“It’s a boy!” cries the doctor when on my chest he is placed. He’s perfect. He’s loved. He’s our beautiful boy.
He devours books on dinosaurs and gathers “Beanies” for battles. Reading and playing in imagined great castles. He’s our beautiful boy.
Pine cones while camping became props as his warriors. Orchestrated music accompanied with wonder. He’s our beautiful boy.
Marine biology later fills up his sweet head. Book after book spread upon his small bed. He’s our beautiful boy.
Stories of missionaries got his attention. “One day I will be one,” he exclaimed with a passion. He’s our beautiful boy.
Piano music and humming filled our old little house. Entertaining and calming, I can still hear the sounds. He’s our beautiful boy.
Boffers were crafted from pipes, noodles, and tape. Battles with brothers were fought without hate. He’s our beautiful boy.
Satan’s minions inscribed through flashy bright screens, drove thoughts of self hatred, and deception they schemed. He’s our beautiful boy.
“You are trapped in the wrong body! We can fix this,” they lie.
Stop this poison! He’s our beautiful boy.
An evil man enters with lust in his veins, “I will take you from your family for unsafe they remain.” God gently whispers, when I think of his fate, “He’s MY beautiful boy”.
“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel; ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.’” Isaiah 43:1
Your beautiful boy sounds just like ours. We share your pain.
Overcome with tears. Lord bring them all safely home.