Today is my nephew’s 19th birthday. I distinctly remember the day he was born and how excited I was for my sister and brother-in-law to finally have a child. His parents had a difficult time getting pregnant and struggled with fertility issues for years. They sought countless specialists, drank herbal teas, took supplements and vitamins, and monitored their daily temperatures. They spent thousands of dollars to become parents, and finally the miracle of life touched their lives.
Ich hoffe so fest, dass Ihr Neffe und alle jungen Menschen welche das Trans Gift eingeimpft bekommen haben, zur Einsicht kommen wird. Es ist so ein falscher Weg und führt zu keiner Verbesserung des persönlichen Zustandes
Males are males and females are females. Imagination can change perspective but not the physiology. That’s by way of saying that the teacher perpetrated a fraud and it seems liability lawsuit against the teacher should be successful. Our hopes and prayers are with both of your families.
A glimpse of the future I am helpless to prevent with my daughter. I am so sorry for your family. One day at a time, trite as it sounds, is the only way I can cope. But it’s hard when I know what is coming.
That is a very beautiful, yet extremely sad message. I believe what goes around, comes around, that one day soon these groomers will suffer for what they have done with remorse, lawsuits and changes in the law. What they've done to your nephew and other kids is worse than Spanish Inquisition or 20th century lobotomies! Hopefully, your nephew will come to his senses.
This story is so familiar because there are so many families feeling the same pain with kids who have abandoned them in order to become something they are not. I am one of those parents.
Your nephew is so lucky to have such a caring aunt, and you are lucky too to at least get the occasional text. My family has not heard a word from my son for fifteen months. Lets keep hoping.
I’m so sorry for the heartbreak your sister and family are walking through. It is devastating. I have the same thoughts, reliving the joy of my daughter’s life and all the hopes and dreams, the potential she had and when her life was free from this; all gone as if none of it mattered.
Your birthday message to him is beautiful.
I have to believe that they will tire of the side effects and living a lie. Praying for that for all of our loved ones, every day.
Another dose of the grim reality. This ideology destroys everything it touches, one way or another, sooner or later. These parents were aware, they were loving, they didn't affirm the identity, they set reasonable boundaries. None of it mattered, although maybe it will impact the outcome. Eventually. Who knows.
After several years of contemplating this tragedy, we still don't have a playbook about how to get our kids out, or keep them from starting down this path — especially difficult when the schools are working so hard to indoctrinate them at younger and younger ages, and practically all of liberal society is bleating along with the cult crowd. For all of the energy and the work of the new "experts" and the numerous parent support organizations, do we have profiles of the different groups of kids drawn into this and any data about what works for those different sub-types? Do we have any evidence of anything that will keep a child from estranging? Anything that gets through to rigid, indoctrinated, fixated boys? Or to socially awkward, vulnerable, neurodivergent girls? So few detransitioners are willing to speak out — for good reason given the animosity. Fewer parents of detransitioners speak up. Almost no desisters or their parents. We are on information lock-down. Take away the devices, pull the child from public schools — those work with some kids and result in estrangement for others. We are told to build the relationship because there is really nothing else we can do that is a given. Wait for the child to do whatever medical harm they are driven (and encouraged by clinicians) to do and hope he/she comes to his/her senses. Calls to take legal action, but on what basis? Good luck finding an attorney who will take on anything but the most egregious and obvious case of medical harm (and then watch those cases drag out for years with an uncertain outcome). I see more conversation in the public sphere, but no real movement. Just people who believe this dangerous nonsense digging in deeper, with ever more insane condemnation of those who dare question the prevailing insanity.
I greatly value PITT for providing this space and serving as an incredible record of the tremendous harm. I appreciate the stories of hope and renewal. But it's also a reminder of the suffering of our families, with no end in sight.
All of us parents look for some magic conversion that will turn the tide. Some sliver of hope. When my kids were little I’d tell them I love you, I don’t like this action (whatever it may be). I find myself basically saying the same thing now.
This is so heartbreaking...Bless you, for supporting your sister and her family. Speaking from personal experience, it is a devastating betrayal, to have a sibling "affirm" your child.
We understand the terror and trauma too well, of not knowing where your child is, or how he or she is doing. It's a form of state-condoned kidnapping that makes you question a lot about your country.
I would suggest that you and your nephew's parents comb the social media sites for his presence--Reddit is where we found our daughter, and discovered how deeply she had fallen into this and other toxic beliefs. Here is the link you would use: ("MtF" is Male-to-Female.) Look around and see if any of the posts sound like your missing nephew, or if any of the user names look familiar to you. Since it's where I started (and was successful finding our daughter), Reddit is where I stopped. (I know there are other websites where the trans crowd hangs out--just haven't had time to dig into them.)
Reddit also has a "detrans" page, in case any other readers have a child who's incommunicado, and you have reason to think they might be regaining their sanity : .
Those are places to start--unfortunately there are no easy answers here, since the institutions we would rely on for help, have been weaponized against us and our beautiful children.
I wish you and your sister, her son and her family, all the very best--stay strong and don't give up!
I'll say both of those subreddits are a rough thing to read. One has the folks despondent about the changes they made to their bodies when they thought they were trans. The other is a mix of crazed "euphoria" or venting that straight guys don't want to date them. It would be nice if the media, would read them instead of just cribbing the lies out of the dysphoria bible.
I was blocked because I refused to say trans women were the same as cis women. I wanted to scream I don't have a prostate, moron! but I controlled myself. Didn't matter.
The "media," like our other institutions, has been made a de facto tool of the state, to the degree that most people trust them about as much as they do politicians. They need to be made irrelevant, and be replaced by the brave, outspoken individuals going outside of the system who've dared risking their careers, by questioning all of this. Substack definitely helps with this process.
On reflection, as I've thought about it a bit. I think Western media is more about ideology and driving readers and viewers. Especially people who post about it on social media. Engagement is the metric to sell that advertising. We get fed stuff that drives "Engagement" whichever side that is.
What a wonderful uncle you are to care enough to not confirm him in his dysphoria, and to reach out to all of us with your story. These stories are poignant and tearjerking, but they must be told. I will tell mine soon.
Oh my God. Their only child whom they only dreamt would ever exist during years of infertility and now gone again and lost and feeling like falling down an endless and abrupt cliff. How would I not sympathize and my heart not break. I went through the infertility rollercoaster for ten years during which I was able and incredibly blessed with three children. But the last two i have not seen since before Christmas, six months.
And my messages receive a rare thank you reply from a lost thirteen year old bird fallen off her nest. Her older sister, trans, is holding her hostage ideologically in another country, the UK, with the help of a school and social services, and her older brother who is also ideologically captured.
Hard to fathom how strong a grip this has & that it is yet another heartbreaking story. I think I am numb at this point. 2 years in & my ties have been severed. Do not recognize the person my son has become
Keep up those little messages. Helena in a former post advised that we likely cannot reach them on this until they start to see it is not working for them, but we can give little messages, not too much, so that, when they are ready, our dear young people may feel that we do want them and are ready to see them.
My son turned 18 and concurrent decided he is a woman and will have nothing to do with me over not affirming to prescription. I hope we'll be able to reconnect when he is open to it.
To OP: is your nephew welcome back as a woman or only if he desists? Food for thought. There isn't a wrong answer.
He will never be a woman, only a delusional man.
So very sorry. We are all part of this nightmare. The worse part - not hearing from them.
Ich hoffe so fest, dass Ihr Neffe und alle jungen Menschen welche das Trans Gift eingeimpft bekommen haben, zur Einsicht kommen wird. Es ist so ein falscher Weg und führt zu keiner Verbesserung des persönlichen Zustandes
Males are males and females are females. Imagination can change perspective but not the physiology. That’s by way of saying that the teacher perpetrated a fraud and it seems liability lawsuit against the teacher should be successful. Our hopes and prayers are with both of your families.
A glimpse of the future I am helpless to prevent with my daughter. I am so sorry for your family. One day at a time, trite as it sounds, is the only way I can cope. But it’s hard when I know what is coming.
That is a very beautiful, yet extremely sad message. I believe what goes around, comes around, that one day soon these groomers will suffer for what they have done with remorse, lawsuits and changes in the law. What they've done to your nephew and other kids is worse than Spanish Inquisition or 20th century lobotomies! Hopefully, your nephew will come to his senses.
This story is so familiar because there are so many families feeling the same pain with kids who have abandoned them in order to become something they are not. I am one of those parents.
Your nephew is so lucky to have such a caring aunt, and you are lucky too to at least get the occasional text. My family has not heard a word from my son for fifteen months. Lets keep hoping.
Yes, I am at 14 months and 2 weeks with my precious daughter.
How are you doing.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how heartbreaking it is.
I’m so sorry for the heartbreak your sister and family are walking through. It is devastating. I have the same thoughts, reliving the joy of my daughter’s life and all the hopes and dreams, the potential she had and when her life was free from this; all gone as if none of it mattered.
Your birthday message to him is beautiful.
I have to believe that they will tire of the side effects and living a lie. Praying for that for all of our loved ones, every day.
Another dose of the grim reality. This ideology destroys everything it touches, one way or another, sooner or later. These parents were aware, they were loving, they didn't affirm the identity, they set reasonable boundaries. None of it mattered, although maybe it will impact the outcome. Eventually. Who knows.
After several years of contemplating this tragedy, we still don't have a playbook about how to get our kids out, or keep them from starting down this path — especially difficult when the schools are working so hard to indoctrinate them at younger and younger ages, and practically all of liberal society is bleating along with the cult crowd. For all of the energy and the work of the new "experts" and the numerous parent support organizations, do we have profiles of the different groups of kids drawn into this and any data about what works for those different sub-types? Do we have any evidence of anything that will keep a child from estranging? Anything that gets through to rigid, indoctrinated, fixated boys? Or to socially awkward, vulnerable, neurodivergent girls? So few detransitioners are willing to speak out — for good reason given the animosity. Fewer parents of detransitioners speak up. Almost no desisters or their parents. We are on information lock-down. Take away the devices, pull the child from public schools — those work with some kids and result in estrangement for others. We are told to build the relationship because there is really nothing else we can do that is a given. Wait for the child to do whatever medical harm they are driven (and encouraged by clinicians) to do and hope he/she comes to his/her senses. Calls to take legal action, but on what basis? Good luck finding an attorney who will take on anything but the most egregious and obvious case of medical harm (and then watch those cases drag out for years with an uncertain outcome). I see more conversation in the public sphere, but no real movement. Just people who believe this dangerous nonsense digging in deeper, with ever more insane condemnation of those who dare question the prevailing insanity.
I greatly value PITT for providing this space and serving as an incredible record of the tremendous harm. I appreciate the stories of hope and renewal. But it's also a reminder of the suffering of our families, with no end in sight.
The only thing that will stop them from ghosting you is telling them you will still love them if they medicalize.
All of us parents look for some magic conversion that will turn the tide. Some sliver of hope. When my kids were little I’d tell them I love you, I don’t like this action (whatever it may be). I find myself basically saying the same thing now.
Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. Continue your investment of time & love. Hoping for him to wake up. So, so sad. 🥰🥰
This is so heartbreaking...Bless you, for supporting your sister and her family. Speaking from personal experience, it is a devastating betrayal, to have a sibling "affirm" your child.
We understand the terror and trauma too well, of not knowing where your child is, or how he or she is doing. It's a form of state-condoned kidnapping that makes you question a lot about your country.
I would suggest that you and your nephew's parents comb the social media sites for his presence--Reddit is where we found our daughter, and discovered how deeply she had fallen into this and other toxic beliefs. Here is the link you would use: ("MtF" is Male-to-Female.) Look around and see if any of the posts sound like your missing nephew, or if any of the user names look familiar to you. Since it's where I started (and was successful finding our daughter), Reddit is where I stopped. (I know there are other websites where the trans crowd hangs out--just haven't had time to dig into them.)
Reddit also has a "detrans" page, in case any other readers have a child who's incommunicado, and you have reason to think they might be regaining their sanity : .
Those are places to start--unfortunately there are no easy answers here, since the institutions we would rely on for help, have been weaponized against us and our beautiful children.
I wish you and your sister, her son and her family, all the very best--stay strong and don't give up!
I'll say both of those subreddits are a rough thing to read. One has the folks despondent about the changes they made to their bodies when they thought they were trans. The other is a mix of crazed "euphoria" or venting that straight guys don't want to date them. It would be nice if the media, would read them instead of just cribbing the lies out of the dysphoria bible.
I got blocked from MTF subreddit. Lol. They didn’t like the facts and science I put out.
I was blocked because I refused to say trans women were the same as cis women. I wanted to scream I don't have a prostate, moron! but I controlled myself. Didn't matter.
You mean that you wrote something about biology , like “ sex is binary , always has been, always will be.” ?
Perhaps you got blocked for telling the truth?
Anything that isn't 100% affirmation is "trans genocide."
Yes, this runs against the narrative that there's an exponential (really logarithmic) increase in trans identity because everyone is so accepting now.
The "media," like our other institutions, has been made a de facto tool of the state, to the degree that most people trust them about as much as they do politicians. They need to be made irrelevant, and be replaced by the brave, outspoken individuals going outside of the system who've dared risking their careers, by questioning all of this. Substack definitely helps with this process.
On reflection, as I've thought about it a bit. I think Western media is more about ideology and driving readers and viewers. Especially people who post about it on social media. Engagement is the metric to sell that advertising. We get fed stuff that drives "Engagement" whichever side that is.
Indeed. Why don’t they? Ugh. Publish
What a wonderful uncle you are to care enough to not confirm him in his dysphoria, and to reach out to all of us with your story. These stories are poignant and tearjerking, but they must be told. I will tell mine soon.
Oh my God. Their only child whom they only dreamt would ever exist during years of infertility and now gone again and lost and feeling like falling down an endless and abrupt cliff. How would I not sympathize and my heart not break. I went through the infertility rollercoaster for ten years during which I was able and incredibly blessed with three children. But the last two i have not seen since before Christmas, six months.
And my messages receive a rare thank you reply from a lost thirteen year old bird fallen off her nest. Her older sister, trans, is holding her hostage ideologically in another country, the UK, with the help of a school and social services, and her older brother who is also ideologically captured.
Hard to fathom how strong a grip this has & that it is yet another heartbreaking story. I think I am numb at this point. 2 years in & my ties have been severed. Do not recognize the person my son has become
Keep up those little messages. Helena in a former post advised that we likely cannot reach them on this until they start to see it is not working for them, but we can give little messages, not too much, so that, when they are ready, our dear young people may feel that we do want them and are ready to see them.
My son turned 18 and concurrent decided he is a woman and will have nothing to do with me over not affirming to prescription. I hope we'll be able to reconnect when he is open to it.
Thanks for writing. It made me cry.