If society has learned anything from the disasters of chopping down rainforests or tampering with the delicate ecosystems of wetlands, grasslands, coral reefs, forests, and a multitude of other habitats and natural treasures of planet Earth, it is this: when we upset the balance of an ecosystem, it leads to harm and destruction. If you generally agree that nature needs our protection, you might appreciate how this essay expands the view of nature to include our bodies. If you somehow missed the memo that we need to protect our air, soil, rivers, oceans, trees, plants, and animal food chains, this essay might push the boundaries of your thinking.
So how did some people lose their minds and their understanding of nature when it comes to the human body? How is it that a small group of people, with apparently suspicious or nefarious reasons, can decide that the human body should be completely altered and forced to endure chopping and tampering—and that this would work out all right for our children?
Did these people, some of whom are doctors, forget their Hippocratic Oath of “Do No Harm”, thinking that giving a girl testosterone or a boy estrogen is a good idea or even ethical? Do they truly believe that blocking puberty in children is harmless? How can they sleep at night after having concluded it was okay to remove healthy body parts like breasts and reproductive organs, irreversibly harming children and young adults and usually sterilizing them?
Gender ideology and the gender industry behind it profit from this destruction of our youth and it has gone on for too long.
In the past, those who wanted to save trees were given the derogatory name “tree hugger.” The Oxford Dictionary defines tree hugger as an environmental campaigner (used in reference to the practice of embracing a tree in an attempt to prevent it from being felled).
I would like to propose a new term to describe parents who are fighting to prevent their children from being prescribed cross-sex hormones and undergoing surgical modifications that will harm all their bodily systems and balances and deform their beautiful, natural bodies. My new term is Kid Hugger, defined as a parent who is attempting to prevent their child from the harm caused by “Gender Medicine” and perpetuated by organizations with alliances and agendas, such as trans activists, the pharmaceutical industry, and all those who have gotten on the “trans” bandwagon.
For those who are not well-read in this medical scandal or who are confused by the whole subject of gender ideology, I suggest reading this essay that outlines the perfect storm that got us where we are today.
Caring, concerned people need to wake up! If you are actively participating in this atrocity, please get out now and make amends. If you are just looking in the other direction because it doesn’t impact you directly, that, too, must stop. Turn toward what is going on and say something or do something. Your social justice motivations to include and love everyone might have been understandable years ago, but the evidence of harm is now clear.
Whistleblowers are popping up from every space in which kids have been harmed, and they are telling the public what is happening. A multitude of detransitioners are sharing their stories of how they were sucked into this ideology and managed to escape. Read the Cass Review or the WPATH files. All excuses for participating in or silently supporting this tragedy are no longer appropriate.
I realize that the Sunk Cost Fallacy, our tendency to continue with an endeavor or stand with a movement that we’ve invested money, effort, or time into, might be difficult to overcome, but overcome it you must. If you can’t hug a kid, hug a parent who is working hard to prevent the harm of a child, or hug a parent who lost their kid to this ideology and is grieving. Or hug a detransitioner who has been hurt and is trying to heal. Or hug a confused kid on the brink of making irreversible changes to their body and future health and guide them away from the danger. Help them love themselves again.
Learn all you can about the subject of gender ideology and participate in some way to bring sanity back to our world. Scan a list of resources and start reading, listening, and watching to learn more and advocate for the cessation of gender ideology.
Nature and kids can be resilient if given a chance and if the harm hasn’t been taken too far. We live in a time when our actions toward the Earth and our kids could go either way: continued harm or healing. Are you participating in the destruction of nature or the destruction of our kids and their futures? The time is now to take a stand. If you live in California, join Protect Kids CA. Other states, like Colorado and New York, are creating similar sites. Let’s hope all 50 states will join in protecting kids soon!
If you are a Democrat, join Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender. If you are a woman, join Women’s Declaration International. That is a start, and there are plenty more organizations, depending on your party affiliation, the state in which you live, and your place in life and community. Thank you for standing with parents (Kid Huggers) to protect kids and standing with women to protect their rights.
Lisa Shultz advocates for parents and women’s rights and is deeply concerned about the harm being perpetrated on children and vulnerable adults. She is the author of The Trans Train: A Parent’s Perspective on Transgender Medicalization and Ideology.
For more on this author.
I love the idea of calling ourselves "kid huggers" to show how much we truly care about all children, not just our own! The evils of "gender ideology" must be stopped !!
Thank you for this very thoughtful essay. As a biological psychologist, I agree with you 100% that the human body can be viewed as an integrated ecosystem which, by the way, is embedded in an integrated external ecosystem. They are inextricable. Further, it is impossible to tinker with one small component of these integrated systems and not to damage to other interconnected components. That's why all medications have unwanted side effects just as all (even well-meaning) perturbations of the external ecosystem — for instance, introducing a new predator — always have unforeseen deleterious consequences. Misunderstanding this complexity has in great part led to the dilemma you're addressing. Thank you again for your thoughtful essay. Sincerely, Frederick