I’ll respect your opinion only if it aligns with mine…this is the new way conversations are being shaped under the façade of “LGBTQIA+ Political Correctness”. When the “Trans Army” is confronted with a differing opinion, they aggressively go on the attack. There seems to be no room for any opposition or any idea that puts a seed of doubt into the brainwashed minds of those in the “gender dysphoria” community. Even the “regretters” are attacked and thrown out with yesterday’s garbage!
To dare speak about underlying issue’s such as bipolar, depression, sexual abuse, emotional intensity, and a multitude of other mental health disturbances as a plausible factor in the manifestation of “gender dysphoria” sends the Trans community into a full blown meltdown. The verbal, written, social, and mainstream media attacks are like walking into a room full of screaming demons with razor-sharp knives, slashing at you unmercifully until you either cave to their will and rhetoric or you drop to the floor in a bloody mess of pieces and parts, no longer appearing even close to human form! Either way you fall, their attack leaves you painfully damaged and scarred. The questions you need to ask yourself are “will I rise up and continue speaking my truth? Or will I go quietly into the dark and shut the fuck up?”, and “is this fight for my child worth the pain and scars? Or is this just a losing battle I’ll die continuing to fight?”.
I for one will not lie down or slink off into the darkness. I am currently diving deep into research on the subject of gender dysphoria and the mental health issues causing its manifestation. The depths to which the Trans army agenda has gone to suppress the truth— about the reality of cross-sex hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery NOT being the appropriate treatment for the majority of those suffering from gender dysphoria—is astonishing, and I consider it pure emotional and physical abuse of those they claim to fight for. They have gone so far off track as to allow those suffering this difficult disorder to treat themselves through online Trans Healthcare without a prescription or a diagnosis. Not one thought that maybe, just maybe, this individual might be suffering from an underlying problem needing to be addressed prior to fulfilling his/her desire to look like he/she feels. Maybe unhealthy people shouldn’t make life altering decisions which cannot be reversed? Novel thought I know, but it seems this kind of thinking is transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, and a direct attack against the LGBTQIA+ community. So here I go into the room of demons to battle another bloody day!
Who in their right or healthy mind could possibly believe taking hormones and mutilating perfectly functioning God-given genitalia will turn you into the opposite gender!
I’ll tell you who: those having a political agenda to convert ill people into an activist army; those doctors and surgeons filling their pockets with unnecessary mutilation money; those politicians pretending to be woke to hide the multitudes of cash falling out of their stuffed pockets; those clinics and hospitals lining ill people up like cattle to the slaughter house for mutilation to plump their bottom line; those non-profit organizations receiving donations by the hundreds-of-thousands and possibly millions to assist these poor lost souls bullied for their dysphoria—yet very little money is spent on helping anyone except their own real estate portfolio and enormous salaries as well as their extravagant activist trips! And the kicker here is none of it helps the folx become anything but a facade of a man or woman parading around in their persona of a supposed “true identity”, with a damaged body, on hormones for the rest of their lives, and sterile, with zero ability to repair themselves should “regret” creep in. If this is not considered mental health abuse, I do not know what IS!
I say SHAME on everyone of you involved in this irreversible treatment and every activist promoting bullshit “affirmation”! Each one of you who lead an ill soul to the slaughter house of cross-sex hormone therapy or reassignment surgery prior to a deep dive into any underlying issue they may be experiencing should be stripped of your degrees, forced to pay restitution not only to the “regretter”, but to the families and friends who suffer deep emotional trauma, and forced to put the truth posted for everyone to see on the media wall of shame for quackery in Healthcare!
This Mama Bear will ferociously attack anyone who leads my child into a life of regret and remorse. I can promise you I will not stop until each one of you—friend or foe—is publicly exposed for the evil, immoral demon you are!
For more on this author.
I am as anti-affirmative care as you can be, I don't even believe there are magical unicorns for whom it is the right treatment but... I think we should try to be more careful in the way we think and talk about regret. Saying that they have "zero ability to repair themselves" does not fully align with detransitioners stories. Depending on how far they went down transition path, their bodies recover to some extent, many are not infertile and go on to have children. Some (I don't know if it is many or few) seem to repair themselves and find peace of mind. I have great respect for their strength and don't want to insult them with pity. They do, however, absolutely deserve reparations. I dream and pray that one day all transmedicine centers will close and in their place detrans centers will reopen that offer people evidence -based , scientific help in repairing their minds and bodies (fully funded by the pharma and doctors who caused this mess).
The entire house of cards is built on the premise that an internal gender identity exists, is unchangeable, exists from birth, and can only be observed or measured by the individual who has the identity. If one accepts this premise, everything else follows - of course children should be encouraged to transition as early as possible, of course people should be allowed to legally change their sex, of course people shouldn’t be kept from changing areas or restrooms or sports teams, of course non-affirming therapy is cruel conversion therapy, of course non-affirming parents aren’t accepting you and should be cut off. Any suggestion that a transgender identity could have a cause, could involve an element of choice, or could change threatens everything built on it and therefore has to be attacked. The great bait and switch is to present these premises as facts that can’t be questioned, then every other argument becomes easy to win if you can distract people from questioning the premises. This is why they go after detransitioners so hard - it threatens everything to hear that a person genuinely believed they were transgender and then came to believe they were not