Well how unexpected. Feminists cause the problem then deny all responsibility. They said 'gender is a social construct'. Which means it can be reconstructed any way you like. That was feminists did that. And as for which flavour- well, they're all well past their sell-by date. Feminism achieved its legitimate objectives thirty years ago. If you want to slow the trans madness, the first step must be to remove toxic feminist ideology from society and especially from education. Simple.

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How unexpected, a man wants to tell women what we should want, and, surprise!, what we should want is to all be financially dependent on men and therefore have to do whatever men tell us to do, and not have any unique personality or ambitions or desires of our own (except what our generous husbands deem fit to allow us). Our lives should be devoted to working for our husbands and taking full responsibility for the children so that men are freed up to live the full lives they deserve with the freedom to do whatever they want. Oh, and we should be happy about it or we are rejecting femininity. And somehow the fact that we don’t like this and want better for ourselves and our daughters now means that we are at fault for transgenderism? We don’t solve this problem by enforcing rigid gender roles and stereotypes so that people who don’t feel willing or able to conform to them feel they have to try to change their gender in order to be able to be themselves. We solve this by having LESS strict gender roles, and understanding that a girl who wants to be a CEO or an engineer is still a girl, and a boy who likes pink and wants to be a dancer is still a boy, and that everyone should be able to be themselves with their own preferences, interests, and ambitions and it’s impossible for these to be incompatible with their sex.

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Thank you so much. Their titantic is sinking.

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Have you actually watched any Hollywood films made in the last decade? Read any books? If your claims were ever true, that was decades ago. Today, men are portrayed either as bumbling fools or downright evil. In every walk of life, women are advanced over men - except maybe plumbing. But there is nothing -- nothing -- feminism hates more than motherhood, which is of course. 'compliance in women's own oppression'. But here's a thing: women are evolved to have babies. When you tell girls they can't and they should have a 'career' - by which you actually mean wage-slavery till you drop - instead of preparing their bottom drawer, you get today's train wreck. And feminists told boys that all men were r*pists, that there was no lower thing than being a man - especially a white one - that masculinity was somehow 'wrong' and that they should be ashamed - for being men. That boys were 'defective girls'. And you wonder why they're gender-confused? Feminism took from young girls and boys their raison d'etre, in fact, their very humanity, in the name of a resprayed form of Communism no less hideous than the previous and now it shirks responsibility for the resulting mess. Well, it's their mess, not ours.

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Where did I say, or even suggest, that, or anything like it, in any of my writing or videos? Never. Don't traduce me.

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Perhaps. But feminism is still responsible for the trans crisis. Look around the world: where feminism has not infected society, no trans crisis. I am fully familiar with Raymond's work, you don't need to mention it again. Same goes for all the others of her ilk.

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The trans movement is one of the most misogynistic and anti-feminist things I’ve ever seen. Men who believe that the only important things about a woman are hair, makeup, and clothes, men who believe that being a woman is all about being a sex object, men taking over women’s spaces and protections, men demanding that women have sex with them whether they are interested or not, men performing gross caricatures of women and saying they are better at being women than women are, and girls being told that if they want to be more than this, they can’t actually be women and must cut off body parts and give up their sexuality.

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this is all pushed by WEF like globalists as part of a depopulation agenda . they control the media and NGO's completely .

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I totally agree. This is a hill I am willing to die on. Why do we treat people struggling with who they are this way? No one in the medical community or counseling community would ever give credence to any one who had 4 perfectly functioning limbs, that thought they actually believed they should only have 3 or 2 and the others needed to be removed because they needed to be who they truly FELT they should be. How is this any different? It's not! IT'S AN AGENDA!!!

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Think about all the plastic surgeons who alter bodies and faces. Some are altered for medical reasons, some for appearances, some for vanity, and some for just plain old greed.

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They're religious fanatics using cultish language techniques to maintain control over their membership. And they want to impose total control over government and society. I don't wish to live in ANY theocracy, thanks!

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By far one of my favorite essays. SHAME on all these greedy bastards indeed!

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they really just want to sterilize us as some sort of depopulation agenda . the whole LGBT and aortion agenda all march the same way . to prevent reproduction .

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I agree with the depopulation as an agenda, but the backers are rooted in globalism not LGB

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LGBT is a tool of the globalist, just like trans is

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Thank you! Shame shall prayerfully follow them like a dark shadow.

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YES! Well said- and It really does feel like a room full of demons. We are living in a time of true evil manifesting through this movement.

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I know I have many wounds from this movement. Some are scars now, but some are still open and oozing!

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SHAME is the right word. SHAME.

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No one's denying thier existence. It is the reality that they are NOT the opposite sex that they won't accept and are trying to make the world buy into thier delusions.

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Dear mom thank you very much for your words. I will go this way with you. Best regards

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Put your armor on Brigitte! It's a painful journey

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Go mama!!! Don’t ever stop fighting or trusting your sanity!!! You are seeing clearly. Extremely clearly !!! Every fiber of my being knows you are right.

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You really have a lot to learn before you comment further. For example, you conflate 'sex' and 'gender'. Sex is innate and cannot be changed, gender is largely performed. (See Judith Butler). Nobody takes hormones to 'change their sex' they do it to enhance their performance of the gender they desire to present in.

Now while you are right and particularly amongst girls, the current youth trans epidemic is completely out of proportion with reality (non-homosexual ftm was insignificant until 2010) and that it is already causing great harm, as some of us warned five years ago now, there are still genuine transsexuals. Sorry, there just are and nothing you can do will gainsay that. If you persuade legislatures to prevent professionals from treating them, they'll go on the international market and source them there. It is very easy and cheap to do.

People need to recognise the fundamental cause of trans, especially amongst girls: it is feminism. Get rid of feminism and things will improve.

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You silly girls need to let men be your overlords again and things will improve.

Right. Women not wanting to be the property of their husbands, brothers, or fathers is the cause of the current gender cult. Women wanting the right to think for ourselves, to have career choices outside of housewife, secretary, nurse, or teacher has caused the rise of the gender cult.

Liberal "feminism" may have supported the rise of the gender cult, but it didn't cause it. In any case, liberal "feminism" is not feminism. You would like liberal "feminism." Its adherents are more concerned with not offending penis-havers than they are with protecting women's rights.

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I believe it’s just the opposite. Rigid gender roles that tell kids that all girls must act a certain, stereotypical way or all boys must act a certain, stereotypical way, misogynistic society where all the interesting and active characters are boys and the girls are just window dressing, society that values girls only for their appearance and acts as if they are worthless if they don’t conform to the way they are “supposed” to look - it’s no wonder that so many kids feel unwilling or unable to fulfill the expectations society has for their gender and just decide to opt out. Feminism is exactly what these girls need to combat the internalized misogyny that leads them to believe that being a girl is something to treat with derision.

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So women wanting to work, have bank accounts, and to be counted as whole persons in the eye of the law is causing mentally ill men who cannot stand being ignored to dress up as women to get attention? And women are to blame. Right.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Feminism is not responsible for male fetishes and paraphilias. Men need to take responsibility for their behavior and stop blaming women for their perversions. Just stay the h*ll out of women's single-sex spaces, categories, and competitions. As I have said, Janice Raymond, a lesbian feminist professor at the U of Mass wrote the book, The Transsexual Empire, in 1979, warning of the danger of trans and women and radical feminists have been threatened, abused, and de-platformed ever since for calling it out. And leave children alone to grow up w/o trans indoctrination.

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Bloody powerful! Thumbs up! I can see you firing up parents to stop being brainwashed into accepting this crap! Phenomenal!!! They are like demons with knives; it's their way or the highway!

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Hopefully parents, grandparents, friends and family will stand up for those sucked into this world!

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