Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023

This is a lovely article with many important aspects.

However, I'd like to point out a small but important misconception in the linked article from Transgender Trend called "A childhood is not reversible." The author states:

"There is, to my knowledge, no research which looks at outcomes for children who are supported to express themselves however they want, but whilst still being referred to by their biological sex." On the contrary, there are decades of research that looked at outcomes based upon these precise parameters, and the results have been uniform. We've all heard the claim that the majority (60%-90%) of so-called gender-nonconforming children, if left alone, but reminded that they do in fact have a biological sex (a strategy called "watchful waiting"), will, after going through puberty, accept their biological sex and most will come out as gay and lesbian, while some will be heterosexual and a few will be trans. These statistics accrued over many years of research, as discussed in the next paragraph.

In 2018, Canadian sexologist James Cantor compiled a list of research that led to this conclusion in his refutation of false claims by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Cantor cites 11 studies conducted between the years of 1972 and 1913. The full list of Outcome Studies of GD Children and Their Results appears at the end of his article.


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Aunt Boo is a rock star. You're lucky to have her, Elizabeth! Also really enjoyed the article she linked. What an apt description of the process of transitioning when parents believe the suicide statistic lie. Thank you for this! ❤️

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Every single day I thank my lucky stars to still have her in my life! Thanks for mentioning the article, it's one everyone should read. I know when I first started learning about this stuff the "social transitioning" aspect seemed pretty benign on the surface. My mind changed on this long ago, but this article is one of the best at explaining why this practice is so misguided and damaging.

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How to peak an adult with grown children!

1 - Show them this book, let them read it. -> (Takes two minutes)

2 - What do you think? -> "Wonderful lovely diverse etc"

3 - It's transphobic hate speech and the author has been forced out of the profession of writing children's books because of all the hate in there. -> (Blinks uncomprehendingly) "That's insane"

4 - Receipts. -> (Peaks)

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Thank you, Aunt Boo:)

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I often wonder what people her age think about this stuff. It must seem surreal that these are real issues families face. It seems surreal to me, and I’m only 50.

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Well, they mostly don't know because for the most part the mainstream press hasn't reported on it. I think many would be shocked, from wherever they are on the political spectrum. When she talks to other elders, they never know. I didn't tell her for a long time about what I was discovering because it's just so upsetting and surreal, as you say---at 94, it seems like a person should be able to rest and relax! But she's one of my best friends and it started spilling out, especially when I wrote some songs she wanted to hear, like the one for PITT parents.

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I love Aunt Boo. Hopefully her message is received and taken to heart by her younger loved ones.

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People don't value the wisdom of elderly people and show them little respect. It's tragic.

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I'm going to remember this line: "Nothing that medicine can do can make me able to produce sperm and not eggs!!!"

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So beautiful! Thank you, Elizabeth and Aunt Boo!

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What a wonderful gift of wisdom from this woman. This family is fortunate to have her in it. Thank you, I am forwarding this to others.

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It's nice reading a more measured take on all this from someone who is at the end of a very long life. Being in the middle of it all, and having young kids myself, I am nowhere near as circumspect as Boo is. I grew up in a very tolerant country, perhaps very different from Boo's world. As a result, no matter what her politics are, I think she probably saw the gay rights movement as a welcome change to America and the culture more broadly. Maybe it was, but I can't help but want it rolled back. I don't care how cruel that may sound. It has overstayed its welcome; it is noxious; it harms children. Love is not love when it comes to my kids. This mantra and movement really was a slippery slope, and we're still sliding. The ideology should be ground to dust if it means one child saved. Again, I'm glad Boo is speaking up, and I'm sure her "great-grands" would not appreciate something as strident as what I feel, but this genie needs to be put back in the bottle.

I appreciate the link to "Childhood is not Reversible" by the way. Thank you.

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I agree with you.

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My understanding is that the "T" snuck in by saying it was just the newest version of LGB. LGB is who you are attracted to, "T" is how you view yourself.

I don't think kids should be constantly encouraged classifying their sexuality when they are young though, or asked about it all the time, it is what it is. They just should know not to freak out if they are attracted to someone of the same sex and that there is nothing wrong with them. That doesn't need to be discussed daily, that's not what school is for! We don't talk about the fact that people have different eye colors all the time either, even though it is there.

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I don't agree that we need to roll back on gay RIGHTS but we do need to roll back on propaganda. Why on earth would middle school kids need GSA clubs? A club with "sexuality" in its name that is school sponsored and led by a teacher sounds creepy even if you know nothing else about trans cult. Parents proudly announcing their young teens coming out? Creepy and tactless. Let the young figure out their sexuality slowly, naturally, and privately. Virtue signaling by placing rainbow flags on your front lawn? Creepy and stupid.

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Being gay or lesbian has nothing to do with being transgender. I've known I am a lesbian for 50 years. I've also known since then that transgenderism was an iatragenic problem that came from the sexology movement that dates back to the early 20th century and that it was misogynistic and regressive. Dr. John Money and his ideas were being promoted by a certain part of the medical establishment for decades and decades. LGB was hijacked by T, not the cause of T.

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I am sympathetic, but it's hard to argue that the gay rights movement was not an incubator for the current gender craze.

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Disagree that gay rights advocacy incubated “the current gender craze.” They are not at all related—gay is about sexual attraction; the gender craze is about pretending to be a different sex.

Just because movements use similar words to describe their goals, does not mean the movements are related.

That’s like saying women's rights advocacy (that is, feminism) encouraged males to begin identifying as women.

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Thank you, "Aunt Boo," for sharing your wisdom with your family and with us, too. I hope your young relatives receive your message and book in the loving spirit in which you gave them. We need more elders like you to speak up in this way!

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Beautifully done!

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What a blessing your mom is! Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for this! I just ordered a copy of "My Body is Me" to put in my elementary school nurse office.

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It is a wonderful book, impossible to see how anyone could object to its beautiful message about loving our bodies. I need to order some copies to have on hand. I know a lot of the parents here are of teenagers, but so important to have positive and accurate material for the very young, and counter the indoctrination happening with the tsunami of other books promoting gender ideology for toddlers.

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