Recently we published True Believer, the account of a mother who unknowingly led her young son into a trans identity…and back out of it. This may be the most important first person account we’ve published. Behind the scenes, the author agonized over allowing us to tell her story for weeks after our initial contact. She knew the backlash she would receive1. We put it on hold when she got cold feet, and ultimately released it when she agreed that her story was too important not to tell, despite the personal risk. We are immensely grateful to her for agreeing to tell her story to all of you.
So, why do we think this is our most important story to date? Because it smashes the myth of the innately trans child to pieces, and lays bare the cultural, educational, societal, and even family influences that play into this very recent phenomenon of leading children to believe they can be born in the wrong bodies. If this family got it wrong, what makes anyone else think—doctors and therapists included—that they’ve got it right, and that they can know “true trans” (we believe there’s no such thing) when they spot it.
This lie is not going to hold up for long.
When we founded PITT, the only stories out there were accounts of parents who saved their kids lives (in their opinions) by buying into, “affirming”, and encouraging their children and teens’ gender confusion and trans identity. Most of us who write for PITT (and read it) truly thought that we were the crazy ones for questioning the (insane) (il)logic of trans, and pointing out that to believe such an outlandish belief system required a high burden of evidence and proof—which just simply did not exist.
Well, that’s no longer the case.
Think desistance isn’t real? We know better and you should too. Read the following stories for our first person accounts of the supposedly mythical happily-ever-after of gender dysphoria (and one of these stories is a PITT editor’s personal story, so don’t bother saying these are all made up):
The Frantic Search for an Identity
Just a Phase: We should never "transition" kids, teens, or young people
To My Daughter's Therapist: You Were Wrong
Anger, shame and then pure happiness
“They” say desistance is rare. But, is it really?
Think that trans is a permanent state, and detransitioning does not occur? Nonsense. Read the many first hand accounts from detransitioners that are coming into their own and standing up to be counted and to tell their stories, a subset of which are listed here:
Detransitioner Perspective: Reflections of a Transitioner with Regret
My Letter to the Surgeon Who Performed My Double Mastectomy: Detransitioner Perspective
Detransitioner Perspective: Light Persists How My Mum’s Love Saved My Life and Led Me Home
Detransitioner Perspective: What Conversion Therapy Means To Me
Detransitioner Perspective: How Trans Social Contagion Spreads
Detransitioner Viewpoint: On My Relationship With My Parents
Think that trans is innate and not a social media and porn-fueled contagion? Hell no. We’ve seen the truth with our own eyes.
Transgender's Connection with Pornography: It's Undeniable
Crazy Like a (trans, gay) Fox (girl)
Brainwashed: Yes, Content from School, the Internet, and Peer Influence did Make My Kid “Trans”
Media, politicians, educators, and medical professionals: Your time for willful ignorance has come to a sorry end (we’re looking at you, New York Times, Planned Parenthood, WPATH, our public schools, and more). Our stories are out there. They have now been read by thousands upon thousands of people. You can still do the right thing—but only barely. Stay out of our schools; stay out of our families. Your move.
Yes we delete comments as we see fit. This is not “censorship”. PITT is not a public organization; it’s two moms who feel that parents deal with enough and don’t need to be pelted with rotten tomatoes when they tell their stories. If you don’t like it, feel free to stop reading our testimonies. It’s this toxic mindset that you, therapist, doctor, activist teacher, glitter mom, neighbor, random stranger on the internet, are the arbiter of what constitutes “child abuse” and what is the right way to raise this child, and to handle this parenting situation, that got us in this mess to begin with. “You're so nice. You're not good, you're not bad, You're just nice. I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right. I'm the witch. You're the world.” - Into the Woods
thanks for organizing this article with all the links. It is perfect.
Have you (and your American readers) seen this? We need people to comment on the proposal to make them reconsider. I commented. Please spread the word.