The trans community is like a cult. They demonize parents. They isolate and indoctrinate youth. What is most shocking and troubling to me is that governments and media are promoting it.

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I'm so very sorry to read this harrowing account of what has happened to your daughter. It's beyond Appalling that parents are told they don't know their children or have their best interests at heart when in fact that is exactly what we do have! You are a wonderful mum and what you have done to try to get your daughter proper help is amazing. Many parents may have given up but you have persevered. You should be proud of everything you have done. I hope beyond hope that your daughter does not go through with surgery and that one day very soon you will get her back ❤️

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Well said. I have great concerns these days that so many parents are disconnected from their intuition. Humans parented without the advice of "experts" for hundreds of thousands of years. We have created systems that fray the natural parent-child attachment. It breaks my heart when parents accept that they somehow don't know their own child. Please never let someone make you believe that you are not the expert on your own kid. Keep advocating for what you know is best for your child. Listen to your intuition and stand strong in your parenting authority when seeking support. It's important to find support among those that align with what you know to be healthiest for your child. Vet carefully.

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Wow, Im so sorry for what this ideology has done to you and your family. Your daughter's doctors were negligent at every turn. Ty for sharing. 🙏🏻

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Thank you for this heartbreaking account. I am wondering if I can send this story to the president of the Royal Australian & NZ College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP)? They recently decided to stop using a gender affirmative model of 'care', and I was going to write a letter of support for this decision, so they know that the public is on their side. I will not attach your story to my email without permission.

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Thank you. They really do need to know the reality.

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Thank you and to all the PITT parents for sharing your individual stories of pain and injustice. It helps me to know I am sane amidst the cruel insanity around me. And to feel less alone in my despair. And I am feeling inspired to tell my own story of my vulnerable precious son preyed on by the trans cult at the tender age of 19. It has ripped apart my once happy family. My husband is devastated. My daughter misses her brother. I teeter between the edge of profound, helpless, angry sadness and resiliency every day.

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Thanks for sharing and I am so so sorry you are going through this. One thing that I saw in your essay : "The endocrinologist said “Don’t you just want your daughter to be happy”." So, the endocrinologist didn't even pretend to believe the crap about her being a boy and still thought giving her testosterone was the right treatment? I think most of these greedy doctors know but just don't care. It's either that or something even darker happening with some group of people wanting the the brightest of our young (Seems like it's always the bright kids who fall for this madness) to be sterile and miserable. Who know why.... Taking them out of competition for survival and procreation? Eugenics? I am not into conspiracy theories but something really dark is going on. I probably sound insane.

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You are not insane to think this is eugenics. Autistic girls fall into this transgender trap too easily. There is no motivation in parliament to protect them from self sterilisation. Why?

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I couldn't distance myself any further than is possible from conspiracy theories. I genuinely hate them. No evidence at all, just vague anecdotes fueled by folk that want to believe something. This is not a conspiracy, it's a teenage craze that's using social media to give it credence in a mass hysteria is all. But to the outsider, it's utterly bizzare and frightening. I agree, of all the possible conspiracy theories, this one and only this one could be described as such. But it isn't. I'm resolute in that regard. Or tell me who (not they) is orchestrating it and we have then have a debate. Your not insane to wonder though. I've been wondering if I am too :-)

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How do you define conspiracy? I'm not sure that eugenics is the goal--more a devastating downstream effect, but transhumanism is a definite agenda we've been groomed to participate in. Just curious about the line when corporate interests and tactics cross into conspiracy?

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I was specifically referring to "conspiracy theories" instead of "conspiracy". It's a typo in my reply. Thanks for spotting it.

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I am at the start of the same journey, but my daughter is 21 now and ADHD. Friends don't want to know and think that I am 'right wing' or a 'bigot'. I was a left leaning Greens voter

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I was so hopeful for a happy ending there, I'm so sorry 😞

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Soon it will be the 8th anniversary of my autistic daughter's death. The horror of what is being done to the most vulnerable of people is going to be one of the most egregious human rights abuses of the 21st century.

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Im so sorry for the loss of your daughter. When you have the strength please raise awareness for your daughter's memory and to help others. Take care 🙏

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I am really sorry.

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I'm so sorry. I hope you are healing.

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Honestly, no because I don't think that it's possible to heal from watching a child die. But yeah, I exist.

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To even try to imagine hurts too much.

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The next year my best friend died. He married late and his son was 11 months old and his daughter was 4. So there are always people who have it worse

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Life is rich with tragedy. One of my sisters was widowed at 34 with four small children. I've lost two siblings. We cannot avoid suffering. And losing a child still seems like it would be the hardest.

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I think that explaining to a child that their parent has died is equivalent. Or what parents of gender cult children experience.

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So much pain and suffering. I'm sorry. "Children and young adults who are mentally unwell, perhaps traumatised with histories of bullying or sexual assault, children who are most likely same sex attracted, children who are on the Autism spectrum, neuro diverse children, kids who are misfits or socially awkward" are all being targeted by Social Darwinism eugenics - evolution through the survival of the fittest. It is evil through and through.

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I know that most, if not all parents like me living through this hellscape, will have moment after moment of terrifying recognition reading your heartbreaking story. The commonalities — between our kids, between the monstrous clinicians we encounter, between our experiences of disbelief, confusion, frustration, terror, and grief — are in and of themselves their own special horror show. To witness this so clearly is part of the torture. My heart goes out to you, to all of you who live this shared nightmare. I am so very sorry for us all.

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Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story. My daughter (16 almost 17) has a diagnosis of autism and had still been let down by schools and professionals. She was bullied into being trans by peers and social media. It is also heavily promoted in schools, they are encouraging kids to be trans. Im over 2 years in and trying to support my daughter through activities and volunteering. Im truly appalled by how society has embraced such a radical ideology that promotes harm to vunerable children and young adults. It is medical malpractice and like you say, a scandal in the making. It has to stop NOW before more children are harmed.

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This is social contagion just like anorexia was a few years back.

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Totally agree but with this contagion its affirmation only and no professional support.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

And where they are told to discard their families & how they can form new, better ones with an assortment of people who "support" them in the cult GI.

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It reminds me of Communist/Fascist regimes that went after the kids. They convinced kids to turn in their parents. Mao, Soviet Union, etc.

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Yes, I think of the Chinese Cultural Revolution often.

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Your story reads like my own. This could so easily be my daughter in the next four years. I am terrified for her and the many other children out there, suffering.

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As a father going through the exact scenario but 4 years behind; I'm looking into my daughter's possible future reading this. I'm terrified of the consequences but genuinely grateful that there are sites like this to help me realise I'm not alone. Still looking for help that isn't affirmation only. I well up most days. But I'll always be there for her and hopefully I will find a way to help her through this madness.

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I believe there is work the parents can do to encourage healthier outcomes, though part of that work is accepting what little control we have over our children's adolescent and young adult experience. The terror that grips us in the beginning of this journey with our transIDed kids is necessary to shock us into action but it's been my experience that operating out of that fear when deciding how to respond to our kids does damage. The sadness you're experiencing is normal. Grieving our expectations as parents is part of the process. Hang in there. Work to heal yourself.

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The new gender ideology tells vulnerable young people that if a girl doesn’t fit the alpha-female mold, she’s trans; if a boy doesn’t fit the alpha-male mold, he’s trans. These stereotypes are antiquated and fascist in nature, and transitioning only serves to catalog and sterilize these young people. We live in dangerous times.

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Exactly! They are reinforcing stereotypes.

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