Bravo, you linked the environment issue to the human environment issue, probably to appeal certain bracket of the population. The thing is you also support women rights and usually when we talk about women rights are talking about women to have the right to abortion, no as women as human beings. And putting different unresolved topics together may be misleading. I like to separate everything not put all in the same bag. I don't know if that is your case and I am not accusing you of doing that but just clarifying. I am all for protect humans first so I do not think that a woman neither a man should decide if another human being have the right to live or not (abortion). In some cultures women do not have the right to decide if they can have their babies and their governments or husband/men in general have the right over women to make them abort and women fight for their rights to protect their babies in the womb, we in the west have all wrong, that right is not a right but a pushed agenda of human extermination. We are barbaric not sophisticate, specially if women see how an abortion is performed. I did so I know, not that I needed any convincing when you are a rational woman you understand that countries should be setting in place ways to protect a woman who in ignorance of biology got pregnant at the same time teach more biology and less sex, responsibility would be a good idea too, but still if in the rare case that an "unwanted" pregnancy happens it should be some support. We are sending billions of money to help to continue with wars that are not "our" wars, I guess we can help women to get in the right track again and a pregnancy should be an obstacle at all.

I also support all the environmental causes that have sense. I don't like pollution, or garbage in the streets, neither humans excrements or fesses. All human beings, specially in a rich country like this that have so much money to send oversees, should have a place to live. Period. I do not like chemical engineering, all the planes that pollute OUR skies with chemicals for the so called, weather modification, also I do not like the injustice of the West carbon print when China and other huge countries like India do no have the same policies. Why do we have to pay to breath while most half of the world don't? But I will tell you what another thing the East has NOT- transgenderism or a transgender agenda. Do you think that this is aleatory? How many Chinese or Indian children who do not live in America wants to be from the opposite sex? NONE!

This is by design, wake up people. There is a war against the West and its destruction. It is time that the West reacts but being more assertive in the values that created the West Civilization in the first place, one of the more unique civilization in the world, in which used to be PEACE, because to live in peace with other countries was important and collaboration with other countries so those can prosper too, to not be injured by politics of any kind, respect for others and their private property, equal opportunities, government transparency, congressmen who represent the interests of the people, and politics that secure the well being of the citizens not their harm, you get the picture. (I believe that doctors do not have to do the Oath any longer, but I am not completely sure where do I read that). Anyway I support all the people who are fighting back this diabolical agenda of transgenderism and try to support the children of America and the rest of the West. I will continue speaking out too because my vagina hurts every time I remember the gender regret humans talking about having vagina plastic surgery (men) and what do they have to do to keep it out open, and that never will be able to have an orgasm because if they have one is so painful, that is what happens when you mess up with nature. Much worst , there are out there people who talk kids into this, kids who do not know nothing about life. I make them responsables, all the adults around these victims. It is a freak show now but this started many decades ago slowly and now it is like a pandemic. I know personally five cases, it was inimaginable ten years ago so we know that are "social mechanisms in place".

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well that's a word salad and a half! I understood absolutely none of it.

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It is a federal and state offense to disturb, mutilate, destroy or harass a sand turtle. If only children received this much protection from ambitious activists, doctors and psychiatrists. I support protecting the environment, but priorities, please!

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Personally I think sand turtles are cute enough to justify such protection, but so are kids!

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The heartbreaking stories of detransitioners should be printed and casually left in bathrooms, waiting rooms, libraries, and subways for people to stumble upon. People are sleepwalking and need to wake up to the horror of gender affirming butchery.

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Great post.

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Can’t thank you enough for all the links to resources & as always, makes perfect sense to me, the converted. But I am at pains to spread the word. My own family don’t ’get it’ Even after 3 years of conversations with my mother she said just yesterday that ‘they are just born that way & if never came to light until puberty’ This, after talking to her friend who is a mental health nurse. I just get pitiful looks from people who shake their heads in sympathy & say ‘it must be so hard to accept, but accept it you must, he is your child’. Exhausting.

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That happened to me 4 years ago when I started sharing our story with people after one year of the insanity. So many said "You need to love your child for whoever he/she turns out to be." Today? I would say - "Go f-ck yourself. You have no idea what you are saying, besides the fact that you are implying that my love is conditional and my pain is not worthy of your empathy."

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Hahaha you sound like me, I guess we have nothing more to lose at this point. I just quit my job

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Congrats!! I wish you continued success!!!

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deletedMay 23
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Ugh…me too…I vote with my feet, but then I berate myself for being weak & non confrontational. But some people are so blind, it’s exhausting trying to explain.

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deletedMay 24
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..gosh it’s hard isn’t it.

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> Did these people, some of whom are doctors, forget their Hippocratic Oath of “Do No Harm”, thinking that giving a girl testosterone or a boy estrogen is a good idea or even ethical?

The Hippocratic Oath has not been a part of modern medical training for a long time now, in no small part due to the way the Oath specifically forbids modern practices such as euthanasia and abortion.

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Not supporting abortion is just as bad as supporting TRAs! No half-way on rights and freedoms, either we get them all or we are all crushed by evil. DO NOT COMPROMISE!!!

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That's one mind twisting mixed, strained analogy! Both environmentalism and gender ideology have the same toxic ideological sources, rooted in Marxism, and the same posthumanist goal. Both tend to be wrapped with "be kind" ribbon.

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This is not correct! While some radical environmentalists are definitely Marxist agitators, environmentalism itself comes from the same scientific place as being against "trans." In fact, denying environmentalism is basically identical to "trans!"

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Not the way I see environmentalism. Do you care about the condition of the environment and how it affects you, your children or maybe grandchildren? Do you see environmental degradation where you live, such as destruction of natural habitats, polluted rivers or lakes, or poor air quality? Do you care about preserving natural resources? Do you ever visit parks or spend time outdoors? If you do, then you care about the environment.

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Thank you for this. We are nature, not separate. And thank you for mentioning the sunk cost fallacy; I needed that reminder for why so many people are digging in their heels in the face of the mounting evidence.

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HUG A KID!!!!! Brilliant. You wrote "If you can’t hug a kid, hug a parent who is working hard to prevent the harm of a child, or hug a parent who lost their kid to this ideology and is grieving. Or hug a detransitioner who has been hurt and is trying to heal. Or hug a confused kid on the brink of making irreversible changes to their body and future health and guide them away from the danger. Help them love themselves again." This is so powerful. Yes, please get involved. Doing NOTHING is not helping. I agree with you that we are at crossroads with nature and the future of our children. Thery can both heal or both be destroyed.

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where are the links to the specific peer-reviewed(?) articles in the literature that are supposed to demonstrate the statistics about suicide? are there truly no statistics about detransitioners?

however, this book provides indepth and gory details about how the various sectors of the medical field now put profits first: https://www.c-span.org/video/?426394-2/after-words-elisabeth-rosenthal

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it occurs to me that teens who have been helicoptered latch on to the trans idea as a way to psychologically differentiate and separate from their parents, as a way to become independent and 'adult.'

biology recognizes 2 types of reproductive strategies, K and r. the r strategy is typical of species that produce large quantities of seeds and practice little or no kid care, like reptiles and many plants. the K strategy is typical of species that produce small numbers of offspring and practice assiduous and longterm kid care, like many mammals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R/K_selection_theory

K and r strategies define the extremes of a continuum where many species are found somewhere in between. within the human species, we find r strategies benefit survival in situations of hardship, while K strategies work better in stable sufficient situations.

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Thank you for this very thoughtful essay. As a biological psychologist, I agree with you 100% that the human body can be viewed as an integrated ecosystem which, by the way, is embedded in an integrated external ecosystem. They are inextricable. Further, it is impossible to tinker with one small component of these integrated systems and not to damage to other interconnected components. That's why all medications have unwanted side effects just as all (even well-meaning) perturbations of the external ecosystem — for instance, introducing a new predator — always have unforeseen deleterious consequences. Misunderstanding this complexity has in great part led to the dilemma you're addressing. Thank you again for your thoughtful essay. Sincerely, Frederick

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You are so right about the nature around us and the nature within us. www.gapsdiet.com is one of the most successful diets, and it is based on the best available research on how our internal microbiome is so similar to our external environment.

God Bless

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This is beautiful. Thank you so much for mentioning WDI.

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I love the idea of calling ourselves "kid huggers" to show how much we truly care about all children, not just our own! The evils of "gender ideology" must be stopped !!

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I'm not sure "kid hugger" has the best optics, but I do think your analogy is a very good one.

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