A small consolation I know. You are not alone. My son is also 25. I wish I could meet you and hug you face to face.

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My heart breaks for you all!

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Heartbreaking! How many more sons and daughters must be sacrificed at the altar of Trans? Transgender must be eradicated from society, the word should be banned, it is a plague affecting us all! Our youth are being used for the Revolution to overthrow much of the western world. God help us all! Stand for Truth and Beauty! Speak out against this terrible idea pathogen.

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Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes. Our 17 year old came out to us 10 months ago. He has only told online friends and immediate family (that I'm aware of). His dad and I do not call him by his 'chosen' name or pronouns. He will go off to college in a little over a year. This has me scared and keeps me up night. I so admire the bravery of those who have been in this fight for years. Most days it breaks me.

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Thank you for sharing. My daughter is also 25 and tansgendered...almost 4 years ago..she recently had her top surgery last July. I feel your pain and struggle with this daily. Ripped our family in two. Finding strength in God and the wisdom to move forward. 🙏

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to share your family's story! It is all too familiar.

My daughter was 17 when she told me she was really my son. When I didn't accept that, she actually used the line "would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son!"

I think really good care would include the family. We have to be able to explain how our children hadn't shown any gender questioning until they made their big announcement. There need to be some big changes in mental health care!

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The WPATH guidelines actually include a full mental health work up. People aren't following them at all, they go right to affirmation. I think it's a mix of fear of being attacked by the TRA folks who can be really scary, and for some a belief that they're doing the right thing by affirming, because they've not really looked into the situation (the 4000% increase in people seeking medical care in the last decade for example) and think that trans ID is still rare, and not socially contagious.

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WPATH is the problem, it needs to be seen for what it really is, as only an organization for furthering the transgender ideology. There is no such thing as transgender, we are either male or female. What needs to be addressed is why a person is unable to accept themselves as they were born.

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Another devastating story. How many...

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Re the library refusing to order this, if they are in the UK I suggest you escalate it upwards to the local authority. They would be be to by it from a wholesaler and tonight like to tell them it’s crucial for their social services section and you will take it up with the authority as a form of censorship. It’s now 8 on the Sunday Times bestsellers list.

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Thanks for sharing! The college influence sounds too familiar. They might have helped our son transition all the way had he not left at the end of his third year with a groomer on Tumblr. When I cleaned his apartment I found a paper written on gender theory. I had no idea the indoctrination that was happening back in 2014. The university was eager to get him on hormones after setting him up with an endocrinologist. There is no doubt that there is an evil agenda at play.

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Wow, that is shocking

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When did giving someone life altering medication become the first line of defense? It’s all been said before but the powers that be aren’t listening. Real therapy is a long and grueling process that takes years to help undo years of trauma, stress and just life. When will this madness end and how many vulnerable people will be sacrificed?

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Children and young people need to be "pried away" from social media platforms and porn sites. If Satan (or an enemy state) had devised a way of breaking up society in the west he could not have devised a better method than the "identitarian horror" which these virtual places are peddling.

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i blame bill gates, and microsoft placing "free" computers in all schools as a means to help the poor and underprivileged. Schools could have handed everyone crack and we probably would have had the same results. We are currently in a social dilemma (watch the movie) where 1984 meets handmaid's tale, meets dopesick. This is a direct marketing to children and parents (sadly many have drunk the kool-aid.

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"...an LGBTQ course to fulfill a graduation requirement."

This kind of nonsense makes me very glad I went to college thirty years ago.

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my daughter had to take an lgbtq in education class. now she is a very good "ally" to a medical scandal.

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I raised a gay son and I thank God everyday that he’s no longer in school ( never thought I’d say that) because I KNOW that some stranger (teacher, school counselor) would have told him that he’s really a she! No, he’s just a gay man. Period.

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I have three brothers, the oldest of whom is gay. But he's a man, no doubt!

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It’s all so archaic- the ridiculous stereotypes being reinforced on a generation of kids. Men can and do like “feminine “ things and visa versa. Who would have thought that in 2023 men who happen to like the color pink would be told to mutilate and castrate themselves?

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John Wayne wore a pink shirt in several westerns. It's just a color.

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Looks like they’re doing everything possible to get to vulnerable kids!

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They don't even wait for college. It now begins in kindergarten. Fortunately for me, I attended kindergarten in 1959!

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So sad. It seems to me, after viewing several cases of mental illness's and trans peoples reports that most of them have been isolated from society due to their internet and computer activities. I'm beginning to wonder if the isolation is not the key factor in the end result. The health advise is always to transgender but possibly not the right solution. People need to speak out about this atrocity. Thank you for speaking out.

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I’ve noticed this with my son. Online school during Covid did a number on

him. However, when we are able to get him out to do things, we start to see the old him coming back. Then he goes back to his room to his dark place. We (my husband and I) just keep trying to find new things/experiences to keep him busy. I start feeling like a cruise/entertainment director. But it is worth it, if there is even a possibility of it helping.

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We all understand your pain - your story is much like my sister’s story and her struggle with her son, except we do not know if he is taking hormones. He left home 6 months ago and we believe he is still in the sane state as my sister but that could change and we would not know right away. He struggled his last year of high school as well and was obsessed with the internet. I pray for him daily and hope that he will return unscathed. This trans cult is out to rob and steal our children and I am hopeful with the increasing media coverage exposing the lies and truth thru whistleblowers, lawsuits, and advocates that our children will be saved.

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I pray too. But it seems like this cult of crazies just keep doubling down! It’s absolute madness.

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As a mother of a teen boy, I share your pain. Our sons leave to college and fall prey to this cruel insanity. Young adults are so vulnerable too.

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