompanies strong feelings.

contrast this with travesti roles where men play women: the evil stepmother and sisters in the ballet versions of cinderella, the wicked fairy in the ballet of sleeping beauty, the ugly lady chorus in the opera le comte ory where a band of men dress as women to gain access to a castle where the faithful women have sequestered to chastely await their men returning from the crusades. obviously for licentious purposes).

when women play male characters, it's to express the sweetness of that particular young man but when men play female characters it's almost as if the part as written is too abhorrent to be played by an actual woman, as if such evil is beyond womankind.

the wolf in the fable dresses as the grandma he has already eaten so that he can eat the little girl. viola in 12th night dresses as a man to protect herself, to be able to move freely. she is not trying to do any harm. the wolf, dressed as a woman, is.

many years ago, i read an article in rolling stone, when it was still a counter culture rag, by a woman who decided to dress as a man for research purposes, just to see what it was like. she was not flamboyant or caricatured or exaggerated. she just passed as quiet man. the week after her article appeared, i read the letters to editor section and was stunned by the hatred of the responses. how dare she! what a sick, twisted, perverse thing to do! she had no right! etc, etc. how odd, i thought. when men dress as gargoyle versions of women to act out their sexual perversities, we're all supposed to be ok with that, ok to the point of making a "virtue" out of taking infant children along for the fun and yet a woman dressing as a man with no agenda other than curiosity is treated as some sort of high crime.

you see this as well in the trans movement. the few women who transition into "men" just want to live quietly. the men who transition into "women" want to bully women, take their jobs, seize the spotlight, photograph themselves masturbating in women's restrooms, have laws written to enshrine their sickness, impose themselves forcefully into every aspect of our lives.

the blonde wigged person cursing and beating billboard chris was not behaving like women behave. the transpeople holding riley gaines hostage or threatening the life of kellie jae keen are not acting as women act. if jk rowling needs protection, it's not from women who identify as men but rather from men who, while identifying as women, have no idea really how women move through the world.

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Reminds me we still haven't seen Audrey Hale's manifesto. And the mass shooter in PA last week was a cross dresser. Trans violence disappears in media reports.

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rather like the car that drove itself into a crowd of christmas revelers. hard to blame white supremacy when a black man is behind the wheel

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I love this so much!

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Thank you! and thank you for all you do!

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

This is brilliant. Another one is the fairytale about the wolf and seven little goats. In this one we know, that the wolf is a pedophil and we also know, whome has he asked to do the surgery and how he achieved his goal by threatening the surgeon to eat him up. In line with the transideilogy the wolf is pretending to be the mother, who cares.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Excellent, apt adaptation. To stop the insanity, we need all of the Red Riding Hoods to have the courage to stand up for sanity. Riley Gaines shouldn't have to do it alone.

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I see that fairytale as the Little Mermaid, only instead of Lia Thomas giving up his voice for what he wants, he steals the voices of real women. Like Riley Gaines.

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Brilliant! 👏

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