Jesus. I’m so sorry. I remember having to fend off a OB at 8 am in the morning trying to convince me to get an implanon, less than 12 hrs after I had an emergency c-section. I had to remind her that it is physically impossible for me to get pregnant if I am abstaining from intercourse for 6 weeks and I have time decide. Apparently some OBs don’t know how babies are made…

It’s pathetic how hard we have to advocate for basic problems. It shouldn’t have to get to utter catastrophe healthwise before doctors actually begin fixing it. You’d never wait for a pussy cut to turn septic and gangrenous before deciding “I guess you NEED antibiotics now…”

I will also give a stern talking to any transwoman who complains about “periods” just… no… A period is not an “emotional or occasional abdominal aches thing”. It’s a function of a healthy reproductive system and a healthy woman and you aren’t even a healthy man. QED.

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:-) The only change I would make is that there is no such thing as a "transwoman". We need to avoid that new language that has bombed our society, IMO. Costmetically Feminized Man (CFM) or something...transexual even.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

*standing ovation!!* 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Yes, yes, yes. So much yes. You said it all. Perfectly.

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Thank you for this story.

I cannot imagine the rage I would encounter if I were in your position.

The world truly has lost the plot when it indulges larping imbeciles' delusions.

My own issue with these idiots' inability to find reality is their assertion that so called puberty blockers are safe and without side effects. When I get exactly the same drugs for managing prostate cancer, the side effects are accepted as part of the risks that chaps with PC have just to put up with.

There is no rainbow unicorn inside now grateful for authentic expression. Only hot flushes, depression, motivational collapse, destruction of libido, sexuality and sexual function.

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Those who come/came with a penis are simply not qualified to talk about periods. Thank you for calling them out. This is just ridiculous but it goes to show how dismissed females are. Our cramps and bleeding and anemia and _all _ are simply compared to stomach /gastro cramps by these wanna-be females. They live a delusion I refuse to affirm or coddle.

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A pediatrician gender pusher said to a bunch of parents that no one should have a period. THIS IS NATURE'S WAY OF GIVING US THE ABILITY TO HAVE CHILDREN. What is wrong with nature?

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Whaaaa? Omg, when I thought I've already heard peek absurdity...the bar goes lower. Wow.

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Correct me if I'm wrong... Your username says "ROGD Child", so I'm assuming you are a child. I know it's cliche, but so so so so so much changes between being a child, to going through puberty, to becoming an adult. Our perspectives about different ideas, our experiences, our outlooks on life. I hated my period with a vengeance when I was younger; heavy bleeding, miserable cramps, the whole shebang. If offered the opportunity to be free of it, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. I hated my breasts. They were (/are) ginormous, "ugly", uncomfortable, awkward. I wanted to be a dude. So much easier. I was suicidal through much of my youth.

... but over time, I've changed. I have an amazing partner, who loves this whole package for whatever bizarre reason, three amazing children I wouldn't change for the world, and I think this body is pretty fucking miraculous. I'm def gonna chop the boobs once I'm done nursing, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm not saying you will suddenly want kids one day. I'm just saying things change, and making monumental decisions in the depths of depression and/or while young and perhaps not understanding the long game may not be the best choice. My unrequested 2¢.

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Well said. And so many ppl feel very uncomfortable and just wrong during puberty. Some more than others. But almost all of us grow out of it! Getting through puberty is the goal!

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Love your post. "Dudes, it’s not a period." It's a free country - or at least it used to be. But, maybe it's only a free country for the dudes and those who do not have children? Our female voices are suppressed. And, we parents have lost our right to parent. Some guy can change his hair and dress (who exactly cares?) but no one can ever "change their sex/change to female". Yet - I hear this all the time - even from non-woke news sources.

Material reality matters. And, language matters. "Transwoman" is reality defying cult language being foisted on us. We must drop all "Newspeak". How about "a Trasexual Guy"? Or, a "Cosmetically Feminized Man" (CFM)? Our kids are "trans identified" daughters and sons. This is not "hate speech". People who use reality based language are not "bigots". I am all for being kind to everyone but the farce in the name of "kindness and understanding" has to stop. Also, it is the opposite of kind. This stuff is crazy selfish and it is hurting young people and families and, I think, the fabric of our society. Our institutions need to wake up. And, there must be an accounting - this is you Johnson & Johnson execs, Planned Parenthood, government, education, medicine, & law.

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It is the opposite of kind--my feeling exactly. We haven’t thought this “kindness” through to where it will lead us. Parents do have an intuitive sense of when to play along with a game/phase and when to say no because indulging that fantasy would be harmful. But now to make that call as a parent is transphobic--and the ideology ensures that kids learn this insane definition of “transphobic” right away. I am an editor for my job, and it’s the language issues that I feel like will be my hill to die on.

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Yes, the language is absolutely key.

I am setting up to write a piece on this. "Trans" is part of the post-modernist view of the world, where there is no actual truth, and everything is a POWER RELATIONSHIP. In trans, for teens, what is going on is an attempt to take ADULT-POWER away and give it to the teen. So, the teen wants you to use HER NEW NAME, wants you to use HIS NEW PRONOUN. This is a direct challenge to the adult - where did his fucking name come from, MOM, in the first place? By changing the name, by changing the pronoun, the teen is taking the POWER of the relationship from the adult and getting it himself.

Similarly with the threats. The threat of suicide (and the actual number of suicides is very very small) is a power move. "Use my new name or I will kill myself". This reminds us that the parent-child relationship is asymmetric - the parent loves the child in a very different way than the child loves the parent, especially by the teen years. The child is very willing to manipulate the parent to gain power.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Which to some extent is normal. Absent groomers and gas lighting at school we'd just have some normal teen rebellion instead of a health crisis.

Have you followed any of James Lindsay? I think there in an intention of taking power away from adults and putting it into the hands of kids. It's a Marxist Queer theory CRT intention. I think that's how a handful of AGPs have gotten so far promoting the ideology as there is an extreme left wing that wants to blow apart families. (I want to add that I have never been a left or right sort of person - never cared for politics, and resent that I have to spend so much time thinking about transexuality).

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Very familiar with Lindsay. I am not saying anything different than what he would say, but I am not sure he has examined the gender-dysphoric-toxic-gender-stuff as carefully as he has some other issues.

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I look forward to your piece. Let us know when it's available please.

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I've never been all that political either, but I guess you'd call me a one issue voter now.

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Me, too, fellow mama!

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:) I think it is the right hill to die on. Once a young naive brain is taken with an ideology - then taking physical steps later is a natural consequence.

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Or put another way, once the young naive brain is fully enmeshed in the cult, is fully overtaken by the glamour of the trans (and glamour is the old word meaning "spell" or "enchantment"), the recovery of sanity is very difficult

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yes - and no one helps. They would against you.

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The term should be "gender-dysphoric male". The use of "trans woman" gives those folks too much credit. I try to use "gender-dysphoric male" (GDM) whenever I discuss this stuff. Using GDM keeps biological reality as a focus.

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How about Women-Terrorizing Fetishist (WTF)?

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Love it.

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WHAHAHA - that's a good one. WTF!! indeed.

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Nice! Well done!

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

GDM is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that it lets these folks self-diagnose. Do all of them really have gender dysphoria? Maybe some of them have gender dysphoria and some of them just indulge a fetish (which I wouldn't care about if they'd leave reality and kids alone)? There are heterosexual and homosexual transexuals and maybe a real and non-ideologue psychiatrist ought to diagnose them instead of them diagnosing themselves. I think that's a big issue. Anyone can self declare anything and it must be instantly "affirmed" with cult like steps to follow.

Maybe we could try Transexual Male (TM) and Transexual Female (TF) although I don't think there have ever been very many of those before the onset of this cult of "trans identified" young people. Humm.... still confusing? I go back to CFM and CMF where "costmetically" could include surgery or makeup.

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I think staying away from "trans" totally is the best approach.

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I like Medically Feminized Man (MFM) and Medically Masculinized Woman (MMW), at least for those who have done some degree of hormonal or surgical treatment.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

That works for me. But, it might slip off people's tongues more easily (important for stickiness) if it's MFM and MMF - for Medically Feminized Male and Medically Masculinized Female. That way you are only switching the last two letters around. If you have to concentrate on what the acronym is too much it doesn't quite "go".

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That is an excellent upgrade from my proposal.

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That works for me.

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I like that! You’re right-trans woman implies that they are somehow a woman and they’re not.

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Yes, "trans woman" implies that they are a "woman modified by trans". But they are a man. So "trans woman" is a bad term - "trans man" same.

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Not the point, but you needed a better doctor. I had the same complaints when I was in my late 30s. Went to the gyno, they did an ultrasound, saw fibroids, and gave me an IUD. Issue resolved, and it makes me furious that you had to go through years of pain and major surgery to resolve the issue that took me a couple months to treat.

And no, biological men don’t have periods. No matter what hormones they take or how long they grow their hair. People need to quit indulging this shit. (And I say this as someone who’s generally happy to respect pronouns and such.)

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💯 it’s lunacy. Your directness is so satisfying!! For our daughters especially, “trans” is sold as a way to escape this material reality—and who can blame them for wanting to? But the “trans” of these particular unhinged activists comes from a very different place, and it is what (I hope, pray, etc) will peak the rest of the country. Also: yesterday I spent several hours watching YouTube videos by Magdalen Berns (who I only discovered yesterday bc I’m late to the party) taking down various elements of trans logic in this same way, and I highly recommend for anyone who hasn’t seen them yet! For me, it feels as if there is a real “emperor has no clothes” moment happening. Maybe?

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I think you ask the crucial question: who does not wish to escape from material reality from time to time?

Looking at this world with its tawdry infotainment, ecological collapse, narcissistic oligarchs and venal politics (all bequeathed to the next generation without their knowledge or consent), the escape from material reality becomes almost like a necessity. Magdalen Burns (God rest her soul) was on the vanguard and precisely captured so many of the fallacies and stupidities of the TRA movement that her work should be compulsory watching for all young folks - although her language gets a bit pungent sometimes, the points she makes are always absolutely correct.

There is a generational element to these culture wars that is very different from the generational elements at play in the 1960s for example. I have once or twice tried to approach matters from a place of greater compassion: instead of ranting about imbecilic epistemology, the lack of historical perspectives and the many rational fallacies and contradictions this stuff throws up, I have attempted to be more educational. But the reactions to this have been, if anything, more vitriolic - more in the manner of fcuk off grandpa, it's not your world anymore. Which is both depressing and unsurprising.

After all, who needs lessons in logical reasoning, the identification of fallacious thinking and putting stuff into a sensible material/historical context when the rain forests are being bulldozed for mass production of beef protein and palm oil?

Personally I believe philosophical education would be very important alongside, in parallel with, ecological activism. It is not an either/or thing.

Surely though, the most important lesson we have to teach young folks who wake up with terrors in the night about what their future might look like, is that material reality is more important than their feelings when it comes to analysis and understanding of what is going on in the world. That puberty has never been easy for anybody and that defining an ever more widening panoply of identities is not radical, but rather escapism.

Personally, as an independent intellectual and philosopher, I would recommend the clarity and precision of Kathleen Stock's work as a tool in such process. But of course that is never going to be accepted by the TRAs because as we already know she's a filthy terf who wants trans people to kill themselves ... an opinion that has been manipulated into youth culture by a pernicious gaggle of nasty ideologues who know exactly what they are doing, the so called cultural Marxists (who, by the way, have about as much in common with what Marx wrote as a pigeon has with a pair of dungarees) whose position is based on the dubious claim that the class war has been lost at the material level and must thus continue at the cultural.

When hashtag no debate is erected to the pinnacle of intellectual achievement, then there really is no point in debating any more. But I guess that is what we must try always to do, even if there is no shared material reality to work with and the "arguments" presented by some of those debating appear to be the whimperings of spoiled children.

I don't know how to knock sense into the debate, but it must happen if we are not to enter the dark ages again.

I wrote a bit about the above here:


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Can I post a link in here? This is the one that sent me down the rabbit hole yesterday: https://youtu.be/JkK7zisjoDk

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That’s a very good one! That bloke is a complete plonker! I have no problem with him being male or a man. None whatsoever.

This.film should be shown to everybody as a warning about what total self delusion looks like. He’s just a bloke with makeup and a skirt. The only one who doesn’t see this is he himself.

I am trying to live as a compassionate Buddhist and to try therefore to be kind to all, understanding of everyone’s little ways and accepting of both who they and who they believe they are, because we all suffer this kind of disjunction at some level. But this bloke really tests my commitment. Big time!

Watching him is like watching parody, but I know it’s not, so it’s difficult to know how to deal with it. And I’m still not entirely convinced that he’s not just taking the piss.

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Thank you for the info about Magdalen!

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You’re a quick study! Thanks for the intro to Magdalen Burns— I’ve been at this for years but didn’t know of her. I just watched one and loved it! Welcome to the club none of us wants to be in. 😅

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Unfortunately, I’ve been trying to understand this for a couple years too (trans-curious daughter who has several “trans” friends, all girls) but mainly just reading and trying to find others who are questioning, politely suggesting Helen Joyce’s book as an option for my book group, tentatively broaching the subject to open-minded friends, etc. But I’m done with that milquetoast exploratory phase. “Men get a fucking grip!” Says it all 😀

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I am also a woman who suffered horrible periods from day 1. I had to miss one day of school every month because I was throwing up from the pain. The doctors told me it was normal and not to worry about it. In my early thirties, I began to try to have children. I bled for weeks, then went months without a period. My hormones were all over the place, but I was too young for menopause, according to the doctors I saw, none of which actually ran any bloodwork on my hormones. Thankfully I was able to get pregnant at 38, and at that time, I found a doctor who explained I was in menopause. I got rid of my uterus at 40. At 42, my ovaries finally gave out. There isn't a person with a penis alive who can imagine the pain, both physically and emotionally that my uterus caused me, and when I see these posts, "Oh, my cramps are so bad!" I want to scream and cry and hit someone.

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That someone has to write this and has to say this is a complete insanity. Those who have the trans delusion should not be coddled.

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Never affirm a lie.

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Amen, sister. And I use that form of address intentionally.

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Also let's not forget the stigma of this monthly replenishing of the womb's lining. Religions and societies around the world place huge amounts of guilt and outcast-status on all women during this most natural of events. ... in many areas of the world women are still actively fighting for basic dignity and rights with respect to the monthly re-lining of the womb. Some are disallowed from school, some are forced to socially isolate... Women's rights are human rights, that's the slogan we have used in this battle ... and yet now men try to opt in ... not to elevate women, not to secure the rights of all women who suffer stigma, but for their own selfish antics. Truly it beggars belief.

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Please count my “like” 100000000..... yes!!! I deal with heavy periods too. They suck! These people are just full of 💩.

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Satan has always gone after our children and women. This cult called “Gender Dysphoria” is his last ditch effort. Those in power tell you it’s women’s month while twisting the knife into every woman and their experience. Go after the girls make them think they can be boys another twist.

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I want to "LIKE" this a thousand times over. Shout it from the roof tops.

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